Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2013/2014
- Teacher
- Credits
- 8
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
- CHIM/08
Training objectives
- Knowledge related to the manipulation of chemical substances from synthetic or natural sources; synthetic methodologies for the preparation of drugs or bioactive molecules; extractive methodologies from solid matrix or solutions for drugs and bioactive molecules; methodologies for the purification and characterization of the obtained molecules.
Operational: ability to obtain in lab scale a drug or bioactive molecule by synthetic or extractive way; ability to purify natural or synthetic molecules in lab scale; ability to characterize the obtained molecules by instrumental methods; ability to redact a technical note on the laboratory work; ability to critically analyze the lab work; ability to optimize time and costs of a lab process for preparation of drugs and bioactive molecule; ability to achieve information from literature, data bank, or other sources to the preparation and characterization of drugs or bioactive molecules.
Behaviour: ability to: operate in a laboratory with hich technical content; work in a coordinated manner in a team environment; planning and execution of a process aimed to obtain a drug or a bioactive molecule in a lab scale Prerequisites
- Organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemico-physycal methods for identification and quantification of drugs and bioactive molecules, analytical methods.
Course programme
- 1.Extraction of compounds from solid matrix or solutions. Theory of extraction, apparatus. Practical activity: separation of complex mixtures based on differences in polarity and acidity. Carotenoids from spinach, carrots, tomatoes. Caffeine from tea leaf or coffee. Limonene from oranges. Extraction of Eugenol from Eugenia caryophyllata by 4 different comparative methods.
2.Methodologies for the preparation of drugs or biologically active substances. Single step or multiple step preparations: acylations, alkylations, hydrolysis, reduction, oxidation, esterification, preparation of : amides, alcohols and etherocycles. Practical activity: preparation: INI (idrazine formation), aspirin (esterification), paracetamol (amide formation), phenacetin (alkylation), preparation of p-nitro-benzylalcohol (hydride reduction), preparation of p-nitro-benzoic acid (saponification), preparation of ethyl-S-(+)-3-hydroxybutanoate (enzymatic reduction), 3,5-dimethyl-pyrazole (eterocycle formation), 3,5-di-carboxy-pyrazole (oxidation)
3.Isolation and purification. Practical activity: preparation of titred solutions, anidrification, crystallization, evaporation at reduced pressure, distillation. Chromatografic analisys: TLC, Column chromatography, HPLC.
4.Determination of compound purity and yield of the process. Practical activity: HPLC, IR, UV, DSC, Polarimeter determinations Didactic methods
- Classroom teaching and Laboratory class with individual practical activity
Learning assessment procedures
- Oral examination, practical examination and laboratory reports.
Reference texts
- Pavia, Lampman, Kriz - Il laboratorio di chimica organica. Sorbona Editore, 1994
Material Teacher.