Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2017/2018
- Teacher
- Credits
- 9
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- ICAR/17
Training objectives
- This course has the purpose to acquire the knowledge of theoretical and procedural aspects related to the understanding of direct survey and to it’s digital reproduction, continuously with the course of Architectural Drawing of the first semester.
The teaching is organized in two integrated modules:
1. Module of Architectural Survey 1 (50 hours, cfu 5)
2. Module of Techniques of Representation 1 (40 hours, cfu 4)
The module of Architectural Survey 1 has the aim of illustrating the methodologies and procedures of direct survey of architecture in relation to the more common practical range, both professional and scientific. Survey, together with drawing, is part of the representation branch of learning: it describes the architectural object through measurements and analysis, and brings out, through drawings, the product of this process of knowledge.
The module of Techniques of Representation 1 has the aim of maturing the student’s theorical and practical knowledge of digital representation, finalised to the communication of survey data. This module adds the knowledge of digital cad (bi-dimensional) and raster drawing to the learning of the principals of drawing already employed in manual representation.
- principles and methods of the science of representation, from traditional to digital drawing;
- graphic norms and representation techniques through the evolution of traditional graphic and representational tools (in relation to the theories of visual and color perception), up to the digital techniques of raster graphics and automatic drawing (Cad 2D),
-methods and tools for direct architectural and urban survey: the levelling and trilateration processes, using traditional tools;
- application and representation issues of architectural survey data in relation to digital representation techniques, depending on scale, accuracy and precision requirements, and on the purpose of the survey (documentation, structural analysis, restoration, etc.);
- critical/selective survey methods of architecture, city, urban space and components of the urban scene
- investigate, describe and check scientifically the architectural, urban and landscape space, its forms and materials;
-analyze and use visual, diagnostic and documentary methods that allow to critically address the understanding of an architecture, a urban context, a landscape in relation to the formal, dimensional, chromatic and material, perceptual, historical-constructive and conservative features;
-manage a three-dimensional model (consistent for shape, size and detail) and its related orthogonal projections, connected to the logical-descriptive interpretation path;
- critically use methods, norms and tools of architectural representation (traditional and digital) according to the criteria of representation science, for the management of the geometric model of architectural, urban and landscape space;
- recognize the essential geometrical-representative issues for the choice of correct architectural and urban survey procedures, and the consistent data representation, according to the current technical regulations;
- critically assess the conditions of use of the various principles, methods, techniques of survey and representation on the basis of historical-morphological and conservative characters and contextual issues;
- selection and use of procedures and instruments (for survey and digital representation) aimed at gaining and transmitting information consistent with the required framework;
- identify the morphologic, material and chromatic components consistent with the representation aims, according to coded representation criteria and procedures;
- handle the basic issues of digital data integration. Prerequisites
- The principles of the science of representation _ The fundamental principles and theories of the graphic methods of representation: orthogonal projection, axonometry, perspective _ The theory of shadows _ The elementary figures and their possible aggregation on the plane and in the space _ The graphic techniques of representation _ The graphic conventions of architectural drawing _ Perception and visual communication _ Colour and it’s theories.
Course programme
- The two modules, Architectural Survey and Techniques of Representation, though supplying independently it's own theoretical and procedural knowledges, collaborate synergically providing a direct experimentation using the same study-case.
Architectural Survey 1 (50 hours)
Survey tools.
On-site survey.
Acknowledgement (bibliographic, in archives, iconographic, historic).
Methodologies of direct architectonic survey: planimetric and elevation survey (principles, procedures and examples).
The architectonic orders.
Practical experimentation in class of the tools and of the basic procedures (drawing for survey, trilateral method and levels).
Geometry and morphology of arches and vaults, geometry of the homes roofing: direct survey systems.
Photography for architectural survey.
Unit of measure and metrological analysis
Survey and critical analysis.
Techniques of Representation 1 (40 hours)
Computer (hardware and software, operating system).
Data management and filing.
Raster e vector software.
Raster: theory of colour, use of raster files, scanning, photography, interface, resolution and dimension of an image, levels, selection, colour calibration.
Vector: interface, views, scale and unity concepts, main tools for drawing, selection, dimension and colours of pens, linear transformations, groups, levels, dimensions, printing from model and from layout.
Processing techniques for ortho-photo (fronts): geometrical corrections of photos, straightening of photos, exchange files between raster graphics and vector graphics for survey. Didactic methods
- The educational activity is divided in:
• theorical rudiments (lectures)
• individual exercises in class and outdoors
• survey seminar 4-5 days long. The experience, organised in groups, is finalised to the production of group and individual drawings (by hand and digital prints). The practical task is a monumental historical architecture.
Individual equipment is required. Learning assessment procedures
- The exam has a single mark as synthesis of the intermediate evaluations (A, excellent – B, good – C, passing grade - D, unsatisfactory) and final evaluations of the exam. An unsatisfactory intermediate evaluation entails an oral and/or written/graphic question on that argument the day of the exam. In the final interview the student has to demonstrate a sufficient knowledge of the theorical notions concerning both the modules and show all the documents edited during the semester. The student presents himself at the exam with a general mark, average of those of the different phases.
During the course:
• intermediate short weekly deliveries: to be done mainly in class
• two intermediate survey tests: on-site survey of a front and of an architectonic order
• survey seminar: field testing of survey methodologies and processes, immediate digital drawing of the data
• revisions
The day of the exam:
• graphic and written test on the processes and methodologies of survey and following of oral discussion
• practical test on the software
• interview on the final drawings:
1. Drawings on assigned layout of:
• plans, cuts, fronts in 1:50, 1:20 scales (survey, measured, architectonic)
• materic drawings (ortho-photo) of fronts in 1:50, 1:20 scales
• details in 1:10, 1:5 scales
2. Folder with survey drawings
3. On-site drawings, sketches, photographic survey, posters Reference texts
- M. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Laterza, Bari 2009