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Course program

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Contenuto del file

1-Summary, fundamentals, information
	- Basic concepts
	- Internet beyond the surface
	- Useful links

2-Risk, certification and governance
	- Risk analysis and cost-benefit-simplicity balance
	- Certifications
	- Outline of IT process management from a security point of view
	- Backup

	- Notes on current legislation
	- The GDPR

4-Human factor
	- The human factor
	- BYOD and Shadow-IT
	- Social Engineering
	- Spam, Phishing and surroundings
	- Password management

5-Privacy and online rights
	- Privacy
	- My information online
	- Cookies and other profiling tools

6-The attacks
	- Types of attacks

7-Who are the bad guys
	- Who are the bad guys
	- Attacker's behavior (criminology basics)
	- How do bad guys cash out? A few words about Bitcoin and Blockchain

8-Security operation and incident management
	- From monitoring to intrusion prevention
	- Incident management (Damage Control)

9-Computer forensics
	- Digital Forensic

	- Encryption
	- Certificates and digital signature

11-Operating systems and virtualization
	- Operating systems and virtual infrastructures

	- The concept of vulnerability and its life cycle

13-Authentication Authorization
	- Authentication, authorization, identification
    	- Biometric techniques

14-Software security
	- Web application security
	- Secure software lifecicle

15-Network protocols security
	- TCP/IP protocols
	- Firewall and surroundings

16-Physical security
	- Physical/Hardware layer

17-Internet of Things
	- Internet of Things

18-Networks protection
	- Network infrastructure (physical and wifi)
	- VPN
