Heterogeneous Paths to Stability, di Edoardo Di Porto, Cristina Tealdi (APRILE 2022)
We investigate how the flexibility of temporary contracts affects the probability of young
workers to be upgraded into permanent employment. Theoretically, we explore the
workers’ career development in response to the change in flexibility within a search and
matching model; empirically, we exploit an Italian labour market reform which increased
flexibility in a difference in differences framework. We find that new entrants in the labour
market who have been affected by the reform experienced a decrease in the conversion
rate of approximately 12.5 percentage points in the first months after the reform, and of
5.1 percentage points over a year, compared to unaffected peers. This effect is particularly
strong among women and low-educated workers employed in low productive firms in the
Center/South of Italy. Worryingly, the lower conversion rate leads to a 25% wage penalty
even two years down the workers’ career paths.
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