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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The Integrated Course of Urban Planning is tightly divided in two modules: 1) Theory of the Urban Planning and 2) Urban Geography among them connected and connected. ¿¿

The course furnishes cognitive tools to analyze and to deepen the principal issues of the discipline beginning from:¿ 1) the knowledge of the evolution of the discipline starting from the close examination of the work of some of the leading theorists and some of the most remarkable examples of urban planning design projects; 2) the description of the physical and socio-economic components that involve the change of the contemporary city. ¿¿

General formative objectives are:
1) learning of the urban planning theories and the practical multidisciplinary examples to improve the analysis and the design of urban and territorial contexts;
2) understanding of the role developed by the urban planning discipline to improve cities and territories quality, as well the conditions of life of their inhabitants.¿¿

The specific formative objectives are the analysis the evaluation of:
1) the project of the human settlements in their historical development; 
2) the social and economic situation of some principal Italian, European, World cities; 
3) emerging problems in the territorial government with specific attention of those involving to the landscape and the environmental contexts, as they regard the factors of natural and anthropic risks; 
4) methods, tools and of practices of physical planning and social-economic planning to improve the requalification of urban settlements at the different scales.


Good general background and attitude to social-economic issues, as well those concerning the knowledge of cultural and environmental heritage.

Course programme

The course articulates in didactic activities developed by the teachers of the two modules with autonomous addresses. The modules, being part of the same course, share integrative exercises, as well final examinations.
1) the module of Theory of Urban Planning deepens the study of the principal urban theories developed beginning from the end of the XVIII century. The study of the disciplinary evolution races along the legacy of the leading interpreters of the discipline, so much in the theoretical field as well in that of the practical application. Some case studies, particularly meaningful to the goals of the construction of the theoretical-disciplinary statute, will be in depth presented and studied;¿

2) the module of Urban Geography faces the most important issues of the discipline through the study of the city and the territory, the processes of territorialization, with particular interest for the complexity of the urban sciences starting from the second '900 to nowadays.
Activity shared by the two modules are:
. seminars;¿
. an exercise that the students must develop along the course according to the directions specifically pointed out by the teachers;¿
. tutoring activities;¿
. final examination.

Didactic methods

The course articulates in two sections:
i) the section addressed to ex cathedra lessons and to seminars; 
ii) the section devoted to the exercise. 
Both will be equipped by didactic multimedia supports, field studies, didactic activity integrated by specialist guests.¿¿

The contents of the forms of Theories of Urban Planning and Urban Geography will focus to four main themes:¿
i) main changes involving the cities, in the districts/neighborhoods and metropolitan areas (also in the historical perspective);¿
ii) main changes in the territorial organizational structure, based on the parameter of the relationship city-country and the to emerge of new territorial contexts (es. marginal areas; specialized settlements; etc.);¿
iii) main analyses among the most remarkable European territorial structures;¿
iv) main politics and practices finalized to the ri-generation of the cities and the territories.

Learning assessment procedures

The work required for the verification of learning learning skills foresees: the presence in the classroom (both to the lesson and to the seminar activities), the knowledge of assigned texts of the bibliography, the layout of a written text for the exercise. 

The final examination will consist in an oral test and will concern: from a side, the verification on the knowledge of the themes treated during the lessons and during the seminars, from the carrying out of the exercise.¿

The final evaluation will depend from: 1) the share to the activities in the classroom (lessons ex cathedra and seminars) (weight 30%); 2) the verification of the quality of the exercise (weight 30%); 3) the oral presentation of the final exercise and the knowledge of the themes treated during the lessons (40%).¿The final evaluation is based on an oral examination (comprehensive of the two modules programs).¿

For those students who, because of motivated reasons, cannot guarantee their presence in the classroom for a minimum of the 70% of the lessons, the final examination will develop on the base of a specific program of studies designed by the teachers of the course.

Reference texts

Book for the two modules:
Luca Gaeta, Umberto Janin Rivolin, Luigi Mazza (2018), Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, seconda edizione, Città Studi Edizioni/De Agostini, Novara

Obligatory book for the Theories of Urban Planning module:
Gabriele Pasqui (2017), Urbanistica oggi. Piccolo lessico critico, Donzelli, Roma

Obligatory book for the Urban Geography module:
Giuseppe Dematteis, Carla Lanza (2011), Le città del mondo: una geografia urbana, UTET, Torino

To these, suitable readings can be added by the teachers to integrate the specific knowledges required by the matters treated during the lessons.