Lab 9_step by step MLRM
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# UNIFE_SEB prof. MINI # 2019, March 8 ##################### second lecture on MLRM ################# #RQ: do the sugar, cereals and meat consumption affect the Alcoholic beverages? #For investigating this question, refer to the eating database #The model we should use is a MLRM #Step-by-step analysis: #0. prepare and describe the dataset and the variables of interest #1. graphical analysi of relationships (please, comment) #2. specify the model (command and definition of your equation model) #3. interpreting the coefficients #4. range of xi and possible prediction #5. the goodness of fit of your model (R2) #6. try to compare different models (R2 adj) #7. the significance of your model (F test) #8. the significance of each single coefficient (t-test) #9. graphical analysis of LRM conditions (e) #10. check for the multicollinearity (VIF) #11. please comment the obtained results considering the initial Research Question #0. getwd() #change your directory eating=read.csv2("eating.csv") View(eating) str(eating) #the database is composed by 126 observations and 15 variables attach(eating) #we are interested in 4 variables (and all the 126 observations) #thus we create a new dataset consdering only the variables of interest: #alcoholic consumption, sugar, cereals and meat View(eating) eating1=eating[,-seq(1:2)] View(eating1) eating2=eating1[,-3] View(eating2) eating3=eating2[,-3] View(eating3) eating4=eating3[,-4] View(eating4) eating5=eating4[,-4] View(eating5) eating6=eating5[,-5] View(eating6) eating7=eating6[,-5] eating8=eating7[,-5] eating9=eating8[,-5] eating10=eating9[,-5] View(eating10) eating=eating10 #we obtained a database called "eating" cointaining only the variables of our interest str(eating) #1. graphical analysi of relationships (please, make a comment) y=Alcoholic.Beverages x1=Cereals x2=Sugar x3=Meat plot(x1,y) plot(x2,y) plot(x3,y) pairs(x=eating,panel=panel.smooth) #2. specify the model (command and definition of your equation model) #the model we are setting up is: # Alcoholic.Beverage=b0+b1*Cereals+b2*Sugar+b3*Meat # y= b0+b1x1+b2x2+b3x3 reg=lm(y~x1+x2+x3) reg summary(reg) #3. interpreting the coefficients b0=11.44962 b1=-0.0429 b2=0.42128 b3=0.14766 #make a comment for each coefficient #4. range of xi and possible prediction range(x1) range(x2) range(x3) #prediction question: immagine a policy maker in a contry want to fix the # cereals consumption at 29 units # sugar consumption at 29 units # meat consumption at 29 units # how much of alcoholic beverage we expect to observe in that country? predy=b0+b1*29+b2*29+b3*29 predy # 26.7047 units of alcoholic beverage #prediction question: the year after, the policy maker want to fix the # cereals consumption at 20 units # sugar consumption at 20 units # meat consumption at 20 units # how much of alcoholic beverage we expect to observe in that country? predy2=b0+b1*20+b2*20+b3*20 predy2 # 21.970 units of alcoholic beverage #prediction question: the year after, the policy maker want to fix the # cereals consumption at 0 units # sugar consumption at 20 units # meat consumption at 20 units # how much of alcoholic beverage we expect to observe in that country? predy3=b0+b1*0+b2*20+b3*20 predy3 # 22.828 units of alcoholic beverage #5. the goodness of fit of your model (R2) summary(reg) #Rq = 0.07124 --> the 7.124% of total variance in alcoholic beverage is explained by the #linear relationship with sugar, cereals and meat. #our model is not weel fitting data (the 92.876% of the variability is still unexplained) #6. try to compare different models (R2 adj) #model A= we try to delete x1 #thus our new model is: Y=b0+b2x2+b3x3 --> alcoholic beverage= b0+b2*sugar+b3*meat regA=lm(y~x2+x3) summary(regA) #let's compare those models: # R2 adj. reg = 0.0484 # R2 adj. regA= 0.04794 #the first model is a bit better than the second #model B = we try to delete x2 #thus our new model is: Y=b0+b1x1+b3x3 --> alcoholic beverage= b0+b1*cereals+b3*meat regB=lm(y~x1+x3) summary(regB) #let's compare those models: # R2 adj. reg = 0.0484 # R2 adj. regB= 0.01016 #the first model is much better than the second #model C = we try to delete x3 #thus our new model is: Y=b0+b1x1+b2x2 --> alcoholic beverage= b0+b1*cereals+b2*sugar regC=lm(y~x1+x2) summary(regC) #let's compare those models: # R2 adj. reg = 0.0484 # R2 adj. regC= 0.0405 #the first is a bit better than the second model #after having compared different solutions, we can mantain # - the original model # - or the model A, because we obtain quite the same R2 adj, but using less variables #7. the significance of your model (F test) summary(reg) # please, make a comment: # F-statistic 3.119; DF: 3 and 122; p-value = 0.0286 # we may be confident at 95% (of confidence level) that the more-to-one relationship # described by our model, does exist within the population too. # (in fact, we may be confident at 97% of confidence level!) #8. the significance of each single coefficient (t-test) summary(reg) #check the value and the associated p-value: make a comment #9. geaphical analysis of LRM conditions (e) e1=reg$residuals pred=reg$fitted.values plot(e1) plot(pred,e1) plot(e1,x1) plot(e1,x2) plot(e1,x3) hist(e1) # now let's produce a normal QQ plot of the variable e1 qqnorm(e1) #how to create quantile-quantile plots in R. QQ plot (or quantile-quantile plot) draws the correlation between a given sample and the normal distribution. A 45-degree reference line is also plotted. # If the values lie along a line the distribution #has the same shape (up to location and scale) as the theoretical distribution we have supposed. #As sample sizes become larger, generally speaking the plots #'stabilize' and the features become more clearly interpretable #rather than representing noise. [With some very heavy-tailed distributions, #the rare large outlier might #prevent the picture stabilizing nicely even at quite large sample sizes.] #QQ plots are used to visually check the normality of the data. #if we perform qqline(e1) we add a reference line #please make a comment# #10. chek for the multicollinearity (VIF) e1=reg$residuals SST=sum(y-mean(y))^2 SST SSE=sum(e1^2) R1=1-SSE/SST VIF=1/(1-R1) VIF #to make a real analysis of VIF in MLRM: reg1=lm(x1~x2+x3) summary(reg1) reg2=lm(x2~x1+x3) summary(reg2) reg3=lm(x3~x1+x2) summary(reg3) R1=0.01817 #value from reg 1 R2=0.02019 #value from reg 2 R3=0.00983 #value from reg 3 VIF1=1/(1-R1) VIF2=1/(1-R2) VIF3=1/(1-R3) VIF1 VIF2 VIF3 #observe your results: VIF shoul be lower/equal 5 #11. please comment the obtained results considering the initial Research Question