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Centro di ricerca Huawei

Opto-Electronics R&D Test Engineer

Job location: Milan, Italy

Main Responsibilities:

You will join Italy Opto-Electronics R&D Center, which is part of Huawei European Research Center.

The role will include:

·         Design, integration, automation, debugging and operation of test benches for characterization of opto-electronics components and chips for telecommunication applications. 

·         Interaction with research team working on opto-electronics components prototyping, opto-electronics chip development and opto-electronics module development. 

·         Contribute to understand fundamental behavior of components under design and development and their performances for final application with properly designed tests.


·         Master degree in Physics or Engineering;

>3  years of experience in testing for opto-electronics components, including test

bench automation using the most common automation software platforms (Labview preferred);

·         Good communication skills and ability to work in multi-cultural environments;

·         Strong team working attitude;

·         Fluent in English;

·         Availability to travel outside Italy.


per informazioni contattare il Prof. Velio Tralli