Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2019/2020
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Curriculum
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- ING-IND/11
Training objectives
- At end of the course the student will possess knowledge about the main technologies for the exploitation of renewable energy sources to produce electricity and heat.
The student will be able to choose among various technologies the most appropriate to the situation being studied and may provide for a sizing of the energy system. Prerequisites
- The student must have basis of Applied thermodynamics.
Course programme
- Introduction:
renewable and conventional energy sources and conversion technologies;
technologies for electric and thermal energy distribution and storage
The geothermal source
systems for energy productio;
heat pumps;
Biomass and biofuels:
an introduction;
processes for converting biomass into biofuels (thermochemical methods, biochemical methods; mechanical methods);
biomasses for energy;
energy systems and their adaptation to biofuels.
The solar source:
irradiance distribution;
thermodynamic systems;
photovoltaic systems. Didactic methods
- Frontal lectures.
Learning assessment procedures
- The main purpose of the final examination consists of verifying the proper achievement of the previously defined training objectives.
The examination of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES consists of an oral exam; three questions are formulated, two of them concerning the module RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES FROM THERMAL ENERGY and one of them concerning the module RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES FROM MECHANICAL ENERGY. The candidate must show a reasonable competence on the elements of the different kind of power plant, on their operating principles and on the environmental and economical impacts of each kind. Reference texts
- AA.VV., Fonti Energetiche Rinnovabili, serie Quaderni del Manuale dell'Ingegnere, Ulrico Hoepli Editore 2014