1) L. Trombelli, A. Virgili, M. Corazza, R. Lucci
Systemic contact dermatitis from an orthodontic appliance.
Contact Dermatitis 1992; 27: 259
2) L. Checchi, L. Trombelli, M. Nonato
Postoperative infections and tetracycline prophylaxis in periodontal surgery: a retrospective study.
Quintessence International 1992; 23: 191-195
3) L. Checchi, L. Trombelli, M. Nonato
Postoperative Infektionen und Prophylaktische Tetraziklintherapie in der Parodontolchirurgie. Eine retrospektive studie.
Quintessenz (ed. tedesca) 1992; 43: 805-812
4) A. Virgili, L. Trombelli, G. Calura
Sudden vegetation of the mouth.
Journal Subject Category:
Archives of Dermatology 1992; 128: 397
5) L. Checchi, L. Trombelli
Postoperative pain and discomfort with and without periodontal dressing in conjunction with 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash after apically positioned flap procedure.
Journal of Periodontology 1993; 64: 1238-1242
6) L. Trombelli., G. Calura
Complete root coverage of denuded root surface using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membrane in conjunction with tetracycline root conditioning and fibrin/fibronectin glue application: Case reports
Quintessence International 1993; 24: 847-852
7) L. Checchi, L. Trombelli, M. Nonato
Infecciones postoperatorias y profilaxis con tetraciclinas en cirurgia periodontal: estudio retrospectivo.
Quintessence (ed. spagnola) 1993; 7: 451-455
8) L. Trombelli, G. Calura
Vollstandige deckung freilegender wurzeloberflachen durch den einsatz von membranen aus expandiertem polytetrafluoroethylen in kombination mit einer lokalen tetrazyklinbehandlung und der anwendung eines fibrin-fibronektin-klebers
Quintessenz (ed. tedesca) 1994; 45: 241-248
9) L.Trombelli, A. Scabbia, G. Calura
Nondiseased cementum and dentin root surface following tetracycline hydrochloride conditioning: SEM study of the effects of solution concentration and application time.
International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 1994; 14: 461-470.
10) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, G. Calura
Nichterkrankte zement- und dentin-wurzeloberflachen nach Konditionerung mit tetrazyklin-hydrochlorid: REM-studie uber losungskonzentration und anwendungszeitraum.
Internationales Journal fur Parodontologie & Restaurative Zahnheilkunde (ed. tedesca) 1994; 14:447-456
11) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, G. Calura
Action du chlorhydrate de tetracycline sur le cement et la dentine d'une racine saine. Etude au microscope electronique a balayage de l'effet obtenu en fonction de la concentration de la solution et de la duree d'application.
Revue Internationale de Parodontie & Dentisterie Restauratrice (ed. francese) 1994; 14: 461-470
12) L. Trombelli, G. Schincaglia, L. Checchi. G. Calura
Combined guided tissue regeneration, root conditioning, and fibrin-fibronectin system application in the treatment of gingival recessions. A 15-case report.
Journal of Periodontology 1994; 65: 796-803.
13) L. Trombelli, G. Calura.
Recouvrement radiculaire total d'une recession gingivale. Utilisation d'une membrane en PTFE expanse associee a une preparation radiculaire combinant tetracycline et fibrine-fibronectine.
Clinic 1994; 15: 185-190
14) L. Trombelli, G.P. Schincaglia, G. Calura
Clinical evaluation of guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of gingival recession.
Journal de Parodontologie & d' Implantologie Orale 1994; 22: 86
15) L. Trombelli, G.P. Schincaglia, C. Scapoli, G. Calura
Healing response of human buccal gingival recessions treated with e-PTFE membranes. A retrospective report.
Journal of Periodontology 1995; 66: 14-22.
16) L. Trombelli, G.P. Schincaglia, F. Zangari, A. Griselli,
A. Scabbia, G. Calura
Effects of tetracycline HCl conditioning and fibrin-fibronectin system application in the treatment of buccal gingival recession with guided tissue regeneration.
Journal of Periodontology 1995; 66: 313-320
17) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, F. Zangari, A. Griselli, UME Wikesjo, G. Calura.
Effect of tetracycline HCl on periodontally-affected human root surfaces.
Journal of Periodontology 1995; 66: 685-691.
18) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, A. Griselli, F. Zangari, G. Calura.
Clinical evaluation of plaque removal by counterrotational electric toothbrush in orthodontic patients.
Quintessence International 1995; 26: 199-202
19) L.Trombelli, A.Scabbia, A.Griselli, F.Zangari, G.Calura.
Kliiniline hinnang ortodontiliste patsientide hambakatu eemaldamisele vastassuundades poorlevate harjastega elektrilise hambaharja abil.
Quintessenz Eesti (ed.finlandese) 1995; 3: 28-33
20) L. Trombelli, G. Calura.
Recubrimiento total de superficies radiculares denudadas a traves de la aplicacion de una membrana de politetrafluoroetileno expandido en combinacion con un tratamiento local de tetraciclina y el uso de un pegamento con fibrina-fibronectina.
Quintessence (ed. spagnola) 1995; 8:664-669
21) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, A. Griselli, F. Zangari, G. Calura
Evaluation clinique d’une brosse a’ dents électrique à rotation inversèe chez le patient d’orthodontie.
Clinique 1995; 16: 291-295
22) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, V. Carotta, C. Scapoli, G. Calura
Clinical effect of subgingival tetracycline irrigation and tetracycline-loaded fiber application in the treatment of adult periodontitis.
Quintessence International 1996; 27: 19-25
23) L. Trombelli, GP Schincaglia, F. Zangari, C. Scapoli, G. Calura.
Effect of pretreatment with Ketorolac Tromethamine on the postoperative pain following periodontal surgery.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1996; 23: 128-132
25) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, U.M.E. Wikesjo, G. Calura.
Fibrin glue application in conjunction with tetracycline root conditioning and coronally positioned flap procedure in the treatment of human gingival recession defects.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1996 ; 23: 861-867
26) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, C. Scapoli, G. Calura.
Clinical effect of tetracycline demineralization and Tissucol application on healing response following flap debridement surgery.
Journal of Periodontology 1996; 67: 688-693
27) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, V. Carotta, C. Scapoli, G. Calura
Klinischer effekt einer subgingivalen tetracyclinspulung und einer tetracyclin-haltigen faser bei der behandlung der erwachsenenparodontitis.
Die Quintessence (ed. tedesca) 1996; 2: 229-242
28) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, C. Scapoli, G. Calura
Efecto clinico de la irrigación subgingival con tetraciclina applicación de fibra cargada con tetraciclina en el tratamiento de la periodontitis del adulto.
Quintessence (ed. spagnola) 1996; 27: 19-25
29) E. Esposito, V. Carotta, A. Scabbia, L. Trombelli, P. D'Antona, E. Menegatti, C. Nastruzzi.
Comparative analysis of tetracycline-containing dental gels: poloxamer- and monoglyceride-based formulations.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 1996 ; 142: 9-23
30) A. Virgili, M. Corazza, L. Trombelli, A. Arcidiacono
Burning Mouth Syndrome: The role of contact hypersensitivity.
Acta Dermatologica Venereologica 1996; 76: 488-490
31) L. Trombelli
Guided tissue regeneration with biochemical root conditioning in the treatment of human gingival recessions.
Dental Medium 1996; 4: 5-6
32) L. Trombelli, C.-K. Kim, G.J. Zimmerman, U.M.E. Wikesjo.
Retrospective analysis of factors related to the clinical outcome of guided tissue regeneration procedures in intrabony defects.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1997; 24: 366-371
33) L.Trombelli, D.N. Tatakis, A.Scabbia, G.J. Zimmerman.
Comparison of mucogingival changes following treatment with coronally positioned flap and guided tissue regeneration procedures.
International Journal of Periodontics e Restorative Dentistry 1997; 17 (5): 449-455
34) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia
Healing response of gingival recession defects following guided tissue regeneration procedures in smokers and non-smokers.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1997; 24: 529-533
35) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, G. Calura
Effect of topical application of a fibrin-fibronectin sealing system on healing response following periodontal surgical procedures.
Clinical Drug Investigation 1997; 14 (4): 268-275
36) L.Trombelli, D.N. Tatakis, A.Scabbia, G.J. Zimmerman.
Modifications muco-gingivales à la suite du repositionnement coronaire d’un lambeau ou d’une régé- nération tissulaire guidée: Etude comparative.
Revue Internationale de Parodontie & Dentisterie Restauratrice (ed. francese) 1997; 17: 449-455
37) L.Trombelli, D.N. Tatakis, A.Scabbia, G.J. Zimmerman.
Vergleich mukogingivaler veränderungen nach behandlung mit koronal positioniertem lappen und gesteuerter geweberegeneration.
Internationales Journal fur Parodontologie & Restaurative Zahnheilkunde (ed. tedesca) 1997; 17:449-455
38) G. Alessandri Bonetti, A. Scabbia, L. Trombelli
Combined orthodontic and periodontal treatment of jatrogenic periodontal defects. A patient report.
Kieferorthopedie 1997; 11: 199-204
39) G. Fabris, L. Trombelli, GP. Schincaglia, R. Cavallini, G. Calura, L. del Senno
Effects of a fibrin-fibronectin sealing system on proliferation and type I collagen synthesis of human PDL fibroblasts “in vitro”.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1998; 25: 11-14
40) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, D.N. Tatakis, L. Checchi, G. Calura
Resorbable barrier and envelope flap surgery in the treatment of human gingival recession defects. Case reports.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1998; 25: 24-29
41) A. Scabbia, L.Trombelli
Long-term stability of the mucogingival complex following guided tissue regeneration in gingival recession defects.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1998 ; 25 : 1041-1046
42) L. Trombelli, A. Scabbia, D.N. Tatakis, G. Calura
Subpedicle connective tissue graft versus guided tissue regeneration procedure with bioabsorbable membrane in the treatment of human gingival recession defects.
Journal of Periodontology 1998 ; 69 : 1271-1277
43) L. Trombelli
Periodontal regeneration in gingival recession defects.
Periodontology 2000 1999 ; 19 : 138-150
44) U.M.E. Wikesjö, P. Guglielmoni, A. Promsudthi, K-S Cho, L. Trombelli,
K.A. Selvig, L. Jin, J. Wozney.
Periodontal repair in dogs : Effect of rhBMP-2 concentration on regeneration of alveolar bone and periodontal attachment.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1999 ; 26 : 392 – 400
45) D.N. Tatakis, L. Trombelli
Adverse effects associated with the use of an absorbable GTR device in the treatment of human gingival recession defects. A clinicopathologic case report.
Journal of Periodontology 1999; 70 (5): 542-547
46) L. Trombelli, M.B. Lee, A. Promsudthi, P. Guglielmoni, U.M.E. Wikesjö
Periodontal repair in dogs: Histologic observations of guided tissue regeneration with a prostaglandin E1 analog/methacrylate composite.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1999 ; 26 : 381 – 387
47) F. Zangari, I. Lorenzetti, E. Esposito, C. Nastruzzi, C. Scapoli,
G. Calura, L. Trombelli
Clinical response to subgingival application of tetracycline-containing dental gel in supportive periodontal therapy.
Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology 1999 ; 2 : 45-51
48) D.N. Tatakis, L. Trombelli
Gingival recession treatment: guided tissue regeneration with absorbable membraneversus connective tissue graft.
Journal of Periodontology 2000; 71 : 300-306
49) P.J. Baker, H.A. Rotch, L.Trombelli, U.M.E. Wikesjö
An in vitro screening model to evaluate root conditioning protocols for periodontal regenerative procedures.
Journal of Periodontology 2000; 71:1139-1143
50) P. Guglielmoni, A. Promsudthi, D.N. Tatakis, L. Trombelli
Intra and inter-examiner reproducibility in keratinized tissue width assessment with three methods for mucogingival junction determination.
Journal of Periodontology 2001; 72: 134-9
51) A. Scabbia, K.-S. Cho, T.J. Sigurdsson, C.-K. Kim, L. Trombelli
Cigarette smoking negatively affects healing response following flap debridement surgery.
Journal of Periodontology 2001; 72: 43-49
52) L. Trombelli, S. Bottega, G. Zucchelli
Supracrestal soft tissue preservation in conjunction with enamel matrix proteins in the treatment of deep intrabony defects: A report of 35 consecutively-treated cases.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002; 29: 433-439
53) L. Checchi, M. Montevecchi, M.R.A. Gatto, L. Trombelli
Retrospective study of tooth loss in 92 treated periodontal patients.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002; 29: 651-656
54) C. Verna, C. Bosch, M. Dalstra, U.M.E. Wikesjö, L. Trombelli
Healing Patterns in Calvarial Bone Defects Following Guided Bone Regeneration in Rats. A Micro-CT Scan Analysis.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002; 29: 865-870
55) L.J. Heitz-Mayfield, L. Trombelli, F. Heitz, I. Needleman, D. Moles
A systematic review of the effect of surgical debridement vs. non-surgical debridement for the treatment of chronic periodontitis.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002; 29 (suppl. 3): 92-102
56) L. Trombelli, L.J. Heitz-Mayfield, I. Needleman, D. Moles, A. Scabbia
A systematic review of graft materials and biological agents for periodontal intraosseous defects.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002; 29 (suppl. 3): 117-135
57) L. Trombelli, K-S Cho, C-K Kim, C. Scapoli, A. Scabbia
Impaired healing response of periodontal furcation defects following flap debridement surgery in smokers. A controlled clinical trial.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2003; 30: 81-87
58) E. Cassai, M. Galvan, L. Trombelli, A. Rotola
HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 in gingival biopsies from chronic adult periodontitis patients. A case-control study.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2003; 30: 184-191
59) L. Trombelli, D.N. Tatakis
Periodontal diseases: current and future indications for local antimicrobial therapy.
Oral Diseases 2003; 9 (suppl. 1): 11-15
60) A. Scabbia, L. Trombelli
A comparative study on the use of a HA/collagen/chondroitin sulphate biomaterial and a bovine-derived HA xenograft in the treatment of deep intra-osseous defects.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2004; May;31(5):348-55.
61) D.N. Tatakis, L. Trombelli
Modulation of clinical expression of plaque-induced gingivitis. I. Background review and rationale.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2004; Apr;31(4):229-38.
62) L. Trombelli, D.N. Tatakis, C. Scapoli, S. Bottega, E. Orlandini, M. Tosi
Modulation of clinical expression of plaque-induced gingivitis. II. Identification of “high responder” and “low responder” subjects.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2004; Apr;31(4):239-52.
63) L. Trombelli, C. Scapoli, E. Orlandini, M. Tosi, S. Bottega, D.N. Tatakis
Modulation of clinical expression of plaque-induced gingivitis. III. Response of “high responders” and “low responders” to therapy.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2004; Apr;31(4):253-9.
64) M.E. Guarnelli, F. Zangari, R. Manfrini, C. Scapoli, L. Trombelli
Evaluation of additional amine fluoride/stannous fluoride-containing mouthrinse during
supportive therapy in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis. A randomized, controlled double-blind, controlled trial.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2004; 31(9): 742-8.
65) L. Trombelli, R. Farina, R. Manfrini, D.N. Tatakis
Modulation of clinical expression of plaque-induced gingivitis: Effect of incisor crown form.
Journal of Dental Research 2004; 83: 728-731
66) L. Trombelli
Susceptibility to Gingivitis: a Way to Predict Periodontal Disease?
Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 2004; 2: Supplement 1: 265-269.
67) L. Trombelli
Which reconstructive procedures are effective for treating the periodontal
intraosseous defect?
Periodontology 2000. 2005; 37:88-105.
68) L. Trombelli, L. Minenna, R. Farina, A. Scabbia
Guided tissue regeneration in human gingival recessions: a 10-year follow-up study.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005 Jan;32(1):16-20.
69) C. Scapoli, L. Trombelli, E. Mamolini, A. Collins
Linkage disequilibrium analysis of case-control data: an application to Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis.
Genes and Immunity 2005 Feb;6(1):44-52.
70) C. Scapoli, D.N. Tatakis, E. Mamolini, L. Trombelli
Modulation of clinical expression of plaque-induced gingivitis: interleukin-1 gene cluster polymorphisms.
Journal of Periodontology 2005 Jan;76(1):49-56.
71) D. Herrera, S. Santos, J. Ferrús, G. Barbieri, L. Trombelli, M. Sanz.
Efficacy of a 0.15% benzydamine hydrochloride and 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride mouth-rinse on 4-day de novo plaque formation.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005 Jun;32(6):595-603.
72) L. Minenna, F. Herrero, M. Sanz, L. Trombelli
Adjunctive effect of a PLA/PGA copolymer in the treatment of deep periodontal intraosseous defects. A randomized clinical trial.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005 May;32(5):456-61.
73) L. Trombelli, R. Farina
Space provision ensures bone formation in gingival recession defects treated by GTR: a case report.
PERIO 2005; 2: 99-106
74) L. Trombelli, C. Scapoli, D.N. Tatakis, L. Grassi
Modulation of clinical expression of plaque-induced gingivitis. Effect of personality traits, social support and stress.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005 Nov;32: 1143-1150.
75) L. Francetti, L. Trombelli, G. Lombardo, L.Guida, , C. Cafiero, M. Roccuzzo, M. Carusi, M. Del Fabbro
Evaluation of efficacy of Enamel Matrix Derivative in the treatment of intrabony defects. A 24-month study.
International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2005 Oct; 25 (5): 461-473
76) L. Trombelli, M. Annunziata, S. Belardo, R. Farina, A. Scabbia, L. Guida
Autogenous bone graft in conjunction with enamel matrix derivative in the treatment of deep periodontal intraosseous defects: a report of 13 consecutively treated patients.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2006; 33: 69-75.
77) L. Trombelli, C. Scapoli, D.N. Tatakis, L. Minenna
Modulation of clinical expression of plaque-induced gingivitis. Response in aggressive periodontitis subjects.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2006; 33: 79-85.
78) Trombelli L & Farina R
Knochenbildung bei regenerativ behandelten Gingivarezessionen – Ein Fallbericht.
Parodontologie 2006;17:55-61.
79) P. Sibilla, A. Sereni, G. Aguiari, M. Banzi, E. Manzati, C. Mischiati, L. Trombelli, L. del Senno
Gene effects of a hydroxyapatite-based biomaterial in osteoblast-like cells.
Journal of Dental Research 2006; Apr;85(4):354-8
80) L. Trombelli, C. Scapoli, G. Calura, D.N. Tatakis
Time as a factor in the identification of subjects with different susceptibility to plaque- induced gingivitis.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2006 May;33(5):324-8.
81) Guida L, Annunziata M, Belardo S, Farina R, Scabbia A, Trombelli L
Additional Effect of Autogenous Cortical Bone Particulate in Conjunction with Enamel Matrix Derivative in the Treatment of Deep Periodontal Intraosseous Defects.
Journal of Periodontology 2007;78:231-238.
82) Farina R, Itro A, Ferrieri I, Trombelli L
Disease Recurrence Following Reconstructive Procedures: A 6-8 Year Follow-Up Observational Study.
Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry 2007;4:307-312
83) Scapoli C, Mamolini E, Trombelli L
Role of IL-6, TNF-A and LT-A variants in the modulation of the clinical
expression of plaque-induced gingivitis.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2007;34:1031-1038.
84) Trombelli L, Farina R, Marzola A, Itro A, Calura G
GBR and Autogenous Cortical Bone Particulate by Bone Scraper for Alveolar Ridge Augmentation: A Histologic Report.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2008; 23:111-116
85) M.E. Guarnelli, G. Franceschetti , R. Manfrini, L. Trombelli.
Adjunctive effect of chlorhexidine in ultrasonic instrumentation of aggressive periodontitis patients: a pilot study.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2008; 35(4):333-341.
86) Trombelli L, Farina R, Marzola A, Bozzi L, Liljenberg B, Lindhe J
Modeling and Remodeling of Human Extraction Sockets.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2008; 35(7):630-639.
87) Trombelli L, Farina R
Clinical Outcomes with Bioactive Agents Alone or in Combination with Grafting or GTR.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2008 Sep;35(8 Suppl):117-35.
88) Rotola A, Cassai E, Farina R, Caselli E, Gentili V, Lazzarotto T, Trombelli L
Human Herspesvirus 7, Epstein Barr Virus and Human Citomegalovirus in Periodontal Tissues of Periodontally-Diseased and Healthy Subjects. A Comparative Study.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2008 Oct; 35 (10): 831-837
89) Bosshardt D, Cairo F, Christgau M, De Sanctis M, Etienne D, Fourmousis I, Hughes F, Jepsen S, Sculean A, Sicilia A, Trombelli L, Van der Velden U, Yilmaz S.
Periodontal tissue engineering and regeneration: Consensus Report of the Sixth European Workshop on Periodontology.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2008 Sep;35(8 Suppl):83-6.
90) Trombelli L, Farina R, Minenna L, Carrieri A, Scapoli C, Tatakis DN, Calura G
Experimental Gingivitis: Reproducibility of Plaque Accumulation and Gingival Inflammation Parameters in Selected Populations during a Repeat Trial.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2008 Nov;35(11):955-60.
91) Trombelli L, Farina R, Franceschetti G, Calura G
Single Flap Approach with Buccal Access in Periodontal Reconstructive Procedures.
A Case Series.
Journal of Periodontology 2009 Feb; 80(2):353-60.
92) Guida L, Trombelli L
Periodontal tissue regeneration by combined use of autogenous bone graft and enamel matrix derivative in the treatment of intraosseous periodontal defects.
Journal de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale 2010, 29(2): 111-131
93) Trombelli L, Minenna P, Franceschetti G, Minenna L, Farina R
Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation with a Minimally Invasive Technique. A Case Series.
Journal of Periodontology 2010 Jan; 81(1):158-66.
94) Farina R, Scapoli C, Carrieri A, Guarnelli ME, Trombelli L
Prevalence of Bleeding on Probing: a Cohort Study in a Specialist Periodontal Clinic.
Quintessence International 2010 (in press)
95) Trombelli L, Minenna P, Franceschetti G, Minenna L, Itro A, Farina R
A Minimally Invasive Approach for Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation: a Case Report.
Quintessence International 2010 May;41(5):363-9.
96) Scapoli C, Borzani I, Guarnelli ME, Mamolini E, Annunziata M,
Guida L, Trombelli L
IL-1 gene cluster is not linked to Aggressive periodontitis.
Journal of Dental Research 2010 May;89(5):457-61. Epub 2010 Mar 24.
97) Trombelli L, Rizzi A, Simonelli A, Scapoli C, Carrieri A, Farina R
Age-related Treatment Response Following non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2010 37: 346–352.
98) Trombelli L, Scapoli C, Carrieri A, Giovannini G, Calura G, Farina R
Interleukin-1β Levels in Serum and Gingival Crevicular Fluid under either Naturally-Occurring or Experimentally-induced Gingival Inflammation.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2010; 37:697-704
99) Trombelli L, Simonelli A, Pramstraller M, Wikesjö UME, Farina R
Single Flap Approach with and without Guided Tissue Regeneration and a Hydroxyapatite Biomaterial in the Management of Intraosseous Periodontal Defects.
Journal of Periodontology 2010;81:1256-1263
100) Trombelli L, Franceschetti G, Itro A, Farina R
Smart-Lift technique used in association with a hydroxyapatite-based biomaterial. Clinical outcomes and postoperative morbidity.
Journal of Oral Surgery 2010; 2:47-55
101) Pramstraller M, Farina R, Franceschetti G, Pramstraller C, Trombelli L.
Ridge dimensions of the edentulous posterior maxilla: a retrospective analysis of a
cohort of 127 patients using computerized tomography data.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2011 Jan;22(1):54-61.
Erratum in: Clinical Oral Implants Research 2011 Feb;22(2):235.
102) Guarnelli ME, Farina R, Cucchi A, Trombelli L.
Clinical and microbiological effects of mechanical instrumentation and local antimicrobials during periodontal supportive therapy in aggressive periodontitis patients: smoker versus non-smoker patients.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2010 Nov;37(11):998-1004.
103) Trombelli L, Franceschetti G, Itro A, Farina R
Smart-Lift technique used in association with a hydroxyapatite-based biomaterial. Clinical outcomes and postoperative morbidity.
Journal of Oral Surgery 2010;2:47-55
104) Farina R, Scapoli C, Carrieri A, Guarnelli ME, Trombelli L
Prävalenz von Sondierungsbluten: Kohortenstudie an einer Spezialklinik für Parodontologie.
Parodontologie 2011;22:369-380
105) Canullo L, Pellegrini G, Allievi C, Trombelli L, Annibali S, Dellavia C.
Soft tissues around long-term platform switching implant restorations: a histological human evaluation. Preliminary results.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2011 Jan;38(1):86-94.
106) Farina R, Scapoli C, Carrieri A, Guarnelli ME, Trombelli L.
Prevalence of bleeding on probing: a cohort study in a specialist periodontal clinic.
Quintessence International 2011 Jan;42(1):57-68.
107) Farina R, Pramstraller M, Franceschetti G, Pramstraller C, Trombelli L.
Alveolar ridge dimensions in maxillary posterior sextants: a retrospective comparative study of dentate and edentulous sites using computerized tomography data.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2011 Oct;22(10):1138-44.
108) Kinane DF, Preshaw PM, Loos BG, Buduneli N, Cooper P, Berenguer XC, D'Aiuto F, Donati M, Engebretson S, Escribano M, Gustafsson A, Hughes FJ, Jepsen S, Liew FY, Madianos P, Meyle J, Seymour GJ, Shapira L, Trombelli L
Host-response: understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of host-microbial interactions--consensus of the Seventh European Workshop on Periodontology.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2011 Mar;38 Suppl 11:44-8.
109) Farina R, Trombelli L
Wound healing of extraction sockets.
Endodontics Topics 2012;25:16-43.
110) Trombelli L, Farina R
Flap design for periodontal healing.
Endodontics Topics 2012;25:4-15.
111) Trombelli L, Simonelli A, Schincaglia GP, Cucchi A, Farina R.
Single-flap approach for surgical debridement of deep intraosseous defects: a randomized
controlled trial.
Journal of Periodontology 2012 Jan;83(1):27-35.
112) Trombelli L, Franceschetti G, Rizzi A, Minenna P, Minenna L, Farina R.
Minimally invasive transcrestal sinus floor elevation with graft biomaterials. A randomized clinical trial.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012 Apr;23(4):424-32.
113) Tonetti M, Palmer R, Artzi Z, Cairo F, Donati M, Giannobile W, Machtei E, Madianos P, Meijer H, Needleman I, Neukam FW, Nisand D, Quirynen M, Rocchietta I, Sanz I, Trombelli L, Tu YK, Ceder F, Hotze M, Rieben AS.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2012 Feb;39 Suppl 12:73-80
114) Farina R, Guarnelli ME, Figuero E, Herrera D, Sanz M, Trombelli L.
Microbiological profile and calprotectin expression in naturally occurring and experimentally induced gingivitis.
Clinical Oral Investigations 2012 Oct;16(5):1475-84.
115) Farina R, Bressan E, Taut A, Cucchi A, Trombelli L
Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) in Human Post-Extraction Sockets: a Histological and Histomorphometric Study.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012
116) Farina R, Simonelli A, Rizzi A, Pramstraller M, Cucchi A, Trombelli L.
Early postoperative healing following buccal Single Flap Approach to access intraosseous periodontal defects.
Clinical Oral Investigations 2013;17:1573-1583.
117) Franceschetti G, Farina R, Stacchi C, Di Lenarda R, Di Raimondo R, Trombelli L
Radiographic outcomes of transcrestal sinus floor elevation performed with a minimally-invasive technique in smoker and non-smoker patients.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2014 Apr; 25(4):493-9
118) Sanz M, Kornman K, Ide M, Gustafsson A, Madianos P, Papapanou P, Offenbacher S, Michalowicz B, Shapira L, Trombelli L, Wimmer G, Klinge B, Tervonen T, Reddy M, Teles R, Katancik J, Rethman M, Han Y, McCauley L, Voegtli M. Periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2013 Apr; 40 Suppl 14:S164-9.
119) Farina R, Tomasi C, Trombelli L
The bleeding site: a multi-level analysis of associated factors.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2013;40:735-742.
120) Schaefer AS, Bochenek G, Manke T, Nothnagel M, Graetz C, Thien A, Jockel-Schneider Y, Harks I, Staufenbiel I, Wijmenga C, Eberhard J, Guzeldemir-Akcakanat E, Cine N, Folwaczny M, Noack B, Meyle J, Eickholz P, Trombelli L, Scapoli C, Nohutcu R, Bruckmann C, Doerfer C, Jepsen S, Loos BG, Schreiber S.
Validation of reported genetic risk factors for periodontitis in a large-scale replication study.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2013 Jun;40(6):563-72.
121) Farina R, Bressan E, Taut A, Cucchi A, Trombelli L
Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) had limited effect on early bone formation in extraction sockets.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2013 (doi: 10.1111/clr.12230)
122) Trombelli L, Farina R
A review of factors influencing the incidence and severity of plaque-induced gingivitis.
Minerva Stomatologica 2013;62:207-234.
123) Trombelli L, Franceschetti G, Stacchi C, Minenna L, Riccardi OL, Di Raimondo R, Rizzi A, Farina R
Minimally-invasive transcrestal sinus floor elevation with a deproteinized bovine bone or ß-tricalcium phosphate: a multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2014, Mar;41(3):311-9.
124) Tonetti MS, Jepsen S, Bouchard P, Cairo F, Eickholz P, Graziani F, Herrera D, Jepsen S, Jung R, Machtei E, Madianos P, McClain P, Needleman I, Quirynen M, Renvert S, Roccuzzo M, Thoma D, Tonetti M, Trombelli L, Zucchelli G.
Clinical efficacy of periodontal plastic surgery procedures: Consensus Report of Group 2 of the 10th European Workshop on Periodontology.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2014 Apr;41 Suppl 15:S36-43.
125) Vecchiatini R, Penolazzi L, Lambertini E, Angelozzi M, Morganti C, Mazzitelli S, Trombelli L, Nastruzzi C, Piva R
Effect of dynamic three-dimensional culture on osteogenic potential of human periodontal ligament-derived mesenchymal stem cells entrapped in alginate microbeads.
Journal of Periodontal Research 2014 Sep 23.
126) Farina R, Simonelli A, Minenna L, Rasperini G, Trombelli L.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2014 Jul-Aug;34(4):497-506
127) Manfrini M, Mazzoni E, Barbanti-Brodano G, Nocini P, D'agostino A, Trombelli L, Tognon M.
Osteoconductivity of Complex Biomaterials Assayed by Fluorescent-Engineered Osteoblast-like Cells.
Cell Biochem Biophys. 2014 Nov 12.
128) Sanz M, Bäumer A, Budunelli N, Dommisch H, Farina R, Kononen E, Linden G, Meyle J, Preshaw P, Quirynen M, Roldan S, Sanchez N, Sculean A, Slot DE, Trombelli L, West N, Winkel E, Rist AC, Mantzourani M.
J Clin Periodontol. 2015 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12367. [Epub ahead of print]
129) Trombelli L, Franceschetti G, Farina R.
J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Dec 12. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12339. [Epub ahead of print]
130) Franceschetti G, Farina R, Minenna L, Franceschetti G, Trombelli L
Learning curve of a minimally-invasive technique for transcrestal sinus floor elevation: a split-group analysis in a prospective case series with multiple operators.
Implant Dent. 2015 Oct;24(5):517-26
131) Farina R, Simonelli A, Minenna L, Rasperini G, Schincaglia GP, Tomasi C, Trombelli L.
J Periodontol. 2015 Sep;86(9):1038-46.
132) Schincaglia GP, Hebert E, Farina R, Simonelli A, Trombelli L.
Single versus double flap approach in periodontal regenerative treatment.
J Clin Periodontol. 2015 Jun;42(6):557-66.
133) Trombelli L, Franceschetti G, Trisi P, Farina R.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 May;73(5):861-88.
134) Penolazzi L, Lolli A, Sardelli L, Angelozzi M, Lambertini E, Trombelli L, Ciarpella F, Vecchiatini R, Piva R.
Life Sci. 2016 May 1;152:82-93.
135) Schincaglia GP, Rubin S, Thacker S, Dhingra A, Trombelli L, Ioannidou E.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016 Mar-Apr;31(2):448-58.
136) Miron RJ, Sculean A, Cochran DL, Froum S, Zucchelli G, Nemcovsky C, Donos N, Lyngstadaas SP, Deschner J, Dard M, Stavropoulos A, Zhang Y, Trombelli L, Kasaj A, Shirakata Y, Cortellini P, Tonetti M, Rasperini G, Jepsen S, Bosshardt DD.
Twenty years of enamel matrix derivative: the past, the present and the future.
J Clin Periodontol. 2016 Aug;43(8):668-83.
137) Farina R, Zaetta A, Minenna L, Trombelli L.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 Nov;74(11):2192.
138) Tonetti MS, Bottenberg P, Conrads G, Eickholz P, Heasman P, Huysmans MC, López R, Madianos P, Müller F, Needleman I, Nyvad B, Preshaw PM, Pretty I, Renvert S, Schwendicke F, Trombelli L, van der Putten GJ, Vanobbergen J, West N, Young A, Paris S.
J Clin Periodontol. 2017 Mar;44 Suppl 18:S135-S144.
139) Trombelli L, Simonelli A, Minenna L, Rasperini G, Farina R.
J Periodontol. 2017 Apr;88(4):348-356.
140) Farina R, Filippi M, Brazzioli J, Tomasi C, Trombelli L.
Bleeding on probing around dental implants: a retrospective study of associated factors.
J Clin Periodontol. 2017 Jan;44(1):115-122.
141) Trombelli L, Minenna L, Toselli L, Zaetta A, Checchi L, Checchi V, Nieri M, Farina R.
J Clin Periodontol. 2017 Jan;44(1):51-57.
142) Franceschetti G, Rizzi A, Minenna L, Pramstraller M, Trombelli L, Farina R.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2017 Feb;28(2):156-162.
143) Trombelli L, Farina R, Minenna L, Toselli L, Simonelli A.
Regenerative Periodontal Treatment with the Single Flap Approach in Smokers and Nonsmokers.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Jul/Aug;38(4):e59-e67.
144) Trombelli L, Simonelli A, Minenna L, Vecchiatini R, Farina R.
Simplified procedures to treat periodontal intraosseous defects in esthetic areas.
Periodontol 2000. 2018 Jun;77(1):93-110.
145) Gürsoy M, Wilensky A, Claffey N, Herrera D, Preshaw PM, Sanz M, Schlagenhauf U, Trombelli L, Demirel K.
Eur J Dent Educ. 2018 Feb 20.