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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course provides the theoretical knowledge needed for a proper critical approach to the comprehension and interpretation of a restoration project.
The main knowledge acquired by the student during the course concern the theoretical and critical guidelines and related project outcomes that have developed and followed in the history of the discipline, in relation with the principles that address the restoration project (minimal intervention, compatibility, distinctness , reversibility). Specifically, the knowledge acquired are related to:
- History of critical thinking in architectural restoration, traced according to a unitary perspective and chronologically comparing the cultural contexts and lines of thought;
- The main critical issues that characterize the discipline, their theoretical assumptions and operational impact;

During the course, students acquire specific skills that allow them to:
- Critically evaluate the restoration work in the light of the principles of the discipline;
- Apply critical thinking to the project on the pre-existence and translate the principles in disciplinary design practice;


The useful skills concern:
- basic knowledge of contemporary history and major events occurred, especially in artistic fields, between eighteenth and twenty-first century;
- ability to deal with a critical approach all the items;
- ability to locate chronologically events, people, works and to put in connection with the different schools of thought.

Course programme

The lessons of the three didactic units will provide students with a general overview on the discipline and specific investigations about history and theories of the restoration and specific topics about critical approach in restoration theory and practice

Didactic Unit: Theories and history of restoration
1) The lesson of the past for restoration project
2) The cultural premises to the birth of restoration
3) The stylistic restoration
4) Architecture as memory
5) The philological restoration
6) The "values" of the monuments
7) The scientific restoration
8) The Second World War and post-war reconstruction
9) The restoration as "critical assumptions"
10) The current debate

Didactic Unit: Fundamentals of Architectural Restoration
1) The post-war reconstruction and the contemporary renovation: approach and methodology
2) The operating principles of architectural restoration, with some notes on the concept of improvement
3) The concept of patina and the intervention
4) The color in architecture: role, mistakes, interventions
5) The gap in architecture, theoretical and operational approaches
6) Historical centers, a long and ever-present debate
7) The formation of the protection service in Italy: fundamental concepts illustration of Italian Code for Cultural and Landscape Heritage
8) Over restoration, the debate on the relationship between new and old

Didactic methods

The course takes place mainly through lectures of the two teachers, suitably scheduled to address the program of study in chronological order and appropriate theme. Chronological lessons are supplemented by specific additional monographic lectures about a particular moment in history or a specific architect, an analytical presentation of significant interventions achievements, or seminar and conference activities about particular specialist and methodological aspects. For a.y. 2020/2021 lessons will be on-line on Google Meet according to official time-table.

Learning assessment procedures

The method of evaluation of knowledge and skills consists of a single exam, in which the student deals with the themes of the two didactic units. The professors proceed in checking with some questions on the topics listed in the contents of the course and addressed during lessons. The final evaluation consists in a single vote, the average between the two single evaluation.
To pass the exam you need to acquire a minimum score of 18/30.

Reference texts

- Maria Piera Sette, “Il restauro in architettura: quadro storico”, 2001
- Cesare Brandi, “Teoria del restauro”, 1963