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Programma Focus R_ Firenze
GIOVEDÌ 8 OTTOBRE 2009 ore 14.30 | Salone Brunelleschi | FIRENZE Piazza Santissima Annunziata, 12 by vnccst last modified May 03, 2010 04:37 PM — Relevance: 1%
Crediti_Focus R_Firenze
GIOVEDÌ 8 OTTOBRE 2009 ore 14.30 | Salone Brunelleschi | FIRENZE Piazza Santissima Annunziata, 12 by vnccst last modified Jan 28, 2010 05:12 PM — Relevance: 1%
Crediti_Focus R_Pollenzo
GIOVEDÌ 11 GIUGNO 2009 o re 14.30 | ALBERGO DELL’AGENZIA SALA ROSSA | POLLENZO - BRA Via Fossano, 21 - CUNEO by vnccst last modified Jan 28, 2010 05:10 PM — Relevance: 1%
Progetti sul contesto e la materia storica
Gennaro Napoli, Architetto, Membro Commissione Funzionari Pubblici della Provincia di Torino by vnccst last modified Jan 27, 2010 07:31 PM — Relevance: 1%
Il restauro delle Arcate I e II ampliazione del Cimitero Monumentale di Torino
Gennaro Napoli, Architetto, Membro Commissione Funzionari Pubblici della Provincia di Torino by vnccst last modified Jan 27, 2010 07:31 PM — Relevance: 1%
La chiesa della Confraternita della Misericordia in Torino: la restituzione di un'architettura
Gennaro Napoli, Architetto, Membro Commissione Funzionari Pubblici della Provincia di Torino by vnccst last modified Jan 27, 2010 07:31 PM — Relevance: 1%
Linee guida per la scelta dei materiali nelle opere di restauro
Gennaro Napoli, Architetto, Membro Commissione Funzionari Pubblici della Provincia di Torino by vnccst last modified Jan 27, 2010 07:30 PM — Relevance: 1%
Restauro della Cappella della Sindone
Mirella Macera, Architetto, Soprintendenza BB. AA. PP. della Regione Piemonte by vnccst last modified Jan 27, 2010 07:22 PM — Relevance: 1%
Il progetto contemporaneo nel contesto storico
Gennaro Napoli, Architetto, Membro Commissione Funzionari Pubblici della Provincia di Torino by vnccst last modified May 03, 2010 12:47 PM — Relevance: 1%
Programma Focus R_ Pollenzo
by vnccst last modified Apr 07, 2010 12:28 PM — Relevance: 1%
Focus R Restauro Recupero Riqualificazione
Il progetto contemporaneo nel contesto storico by vnccst last modified Nov 15, 2010 03:15 PM — Relevance: 1%
Progetti di Comunicazione
by vnccst last modified May 06, 2010 06:19 PM — Relevance: 1%
Progetti di Comunicazione
by vnccst last modified Jan 26, 2010 07:16 PM — Relevance: 1%
Acknowledgement_Colosseum North Entrance
by vnccst last modified Dec 23, 2009 12:05 PM — Relevance: 1%
Building the MUDI
The Brunelleschi’s modulus, the cultural project, the museum by vnccst last modified Dec 16, 2010 12:48 PM — Relevance: 1%
The Mesola historical centre
Conservative instruments to the Mesola historical centre.Integrated procedures: survey, documentation and restoration strategies by vnccst last modified Apr 15, 2010 06:58 PM — Relevance: 1%
Physical models laboratory
by vnccst last modified Dec 10, 2010 10:18 AM — Relevance: 1%
The citadel of Gozo
Restoration strategies and valorisation of Malta fortified system by vnccst last modified Apr 08, 2010 06:06 PM — Relevance: 1%
Michelangelo Research Project
3D laser scanner survey for documentary updating and valorization of Michelangelo’s (1475 - 1564) architectures in Florence. Cultural heritage restoration ... by vnccst last modified Nov 27, 2009 07:27 PM — Relevance: 1%
Thermografic survey of Palatium Vetus in Alessandria
Thermographic survey for the detection and study of structural elements of Palatium Vetus of Alessandria by vnccst last modified Apr 08, 2010 06:16 PM — Relevance: 1%
The Matilde di Canossa Territory
Morphometric 3D laser scanner survey of the Matilde di Canossa Castle by vnccst last modified Apr 08, 2010 05:08 PM — Relevance: 1%
Rotunda of San Lorenzo, Mantua
by vnccst last modified Apr 08, 2010 05:31 PM — Relevance: 1%
The restoration work on the facades of the botteghe along Via dell'Abbondanza, Pompeii
by vnccst last modified Nov 27, 2009 05:59 PM — Relevance: 1%
The House of Paquius Proculus in the archaeological site of Pompeii
by vnccst last modified Nov 27, 2009 04:59 PM — Relevance: 1%
The House of Julia Felix in Pompeii
by vnccst last modified Dec 10, 2010 09:54 AM — Relevance: 1%
Collection of palaeontologic types in the Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini
Creation of digital data base on morphometries acquired with 3D survey technologies for the study of fossils by vnccst last modified Jan 08, 2010 01:35 PM — Relevance: 1%
The Mesola historical centre
Conservative instruments to the Mesola historical centre.Integrated procedures: survey, documentation and restoration strategies by vnccst last modified Apr 16, 2010 04:20 PM — Relevance: 1%
The Angel’s cave
A database for the restoration and valorisation of the San Michele Archangel site, Olevano sul Tusciano (Salerno, Italy) by vnccst last modified Nov 30, 2009 05:02 PM — Relevance: 1%
3D digital survey of the Bab al-Barqiyya Gate at al-Ahzar Park in Cairo (Egypt) and acquisition of HDR photographic data
3D digital survey of Bab al-Barqiyya Gate Ayyubid Wall, al-Azhar Park, Darb al-Ahmar District in Cairo, Egypt by vnccst last modified Nov 18, 2009 05:59 PM — Relevance: 1%
3D laser scanner survey and technical drawings aimed at the restoration of Palazzo del Podestà in Mantua
Procedures integration and development of a 3D data base for methodology innovation and monitoring of the cultural heritage by vnccst last modified Apr 08, 2010 04:53 PM — Relevance: 1%

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