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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Main knowledge acquired:
The course aims to address the study of business law carried out individually and collectively, coordinating the analysis of the regulatory data with a constant comparison with the case law of merit and legitimacy: starting from fundamentals are faced more and more complex issues, with constant attention given to practical. The goal is, therefore, first of all, to learn to do a good grasp of the basic principles of company law and their systematic significance, as well as a proper understanding of the institutions and of the general categories of matter; Moreover, the course aims to acquire its own technical terminology characteristic of this legal order sector. To these purposes, the training course will also draw on the support of insights and exercises, aimed at analyzing case law material and to discuss about issues most topical or legislative reforms under way or newly adopted.
Main skills acquired:
The course will thus enable students to mature their application capabilities of the acquired knowledge in the specific area of commercial law, in order to decrease the aforementioned theoretical knowledge in practical and application contexts. In addition, the course aims to develop an autonomous capacity for critical analysis of the reference regulatory environments, as well as the possibility to subsume the individual case studies in the general discipline. In addition, students will be invited to the consultation of the case law databases, as well as of those regulations. Finally, some lectures will be dedicated to learning the technical and legal language of their own national commercial law, European and international. Finally, some practical examples of lessons-simulations will be organized.


Students must possess a knowledge of the fundamental institutions of private law, in particular of private law governing property relationships (obligations and contracts), the system of sources of Italian law and the Constitution. Finally, you need to have sufficient logic capacity, the aptitude for reasoning and learning.

Course programme

The course consists of two parts.
PART I: the first deals with the study of business law with particular reference to the following issues: the possible classifications of the entrepreneur concept, the statute of commercial entrepreneur, the company and the competition.
PART II: The second part of the course is devoted to the study of society and, once circumscribed corporate phenomenon accordance with the appropriate regulations coordinates, it focuses on people (ss society, SN.C., sas) between fiscal autonomy imperfect and unlimited liability of the partners, and unanimity rules on administration. corporations (spa, Ltd., sapa), with particular attention to the financing exercised in the form of companies and corporate governance of the same, the changes of incorporation, the extraordinary transactions, are then analyzed the activity of management and coordination and the organization's dissolution. Finally, a separate study is dedicated to cooperative societies as a company for the purpose mutual.

Didactic methods

As part of the lessons of the General section we will discuss the various institutions of commercial law, submitting regulatory work which was done in time, as well as the most significant case law guidelines. The teaching method used tends to direct involvement of the students even at the stage of the explanation of the new topics, through stress on the reasoning. As part of the second part of lessons, the themes will be more easily addressed through examples and case studies, useful to better understanding of a subject, such as that of commercial law, which can not do without a vision and practical application.

Learning assessment procedures

As part of the exam is tested knowledge and in-depth and critical understanding of commercial law. The rule exam is oral. Exceptionally it is allowed to take the exam in the following ways: a written test (to be held in December) reserved for attending (students who have gained frequency as per instructions of the teacher).

Reference texts

Cian (a cura di), Manuale di diritto commerciale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021.

For the exam you need to consult the latest available edition of one of the indicated manuals.
During the course they can be consulted materials (slides, judgments, etc ...) depth provided by the teacher.
Any detailed text will be reported by the teacher at the specific request of the students concerned.