Cristina Grieco

President of INDIRE

Cristina Grieco is president of INDIRE and she was appointed Councilor of the Minister of Education Prof. Patrizio Bianchi with responsibility for relations with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces on ITS, technical and professional supply chain, adult skills and school sizing.

She is a former councilor for education in the Tuscany Region, she is a school principal at the Liceo Statale Francesco Cecioni in Livorno. From 2015 to 2020 she is in the Rossi junta of the Tuscany Region as a councilor with responsibility for education, training and labor and coordinates at the national level the ninth commission in the Conference of Regions. She is also the President of the Techno-structure of the Regions for the ESF and Vice-President of Earlall (European association of regions and local autonomies for lifelong learning).