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Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

The main objective of the Laboratory is to lead students to the final Degree through a methodological path towards a conscious approach to the architectural design; the aim of this approach is to take into account the complex relationship between the most important factors - urban, social, technical, economic and environmental - that characterize the transformation processes of the urban environment.
The laboratory focuses on technical, scientific constructive, productive, economic and social factors that a designer has to face in the management of the entire design process: from early stages up to the drafting of the technical design.
The approach is developed according to a sequence of steps and hierarchical scales, starting from the urban one (the context) as generator of the design methodology, then focusing on the building scale of the architectural design: the in-depth detail of the environmental system, of the building construction and the technical elements that define the technological system.
Particular attention is paid to environmental, economic and social issues, as fundamental factors that characterize the activity of contemporary building construction.
The main learning outcomes include:
- knowledge of the different design process phases, from the preliminary project to the definition of the structural and construction details;
- knowledge on building technologies and on the technical elements of the architectural design;
- basis of the sustainable design that is the design methodology leading to the design of eco-buildings;
- basis of LCC (Life Cycle Cost) that is the evaluation dynamics of the global cost of a product in its whole life cycle;
- basic knowledge to deal with the study of the energy supply systems mainly oriented towards the use of renewable sources.
The main skills (i.e. the ability to apply their knowledge) will be focused on:
- the design process in its whole complexity and multi-disciplinary aspects that characterize the different phases;
- the technological, economic and procedural restrictions that characterize, specifically, the technical design.


The knowledge of methodologies and tools for managing the design process is required, with a specific focus on the technical design stage.
Students are asked to have been completed the following courses:
Architecture Construction Workshop 2 (LCA2)

Course programme

The Laboratory provides 216 teaching hours (contact hours) between lectures and exercises and 534 individual hours, of which 250 are related to the granting of credits F (10 in number, including workshops and thesis work), for a total of 30 credits.
The approach considers two different steps.
The first step is the critical analysis of key words typical of the main discipline and of the specific supplementary modules, to be carried out mainly in the first semester. In the second semester the thesis will be developed on the basis of the knowledge achieved in the preliminary phase.
The first phase consists in a series of lectures on the keywords related to the topics of the Laboratory which follow exercises useful to test the responsiveness of the students to the analyzed issues.
The topics are related to the specific disciplinary profiles of each integrative module and of the main discipline, listed below.

Technological design of Architecture (course characterizing the laboratory contents)
- Methodologies, tools and procedures for the development and management of the architectural design.
- Theories, tools and methods for planning the building process, for designing building systems and technical solutions and for managing the transformation of the built environment.
- Process and product innovation.

Environmental Design
- Methods and tools for the understanding of the main relationships between architecture and energy through the advancement of knowledge of building technologies available in the field of environmental sustainability and energy conservation.

Architectural Design
- Methodologies and tools for the architectural and urban design.
- Theories, tools and practices of the architectural design.
- The complexity of the project from the urban context to the technical aspects.

Technology of Architecture
- Theories and techniques of technical design, focusing on the building details, related both to the design of new buildings and to the renovation of the existing ones.

- Methodologies, tools and techniques for the design of energy networks, plant systems and the exploitation of renewable energies for Near/net zero energy buildings design (NZEB)

Several briefing with external guests (designers and technicians) will take place in the form of seminars or conferences.
Lectures and exercises are a fundamental training and a necessary cultural background to the preparation of each student's thesis project, which takes place mainly in the second semester.

Didactic methods

Activities to be implemented in the laboratory include:
- lectures;
- classroom exercises on topics related to the design theme assigned in the laboratory, that is the object of the thesis;
- seminars with experts working in fields related to the themes of the Workshop.
According to the organization of the workshop, it is expected that most of the activities take place in the classroom as the proper place for exchange of ideas and knowledge, as well as meeting with external parties.

Learning assessment procedures

Evaluation of the results achieved, which will be reviewed by the teachers of each specific module, is based on a final presentation of the work implemented by the students during the different steps of the laboratory.
The main condition for being certified (to achieve the “Idoneità”) is the development of all the steps explained in the above description of the Laboratory.
Within his presentation the student has to explain:
- the work implemented during each single phase;
- the progress of his project for the thesis;
- the conceptual approach that the design proposal is based on;
- when and how the thesis will be completed.
The evaluation takes into account both the results of the final assessment of the educational progress and the outcomes achieved implementing the activities of the Laboratory.

Reference texts

Deplazes A., Constructing Architecture Materials, Processes, Structures. A Handbook, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2013
Di Giulio R. e altri, Paesaggi periferici, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2013.
Brunoro S., Efficienza energetica delle facciate. Standard-requisiti-esempi per l’adeguamento e la riqualificazione architettonica, Maggioli, Rimini, 2006.