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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills on probability theory and inferential statistics:

The main knowledge acquired will be:
- probability theory;
- theory of random variables;
- sample theory and classical statistics
- inferential statistics and estimation theory;
- hypothesis verification and adaptation test;
- regression theory.

The main skills (i.e. the ability to apply the knowledge acquired) will be:
- resolution of quality control problems using probability theory;
- modeling of random phenomena using probability theory and random variables;
- data analysis using inferential descriptive statistics tools with estimation theory methods and problem solving with the maximum likelihood method;
- execution of parametric and non-parametric decisional tests.


It is required knowledge of tools of differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables.

Course programme

Probability and its applications in science and technology (8 h). Theory of random variables (8 h). Models of random variables. (8 h) Convergence of random variables (4 h). Sample theory (4 h). Parametric estimation theory (8 h). Non-parametric estimation theory (8 h). Parametric and non-parametric hypothesis testing (8 h).

Didactic methods

Directly imparted lectures and exercises. After-lecture exercises and their tutored resolution in class. Lectures based on computer to learn statistical methods through Matlab software.

Learning assessment procedures

The objective of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the previously indicated training objectives.

The exam consists of a written exercise test and an oral theory test, which take place on different days.
The written test consists of three exercises: one on probability theory or quality control, one on random variables and one on inferential statistics. Each correctly solved exercise is scored 10/30. The overall duration is approximately two hours.
Passing the exercise test with at least 15/30 is a prerequisite for access to the theory test, in which three theory questions are asked. Each correctly answered question is graded 10/30. The duration of the test is about 30 minutes.
The final score is determined by the weighted average of the exercises (weight 1/3) and theory tests (weight 2/3).
During the course, two in itinere tests are carried out to exempt the test of exercises, each of them on half of the program. An additional ongoing test is planned for the recovery or improvement of one of the two partial tests.

Reference texts

• Pasquale Erto, “Probabilità e statistica per le scienze e per l’ingegneria” (McGraw-Hill, seconda edizione, 2004).
• Murray R. Spiegel, "Probabilità e statistica" (McGraw-Hill, 1994).
• Stefano Campostrini e Francesca Perpinel, “Introduzione all’inferenza statistica” (Zanichelli, ¿prima edizione, 1996)
• Lecture notes