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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Urban Law takes an approach to the urban and suburban environment and looks at the land, the institutions that make up an urban region and the areas of municipal governance, environmental regulation, provision of infrastructural and social services, management of growth, and the management of fiscal resources.


Knowledge of administrative law I.

Course programme

1) Constitutional law (art. 42 Cost. - Titolo V Cost.).
2) City Planning: general principles. Development charges. Function and powers of the municipality.
3) Building plans and building code
4) Administrative acts for building and building permit;
5) Control and sanction
6) Cultural and Heritage.
7) Responsability and competence of architect
8) Project of pubblic buildings and carryng out
9)Realization of pubblic work, direction of work and testing.

Didactic methods

Theoretical/practical lessons.

Learning assessment procedures

oral examination

Reference texts

Fabio Dani, Discipline giuridiche per l'Architettura,Territorio, Pianificazione, Opere Pubbliche, Giappichelli ed, 2013, p.320
Benedetto Graziosi (a cura di): La pianificazione Urbanistica in Emilia Romagna, IPSOA, 2007, pagg. da 1 a 38 e da 85 a 224;
Supplement fascicle in the web-site.
For you own knoledge:Nicola Assini: Diritto Urbanistico, CEDAM, 2007;
G.C. Mengoli, Manuale di diritto urbanistico, ed. Giuffrè, Milano 2003;
R. Garofoli, M. A. Sandulli, Il nuovo diritto degli appalti pubblici, ed. Giuffrè, Milano, 2005.
The handouts availaible in the website are not update, because replaced by the book by the professor.