Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
- L-FIL-LET/05
Training objectives
- The course aims at introducing students to the protohistory and its sources.
The course also aims at providing methodological guidance to link archaeological data and literary sources. Prerequisites
- No prior knowledge is required.
Knowledge of Latin and Greek is not required. Course programme
- The topics covered include:
- Introduction to the protohistory: theories and methods.
- Epos as a literary precursor form of historiography: the protohistory (Mycenaen Greece) and the iron age through the analysis of Homeric poems.
- Greek protohistory and protohistory of the surrounding populations through the works of Herodotus and Thucydides.
- Protohistoric cultures and populations of southern and central Europe appearing in Greek and Roman sources. Didactic methods
- Traditional lectures as well as “discussion and feedback” of case study presentations.
In-depth seminars on Protohistory will be held by prof. Sonia Ferrari.
All lessons will be transmitted and recorded on the Collaborate platform. Learning assessment procedures
- The oral exam will assess knowledge of all sections of the course through a critical discussion of ancient texts read during the lectures and the study-cases analyzed.
Marks will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
pass (18/30-23/30): basic and mnemonic knowledge of the arguments
merit (24/30-27/30): good knowledge of sources and essays; competence on critical discussion about the contents of the course;
distinction (28/30-30/30): excellent knowledge of all the arguments; evidence of remarkable skills in the critical evaluation of the course contents. Reference texts
- Reference texts
Bi-lingual edition of the works of Homer, Herodotus and Thucydides; especially the following:
Omero. Iliade, a cura di G. Cerri, comm. di A. Gostoli, BUR.
Omero, Odissea, trad. it. G. Aurelio Privitera, Mondadori.
Erodoto, Le Storie, A. Colonna -F. Bevilaqua (a cura di), Torino Utet 2006 (vol 1).
Tucidide, Le Storie, G. Donini (a cura di), Torino Utet 2005 (vol. 1).
Required reading:
- Carlier P., Omero e la storia, trad. it. Roma, Carocci 2014.
- Ercolani A., Omero. Introduzione allo studio dell'epica greca arcaica, Roma, Carocci 2006 (capp. 1,2,4).
- Meister K., La storiografia greca, trad. it. Roma-Bari, Laterza 1992 (capp. 1 e 2).
Recommended reading:
Barry B. Powell, Omero, trad. it., Il Mulino 2006.
Bietti Sestieri A.M., L'Italia nell'età del bronzo e del ferro. Dalle palafitte a Romolo (2200-700 a.C.), Roma, Carocci 2018.
Cultrano M., I Micenei, Roma Carocci 2017.
Havelock E.A., Cultura orale e civiltà della scrittura. Da Omero a Platone, trad. it. Roma-Bari, Laterza 1973.
Further bibliographical references about the protohistory are included in the slides that will be uploaded on the classroom.
Further readings:
Barry B. Powell, Omero, trad. it., Il Mulino 2006.
Bietti Sestieri A.M., L'Italia nell'età del bronzo e del ferro. Dalle palafitte a Romolo (2200-700 a.C.), Roma, Carocci 2018.
Cultrano M., I Micenei, Roma Carocci 2017.
Havelock E.A., Cultura orale e civiltà della scrittura. Da Omero a Platone, trad. it. Roma-Bari, Laterza 1973.