INTRODUCTION TO SIMPLE REGRESSION LINEAR MODEL We are business consultant of the MINI MARKET company, based on various shops. The general director want create a new shop in Ferrara, but to individuate the typology and dimension, he ask us to undersand the relationship between the the sales volume and the size of the sales points. #this is a simple example and we create our sample of data# #the size of shops is expressed in Mq(100) the annual sales is expressed in Euro (1000). before to develop a model, we want analyze the distribution of our data #size = x #annual sales volumes = y # #let's create our database# x=c(3.7,3.6,3.8,5.6,1.3,2.2,3.3,4.1,3.2,4.5,5.2,4.6,3.8,3) y=c(8.7,7.9,6.7,9.5,8.4,5.6,3.7,6.7,5.5,6.9,10.7,7.6,7.8,4.1) #1. let's observe the data# hist(x) hist(y) mean(x) median(x) mean(y) median(y) plot(x,y)