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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Activities for the further study by the student of basic biology, with particular regard to molecular point of view. It requires some skills in identifying the molecular processes of replication, transcription, splicing and translation of the genetic material. Skills in knowing how to distinguish these processes both in eukaryotic organisms that prokaryotes, and highlight the main differences


Basic knowledge of the main constituents of a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Knowledge of biological macromolecules, especially with regard to DNA, RNA and proteins

Course programme

The course contemplate 48 hours of frontal lectures
Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA: differences (0,5 hours)
Structure and conformations of DNA;.DNA topology, supercolils. Topoisomerase I and II and mechanism of action (5 hours). Organization of DNA in eukaryotes. Chromosomes and chromatin. Histones and their transitional modifications (Acetylation, methylation and phosphorylation). Remodeling, epigenetic transmission; karyotype (2 hours). Eterochromatization of X-chromosome: theory of mosaicism (0,5 hour)
Genome organization in eukaryotes. Definition of gene and classifications. Gene unique sequences ( eg structural genes), moderately (eg. telomeres, centromeres and intersperse sequences) and highly repetitive (micro-minisatellites); polymorphisms of repeats and of single nucleotide (SNP) (3 hours).
DNA replication and its properties. Chemical properties of DNA polymerase, mechanisms of replication fork, start and termination of replication (3 hours). Telomeres and telomerase with the mechanism of action (1 hours)
Molecular mechanisms of mutations: chromosomal (Inversion, deletion, duplication, transposition and simply translocation), genomic (polyploidy, polysomy, allopoliploidy)and genic mutations (point mutations: sense, silent, no way, read through, insertion and deletion of a nucleotide). Mutagens (4 hours)
Repairs DNA base excision repair, nucleotide excision, homologous recombination and the mismatch and repair in replication fork (2 hours)
Homologous recombination: bacteria (Holliday model and proteins involved); meiosis and recombination in eukaryotic proteins involved. Recombination frequency for mapping genes, genetic map, Morgan unit (4 hours).
Site specific recombination: phage lambda integration of the phage into the bacterial chromosome; genetic recombination in eukaryotes: synthesis of immunoglobulin by B cells and synthesis of the T cell receptor, the molecular mechanisms (2 hours).
RNA: Structure, molecular mechanism of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Start, elongation and termination of transcription. Mechanism of action of RNA polymerases (5 hours).
Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes: positive control, eg. operon of lactose; eg negative control. tryptophan operon (2 hours).
Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes: activators (enhancers), silencers and insulator. combined control of proteins (2 hours).
Regulatory proteins, DNA-binding, with common motifs: Eleca-turn-helix, finger zinc (eg steroid hormone receptors) and leucine zipper (2 hours).
Processing and maturation of the eukaryotic mRNA: capping, polyadenylation and splicing introns; transcripts simple and complex; transport of mRNA. Processing of rRNA and tRNA (5 hours).
Genetic code, properties. the tRNA as adapter (1 hours)
Protein synthesis: activation of amino acids, initiation, elongation, translocation, termination and energy cost (3 hours).

Specific topics can be further developed on texts

Didactic methods

The teaching method is based on lectures: makes use on slides projected, the schemes on the board that facilitate the study of matter and the adoption of texts dedicated to the deepening of the themes. The lesson is often set in a dialogue with the students, even for verifying the level of understanding of the subject.

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the oral exam is to verify the level of achievement of the previously mentioned educational goals. The exam consists of three broad questions. It will not be assessed as the ability to "repeat" the arguments, as the ability to link and compare the various aspects addressed. If, however, at the second question the student is insufficient (less than 18/30), the student must repeat the exam. It is also contemplated the possibility of a topic chosen by the student. Writtentests in progress during the course are not carried out.

Reference texts

Teacher’s slides;
Specific topics can be further developed in the following texts:
Biologia Molecolare del Gene, J.D. Watson e coll Ed. Zanichelli, 2015, 7° Ed
Biologia Molecolare: principi e tecniche, M.M.Cox e coll., Ed. Zanichelli, 2013, 1° Ed italiana
Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare, G. Karp e coll., EdiSES, 2010, 5° Ediz
Biologia molecolare della cellula, B. Alberts e coll.Ed. Zanichelli, 2015, 4° Ediz
Biologia Molecolare: principi e tecniche, M.M.Cox, Ed. Zanichelli, 2013, 1° Ed.
Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare, G. Karp 4° Ediz, EdiSES, 2010