Collection of palaeontologic types in the Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini
last modified
Jan 08, 2010 01:35 PM
Creation of digital data base on morphometries acquired with 3D survey technologies for the study of fossils
The Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini has a large palaeontologic collection accumulated over many centuries; it includes valuable type material. This collection is of paramount scientific and historical importance. In order to promote open and easy access to such material a cooperative project with the DIAPReM Center has been recently developed aimed at digitizing of this natural heritage. The research objective is to create a digital data base always available on-line. It is being organized in different layers, in order to facilitate new research approaches for specialists globally and, moreover, to increase popularity for visitors and users of the Museum. Three-dimensional models, obtained by 3D laser scanninng technologies as well as related photographic data are collected in a computerized data base. This allows consultation of the assembled data as well as simultaneous entering of new data. The morphometric and dimensional variety of the digitalized types has determined the use of different methodologies of survey, in order to obtain maximum accuracy, management and usefulness of models produced. The biggest palaeonthologic types are acquired by time of flight laser scanner technology (Leica HDS 3000) and represented by a cloud-points model. The smallest types are been acquired by an optical triangulation survey instrument (Vivid-I 900, Konica Minolta), a technology that works with the factors of the tenth of a millimetre and therefore offers significant potential in description of reality. In this second case, the result consists of a mesh, a closed surface. In both cases the model obtained is a three-dimensional morphometric model: it hasn’t any holes ant it is navigable in three dimensional space. |


