Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2020/2021
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Curriculum
- Operatore di polizia giudiziaria
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- IUS/16
Training objectives
- FUNDAMENTALL KNOWLEDGE. Through the fundamental notions of forensics and its interactions with the criminal trial, the course aims at providing with the basics of scientific investigation.
The student has to acquire a method of analysis of the techonological evidence that could be used even to future investigations, through the general categories of the national regulation about criminal evidence and the implementation of the constitutional and conventional human rights regarding the criminal proceedings. The course aims to encourage the student to think about every legal aspect of the scientific and technical investigation, and to develop a creative idea based on their own critical sense. Prerequisites
- Basic knowledge of the Italian Criminal Procedure.
Preparatory exams: Criminal Procedure or Introduction to Criminal Procedure. Course programme
Framework (6 hours). The evidence law and the scientific investigations – the gathering of not deferrable evidence – The scientific investigation and the human rights: the protection of the Constitution and the European Convention of Human Rights.
The biological investigation(8 hours). The analysis of biological material. The compulsory blood sample taking and the personal freedom. The DNA database: the presumption of innocence; the DNA data storage and the right to privacy.
The technological investigation (8 hours). The telephone and digital conversations tapping; the gathering of the data about the call traffic. Videotapes in public areas and in the domicile. The thermal imaging. The satellite tracking.
The digital investigation (8 hours). The digital evidence. The digital inspection, search, and seizure. The computer forensic science.
The neuroscientific evidence (6 hours). The brain-imaging techniques. The Implicit Association Test and the Time Antagonistic Response Alethiometer in the Italian criminal trial.
CRIMINOLOGY(6 hours): History of criminology - Methodology and investigative techniques - Theory and practice of forensics - New identification techniques - Techniques of crime scene investigation. Legal medicine in forensics. Technical police inspection and role of the Prosecutor – Gathering evidence before a trial: survey and crime judicial reconstruction. Investigative techniques of forensic chemistry - Dactyloscopic techniques - Techniques of ballistic investigations - Graphic investigations. New computer technologies – Wire- and video tapping. Moot court. Techniques of intervention on the crime scene: practical examples. Didactic methods
- The teacher will just start by making a short introduction to every topic of the course and he will open and guide the debate among the students. Every week the student will be able to download the material (judial decisions, above all) useful for the discussion. The students will attend almost three seminars with expert operators in digital forensics, Dna data bank, forensics cognitive neuroscience, depending on the availability of the experts.
All the lessons will be held on-line, until it’ll be mandatory, through SEA or Googlemeet. All the lessons will be recorded and the recordings will be available in Classroom, only during the semester. Learning assessment procedures
- Oral examination and practical exam in forensics.
The student has to expose every legal matter accordng to the legal system and her/his own critical sense.
The exams are on line, through Googlemeet, until it’ll be mandatory, and they are oral exams. Reference texts
- Part I
C. Gabrielli, Il prelievo coattivo di campioni biologici nel sistema penale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2012, p. 71-180.
2016 Rivello Pierpaolo, Alcune osservazioni in ordine alla banca dati nazionale del DNA
in Diritto penale e processo, 2016, fasc. 11, pp. 1521-1531.
A. Camon, La disciplina delle indagini genetiche. in Cassazione penale, 2014 fasc. 4, pp. 1426 - 1448
A. Camon, voce Captazione di immagini(diritto processuale penale), in Enc. dir., Annali, vol. VI, 2013, p. 133-149.
P. Bronzo, Intercettazione ambientale tramite captatore informatico; limiti di ammissibilità, uso in altri processi e divieti probatori, in G. Giostra-R. Orlandi (a cura di), Nuove norme in tema di intercettazioni, Giappichelli, Torino, 2018, p. 235-262.
2018 Daniele Marcello, La vocazione espansiva delle indagini informatiche e l'obsolescenza della legge (The expansive capacity of digital investigations and the obsolescence of legislation)
in Processo penale e Giustizia, 2018, fasc. 5, pp. 7
S. Signorato, Novità in tema di data retention. La riformulazione dell'art. 132 codice privacy da parte del d. lgs. 10 agosto 2018, n. 101, in Dir. pen. cont., fasc. 1 del 2018, p. 153.
S. Signorato, La localizzazione satellitare nel sistema degli atti investigativi, in Rivista italiana di diritto e procedura penale, 2012, p. 580-607.
M. Daniele, La prova digitale nel processo penale. in Rivista di diritto processuale, 2011 fasc. 2, pp. 283 – 298.
P. Ferrua, La prova nel processo penale, Giappichelli, 2015, p. 267-284.
Part II
G. Ceccaroli, Sulle tracce del delitto, Imprimitur, Padova, 2000, p. from 7 to 60 and from 79 to 174.