##### UNIFE SEB lab - 1.03.2019 - MINI ### MLRM ### research question: do advertising and price affect the total sales of pie? getwd() torta<-read.csv2("torta.csv") # analyze the database View(torta) str(torta) head(torta) #describe the variables attach(torta) torta=torta[,-1]# we deleted week from our in-use database because we are not interest # we rename our variables of interest: x1=Price x2=Advertising y=Pie.sales #1. graphical analysis plot(x1,y) plot(x2,y) pairs(x=torta,panel=panel.smooth) #2.identify the coefficients of our model #we may use two methods: glm () or lm() [let's start with lm] reg=lm(y~x1+x2) reg #to identify the coefficients and the method used summary(reg) #please, try to explain all the part composing our output #### OUR MODEL: y= 306.53-24.98*Price+74.13*Advertising #3. graphical representation (you should have the 3D software) library(scatterplot3d) # let's check the availability of the 3D sc=scatterplot3d(y,x1,x2) #4. Let's make a prediction #ex. price=5$, advertise=410 $ ( -> the value is 4.1) b0=306.53 b1=-24.93 b2=74.13 pred=b0+b1*5+b2*4.1 pred #485.813 #5.the goodness of fit of our model #5A= RQ from the output #5B= from the ANOVA #let's go head with the exercises 5a and 5b and compare the obtained values summary(reg) anova(reg) #(11100+1836)/(11100+18360+27033)