Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2017/2018
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- ING-IND/10
Training objectives
- The course of Technical Physics 1 main objective is to provide the students the necessary basic knowledges of mechanics and physics.
The first approach start from the study of simple problems later implemented towards more complex problems. Applications of mechanics, kinematics and energetics are presented during the course, helping the students to mature their skills in general physics and, moreover, to understand how to set up the resolution of physicas problems and exercises.
_ general mechanics (kinematic and dynamics)
_ fundamental of thermodynamics
_ fundamental of design of thermal plants for civil sector
_ comprehension of physical phenomena
_ skill in the implementation of physical model for the representation of real problems and phenomena
_ skill in the definition of preliminary, basic design drafts
_ management of basic plant configurations and layout Prerequisites
- No propaedeutic credits are requested. The skills maturated at the high school is normally adequate to attend the course.
In any case, the teacher will shortly review the basic and fundamental elements of physics to assist students with a lower competence to achieve a skill sufficient to attend the classes effectively. Course programme
- The course is divided into three parte: the first is general mechanics and fundamental of physics, the second section focuses on thermal plant in buildings and their optimisation through the implemented energy balance of buildings. The final part is dedicated to exercises.
Part 1: Mechanics
Units of measurement, Systems of measurement, Reference coordinate system, Introduction, Motion in one dimension and Vectors, Motion in two and three dimensions and Force and Motion I, Force and Motion II, The Newton Laws, Work and Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy, The Momentum Equation, Center of Mass and Linear Momentum, Rotation and Torque and Angular Momentum, Equilibrium and Elasticity, Gravitation. Density. Specific weight.
Part 2: Energetics
Energy Balance, Energy Policies at local, district and macro area level, introduction to Thermo-electrical Plants, introduction to Alternative Thermo-electrical Plants (ORC, etc), Combined heat and power Plants, District Heating, Wind Farms, Hydro-electrical Plants, Geo- thermo-electrical Plants, Photovoltaic Plants, Solar Thermale Systems, Fuel Cells. Energy efficiency in industries.
Part 3: Exercises. Didactic methods
- The class is organised according the following general framework:
_ front lectures,
_ voluntary exercises on thermodynamics (approximately 3 sessions of 2 hours each), basic plant configurations, preliminary design sketches towards high efficiency energy buildings for specific case studies to be analysed bt students divided in groups of 2-3 students.
_ mandatory exercises on general mechanics: two sessions with final judgements, the firs one at half of the course, the last one at its end.
- The main aim of the exam is to verify the final skills achieved by students with specific reference to the major objectives as defined in the previous section. The exams can be arranged in one exam or split into 2 mantatory intermediate tests on general mechanics in case followed by a third volutary test on energetics in building.
The first mandatory test will be schedules at the half of the class, subjects are kinematic and dynamics, small calculators are allowed, available time 1 hour and a half, minimun votation to proceed to the second test is 18 over 30; the second trial will be issued at the end of the class, subjects dynamics and energetics, small calculators are allowed, available time 1 hour and a half, again, 18 over 30 is the minimum votation to pass the esam.
Computers, smart phone, handbooks and books are forbidden during these two tests.
A third trial can be presented on a voluntary basis consisting in a preliminary design of thermal plants applied to high efficiency buildings. The score of this final trial, if positive, could be added to the votations of the two tests.
A minimum votation of 18 over 30 is requested to pass the exam, in case of failure it is requested the repetition of all the tests. Reference texts
- Yunus A. Cengel. Termodinamica e Trasmissione del Calore Mc Graw Hill Milano
D. Halliday, R. Resnick, Fondamenti di Fisica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
S. Rosati, Fisica Generale, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano