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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo semestre (primi anni)

Training objectives

The course provides the theoretical fundamentals and regulatory information necessary to understand, read and realize a technical mechanical drawing, intended as geometrical representation of objects (according to orthogonal projections) as well as additional information necessary to comply with functional design specifications. The course also illustrates the representation of some machine elements according to the existing regulations.
The main skills learned in the course are:
- ability to read a technical drawing;
- execution of a drawing in orthogonal projection of a mechanical component (real or given in axonometric view) according to the drawing standards;
- execution of sections according to the drawing standards, to show cavities inside the mechanical component;
- dimensioning to specify the component size;
- specification of dimensional and geometrical tolerances and surface roughness, in order to correctly define the component functionality;
- drawing according to the standards of some mechanical components (gears, rolling bearing, bolted and welded joints).


No prerequisite on previous courses.
Understanding of written text in Italian language is required.

Course programme

The course is scheduled in 60 hours of lectures, and exercises (drawings) to be done individually at home.
The main topics addressed are:
Drawing standards, unified size of paper sheets, different line types and their use, dimensional scales (2 h). Orthogonal projections and their conventions (11 h). Axonometric views (3 h). Intersections (3 h). Sections (8 h). Dimensioning (8 h). Dimensional tolerances (8 h). Geometrical tolerances (8 h). Surface roughness (2 h). Conventional drawing of mechanical elements (keys, rolling bearing, gears, bolted and welded joints) (7 h).

Didactic methods

The course is composed by:
- lectures;
- “exercises of technical drawing” to be done individually at home. They show typical examples of the topics addressed in the lectures.

The lecture slides and the complete list of “exercises of technical drawing” (with all information necessary to realize them) will be published the course Classroom.

Learning assessment procedures

The correct understanding of the main topics will be checked by:
1) evaluation of the “exercises of technical drawing”. They must all obtain a positive mark for the student to be admitted at the written exam;
2) written exam: with exercises on the main course topics (e.g. technical drawing in orthogonal projection and with section, dimensioning, tolerancing, etc.)
3) oral examination: with questions and/or exercises on the main course topics.

The final evaluation will be, in general, as the arithmetic average between written and oral exams.
The student who obtains an insufficient mark.:
i) in the “exercises of technical drawing”: he/she must deliver the drawings again in the dates established for the next written exam;
ii) in the written exam: he/she must repeat the written exam, but not deliver again the “exercises of technical drawing”;
iii) in the oral exam: he/she must repeat the oral exam, but not deliver again the “exercises of technical drawing”;

Delivery of the “exercises of technical drawing”: they can be delivered throughout the semester, at the end of each lecture. Alternatively, they must be delivered before the written exam (usually 15/20 days before), in the dates indicated by the teacher. The teacher will not accept a delayed delivery, or “exercises” with incomplete drawings. Students with a positive evaluation in their “exercises of technical drawing” will receive a notification in their email ( and, to be admitted at the written exam, they must register in Esse3. Registration in Esse3 is, instead, no required to deliver the “exercises of technical drawing”.
Please note that the registration in Esse3 does not guarantee the admission in the written exam if the “exercises of technical drawing” have not been delivered to the teacher, or they are insufficient.
The “exercises of technical drawing” will be returned to the students at the end of the written exam.

Reference texts

Reference book used in the course:
- E. Chirone, S. Tornincasa, Disegno Tecnico Industriale, vol. 1 e vol. 2. Il Capitello, Torino (verificare di acquisire l'edizione più recente);
- S. Barone, A. Poli, A.V. Razionale, M. Berretta, Disegno Tecnico Industriale, Città Studi Edizioni;

Books for exercises:
- M. Carfagni, R. Furferi, L. Governi, Y. Volpe. Esercizi di disegno meccanico. Zanicheli, 2015.

The purchase of the reference book is not necessary if the student attends the lectures regularly and he studies the lectures slides. The book for exercises may be used to improve the student’s skills in view of the exam. For students not attending the lectures regularly, the study of the slides and the reference book will give an overview more than adequate on the topics requested at the exams.