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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The concept design laboratory of the second year aims to provide students with both critical and design tools, through which to read the articulated reality in which a designer operates. The laboratory strengthens the knowledge acquired during the first academic year, increasing the complexity of the processes and the multidisciplinarity, to arrive at the conceptualization of the product system.

The program includes lectures and exercises, marked by revisions and presentations, adopting methodologies of approach to the project similar to those used in the professional activity.

The main objective of the laboratory is to provide students with the skills necessary for the development of a Concept Design project, from programming to the idea representation and communication phase.

The graphic design module offers an in-depth analysis of some technical and methodological aspects of visual design. The issues related to the process of conception and design of the visual identity of the concept developed within the laboratory as well as issues related to the editorial design project will be studied in depth.


It is necessary to have acquired and assimilated the following knowledge:

- Expertise to convey ideas through hand drawings and other free representation techniques (i. e. design mock-ups)

- Adequate capacity to use writing, graphics and layout softwares tools

- Ability in organizing creative and conceptual processes during the design, through a logical and analytical method.

Course programme

_ FORM AND FUNCTION, creativity, object, function.

_ CHOICE OF THE MAIN COMPONENT OF THE PROJECT, design methods and techniques.


Each topic will be treated with meetings, lectures, exercises, discussions, interventions and conclusions.

- Final project theme
The final exercise of the Concept Design Laboratory will adopt an urban space as a case study, within which to ask oneself about the multiple relationships that are established between the citizens-users, the symbolic value of the public space and the numerous filter-interfaces between services or simple urban communication. At the end of the conceptual exploration, some themes will be clearly identified to be declined in product systems, which will be investigated according to a structured design process.

The graphic design course program is divided into two phases: a first moment in which some consecutive exercises are scheduled between them, starting from the observation and recognition of visual identity systems, from a focus on information design and from the coding of methodologies to deal with the editorial project. Phase 2 develops what has been learned in the first and declines the design of the identity system for the product-system identified as a final project; a narrative tool and visual presentation of the contents in editorial format (a process book) is also developed.

Didactic methods

The teaching activity will be divided into lectures, preparatory exercises and final exam.
The lessons aim to provide students with technical and analytical tools for solving problems in the context of conceptualization and the genesis of projects, the correct presentation of works, as well as the acquisition of awareness of market strategies linked to the business world. Guests from the world of profession, culture and business will be invited to provide direct testimonies on the various facets of the project system.
Several case studies will be exposed and critically analyzed.

The teaching methodology will use the following tools:

- Field visits in order to get in touch with the complexity of the reality on which the project will have to operate

- Ex-tempore exercises in the classroom, single or group, using mixed techniques (freehand drawing; digital image processing; short texts) for the representation of project ideas

- Realization of physical models in scale as a tool for studying the shape of products

- Use of digital tools in a critical manner where required by individual projects

For the exchange of educational material, digital shared folders will be used on the Google Drive platform, whose sharing methods will be specified during the course.

Regarding the Graphic Design module, the delivery of each exercise includes a small exposition of the projects designed with attached debate, to create a moment of reflection on the processes used. Alongside the planning phase that will take place mainly in the classroom, there will be a part of frontal lessons related to the identified themes.

Learning assessment procedures

Intermediate tests will be carried out in the form of exercises, which will focus on specific points of the program, in order to verify the degree of learning of the various topics covered.
A final exam will follow, based on an entire Concept Design process, to assess the training aspects acquired by the students.
This final test - in groups - will consist in the delivery and discussion with the teacher of a series of graphic drawings on the project theme, which will be presented in an exhibition.

The procedures for the final test will be in the form of an exhibition of the projects.
Final papers (A5 template, A1 scale tables, models, PDF files)
research (diagrams, images)
evocative representation of the chosen idea (free technique)
study of the form of the chosen idea (hand sketches, reference images)
paperboard study models
elaboration of the detailed project (scale tables) and choice of materials and colors
final model on a 1: 1 scale
manifesto that sets out the specific intent

- Graphic design
The exam will consist in the evaluation of the results achieved in the project activities, with a collective exposition of the works realized in the form of an exhibition (conceived and set up through the co-design formula, together with the teaching body) in the spaces of Palazzo Tassoni Estense. Finally, the final evaluation will also take into account the results achieved in the intermediate exercises carried out.

The final grade of the two teaching modules of the Concept Design laboratory (Product Design and Graphic Design) will be generated, in particular, by the outcome of the final exam, partially interpolated with the results of the intermediate exercises (single and group) and with an active presence at classroom meetings.

To pass the exam it is necessary to acquire a minimum score of 18 out of 30 out of 30.
If the total score is less than 18, it will be necessary to repeat the final exam.

Reference texts

- A.Bassi, Design anonimo in italia, Electa
- R.Falcinelli, Cromorama, come il colore ha cambiato il nostro sguardo
- B.Munari, Da cosa nasce cosa
- T. Scarpa: l'anima segreta delle cose, ed Marsilio
- D.Scodeller, Design spontaneo, Tracce di progettualità diffusa
- D.Scodeller, Il metodo Castiglioni
- I.Vianello, 10 passi vero il design autoprodotto

Graphic Design
Sergio Polano, Pierpaolo Vetta
Abecedario. La grafica del novecento
Riccardo Falcinelli
Critica portatile al visual design
Adrian Frutiger
Segni & simboli
Disegno, progetto e significato
James Mosley, G. Lussu
Radici della scrittura moderna
Ellen Lupton, M. Brazzali
Caratteri, testo, gabbia.
Guida critica alla progettazione grafica
Franco Achilli
Fare grafica editoriale

Additional in-depth titles or lecture notes will be provided during the lessons.