Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2017/2018
- Teacher
- Credits
- 24
- Didactic period
- Annualità Singola
Training objectives
- The laboratory is focused on landscape design. Such main topic is tackled considering landscape as a product of changes induced by material and immaterial infrastructures on it.
The laboratory provides design method and tools aimed at defining territorial strategies within which the project takes shape. The landscape is considered as an evolving element, in constant change, in order to overcome the distinction between natural and artificial environments, looking through the design of a new “hypernatural” landscape.
• critical interpretation of landscape components, in the framework of their relationship both with the environment and the infrastructural networks;
• analysis of anthropic and environmental factors affecting territorial transformations (on going or in the future), especially in highly sensible areas such as coasts;
• understanding of the main contemporary phenomena stressing the environment: the tourism, for example, as far as it generates temporary and intensive flows to be addressed strategically.
• comprehension, development and management of different theoretical and technical contributions within the framework of large scale landscape interventions;
• territorial and environmental analysis in order to develop intervention strategies in changing contexts;
• implementation of proper solutions related with the sustainable development of infrastructural landscapes;
• autonomous development of an original approach to the landscape design process in the perspective of future challenges concerning the mix of anthropic and environmental phenomena affecting the landscape transformation. Prerequisites
- The following knowledges, provided by the “Laboratorio di progettazione architettonica IV” are necessary to attend the classes:
• analysis and comprehension of architectural space and its qualitative and structural components;
• critical reading of urban and territorial structures identifying, at different scales, their functional and technological features;
• interpretation of landscape basic components in the framework of their relationship with anthropic and natural realms. Course programme
- During the first semester the theoretic framework will be detailed and every student will begin the research on his chosen dissertation topic. During the second semester every student will keep forward is topic till the elaboration of a the final project. The lessons' topics will be targeted on the issues that the dissertation themes will raise.
The annual workshop is planned during the second semester.
Participants can choose their thesis topic from the ones given by the professors.
This means relevance to the proposed pairing infrastructure/landscape. Note that the term infrastructure covers a whole range of human interventions aimed at fulfilling systemic and practical needs: logistical, economic, environmental, energy, etc; however the ones which are strategically important for a territory.
The laboratory disciplines are featured as follows:
Architettura del paesaggio - main discipline - (96 hours ex-catedra)
Comprehension and design of large scale landscape interventions considering changing condition related to environmental and anthropic issues.
Progettazione di opere idrauliche e marittime - (40 hours ex-catedra)
Definition of infrastructural systems and architectural solutions enabling new landscape developments; focus on the coastal territories and contexts in change.
Progettazione parametrica del paesaggio e sistemi infrastrutturali (40 hours ex-catedra)
Study of landscape design technologies as well as green infrastructures development potential.
Fisica tecnica ambientale - main discipline - (20 hours ex-catedra)
Knowledge of eco-design principles, bioclimatic and energy plants development affecting large scale sustainable projects.
Georisorse, infrastrutture e paesaggio (20 hours ex-catedra)
Dissertation of issues concerning environmental changes caused by geological dynamics in different geographic areas. Study of their influence upon the settlements and the landscapes historic evolution. Didactic methods
- The course is annual and is designed to finish the thesis project within the academic year. It is based on:
• ex-catedra lessons;
• practice exercises about research topics, analysis methods, project communication;
• an annual workshop, organized in partnership with other Laboratories;
• project reviews (single or collective) that will be matched by professionals and specialist as discussant. Learning assessment procedures
- The examination aims at verifying the above mentioned training goals.
In particular, the candidates are asked to reach a project level which allows them to present their work in the next thesis exam session.
Such examination will consider the candidate performances all over the year during the intermediate presentations, reviews, etc.
The laboratory only grants a qualification, but the quality level reached by the candidates during the year is strictly tied to their thesis success.
During the oral exam the candidates will be asked to discuss about their thesis topics and about the laboratory's general reference books. The knowledge of specific references will be equally tested according to the thesis topic.
During the oral exam the candidates will show a final draft of the thesis boards and the structure of the thesis book. The ability to discuss the thesis will be equally evaluated. Reference texts
- The laboratory's general references are:
• A. Ferlenga, M. Biraghi, B. Albrecht; L'Architettura del Mondo. Infrastrutture, Mobilità, Nuovi Paesaggi; Editrice Compositori, 2012
• J. Corner; Recovering Landscape; Princeton Architectural Press, 1999
• AA. VV.; Geography in motion, Lotus 155; Editoriale Lotus 2015
Specific references will be recommended according to the thesis topic.
Useful links: