Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2016/2017
- Teacher
- Credits
- 23
- Didactic period
- Annualità Singola
Training objectives
- The course is intended primarily to train a future architect /designer, who is aware of his own actions in relation to the connection between theory and practice of architecture, to train an architect, using the words of Mies van der Rohe "who belongs to his own time", who can therefore interpret his time. Starting with the specific theme of the spaces of the museum and, more generally, of the spaces for cultural institutions, seen as a privileged point of observation on the relationship between architecture, history and time, the aim is to make a more general reflection on the main themes of the project: the relationship architecture/cities, architecture/land, read through the interpretation of the "right distance" between the above terms. Starting from the reading of the context, the student will develop a hypothesis of the project from the urban project’s scale to the scale of the architectural detail.
- Laboratorio di progettazione architettonica IV
Scienza delle costruzioni
Laboratorio di Urbanistica Course programme
- The course is organized in such a way to enable students to achieve the graduation by the end of the academic year. To this aim the workshop is organized in two distinct semesters. The first is referred to an in depth knowledge framework of the site chosen by each student, in his geographical, economic, social, cultural, urban and architectural values. In this phase is required a weekly critic review, individual or group, with the
Coordinator of the workshop, whose task is to guide and finalize the process of student learning, by stimulating
Their critical thinking skills in dealing with the complexity of the notion of context, giving colleagues of other
Disciplines the first ideas for the identification of their insights. The first semester ends with the definition of
Each theme of thesis, through the critic review carried out by professors of the design proposals presented by
The student within two seminars. The second semester is devoted to the definition of the program and the
Concurrent development of the thesis project, in a manner of cooperation and finalization of contributions
As those developed in the first semester.
To enable a more direct comparability of experiences and related issues, the choice of the site will be made by the students between some sites chosen by the workshop coordinator. Didactic methods
- The final Synthesis Design Studio is divided into the following activities:
- Theoretical lessons;
- Lectures and conferences devoted to case studies and projects;
- Exercises devoted to the theoretical principles of contemporary design;
- Seminar presentation, discussion and evaluation of the dissertation that is developing by students;
- Workshops dedicated to exploring the design strategies of a theme of urban regeneration;
- Visit of contemporary architecture buildings, museums and exhibitions Learning assessment procedures
- The aim of the examination is to test the level of achievement of the previously mentioned educational goals.
The activities carried out in the 1st and in the 2nd semester will have to come together in a coordinated manner in the final documents to be presented in the examination, during which the work done by each student will be given, by teachers of the Final Synthesis Design Studio members of the board of examiners, a judgment of suitability, without mention of the vote, to complete the dissertation on these lines of work.
A necessary condition for obtaining the suitability is the presentation of papers illustrating the theme of the dissertation, disclosure of assumptions and objectives of the proposed project work, indicating sources, tools used and actors involved, highlighting analysis and studies developed for the construction of knowledge framework, using texts and drawings able to prefigure the transformation and enhancement scenarios explored.
Teachers will present comments, questions, proposals for integration and correction relating to the work presented, which will be discussed with the students in the examination.
The processed documents should be presented by students in the form of hard copy, horizontal format A3 and 1 CD ROM (.jpg files and .pdf format) containing: abstract, index, reading historical texts, drawings, photographic documentation, artwork, diagrams, bibliography, attachments (as data sheets, archival documents). Reference texts
- K. SCHUBERT, Museo. Storia di un’idea, dalla rivoluzione francese a oggi, Il Saggiatore, 2004
E. HOOPER GREENHILL. I musei e la formazione del sapere, Il Saggiatore 2005
A. EMILIANI (a cura di), I musei, Touring Club Italiano, Milano 1980
A. MOTTOLA MOLFINO, Il libro dei musei, Allemandi, Torino, 1992
R. SCHAER, Il museo tempio della memoria, Electa/Galllimard, Trieste, 1996
M. T. FIORIO, Il museo nella storia, Dallo studiolo alla raccolta pubblica, Bruno Mondadori 2011
A. LUGLI, Museologia, Jaka Book, ristampa 2015
TOMEA GAVAZZOLI M. L., Manuale di museologia, Milano, ETAS, 2003
M.V. MARINI CLARELLI, Che cos’è un museo, Carocci editore, Roma, 2005.
F. PIRANI, Che cos’è una mostra d’arte, Carocci editore, Roma, 2010
E. GENNARO (a cura di), Musei: narrare, allestire, comunicare, Provincia di Ravenna, 2012
A.M. MONTALDO, A.M. VISSER TRAVAGLI (a cura di), Il museo nelle città italiane. Il cambiamento del ruolo sociale del museo nei centri urbani, ANMLI, CLUEB, Bologna, 2013.
Legislazione e management
M. CAMMELLI, G.SCIULLO, C.BARBATI, Il diritto dei Beni Culturali, Il Mulino, 2011
L. CASINI, Ereditare il futuro. Dilemmi sul patrimonio culturale, Il Mulino, 2016
F. DONATO, A.M. VISSER TRAVAGLI, il museo oltre la crisi. Dialogo fra museologia e management, Electa per le Belle Arti, Milano, 2010.
F. DONATO, La crisi sprecata. Per una riforma dei modelli di governance e di management del patrimonio culturale italiano, Aracne Editore, 2013
G. VOLPE, Patrimonio al futuro. Un manifesto per i beni culturali e il paesaggio, Electa 2015
Didattica e divulgazione
L. ZERBINI, La didattica museale, Aracne, 2006
L. SOLIMA, “Il museo in ascolto”. Nuove strategie di comunicazione per i musei statali, Rubettino, 2012
F. ANTINUCCI, Comunicare nel museo, Laterza, Ristampa 2014
C. DA MILANO, E. SCIACCHITANO, Linee guida per la comunicazione nei musei: segnaletica interna, didascalie e pannelli, MiBACT,(
Aspetti tecnici
F. MANOLI, Manuale di gestione e cura delle collezioni museali, Le Monnier Università, 2015.
B. MUTTILLO. M. CANGEMI, C. PERETTO (a cura di), Le risorse invisibili. La gestione del patrimonio archeologico e scientifico tra criticità e innovazione, Annali dell’Università di Ferrara, Museologia scientifica e naturalistica, volume 11/1 (2015) (si può consultare on – line al link (Vedi nell’interno l’articolo A.M. Visser Travagli, Musei: esposizione, servizi, depositi. Per una nuova strategia di integrazione, pp.39 – 46).
A. M. VISSER TRAVAGLI, I depositi dei musei…ma servono a qualcosa?, in Archeologia Viva, anno 2016, marzo- aprile, pp.62 - 65