Research groups interested in hosting Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows
- Exploring novel organocatalytic strategies for bio-based polymer synthesis through step-growth and ring-opening polymerization
- Conversion of biomass-derived feedstocks into high added-value molecules for the fine chemical and polymer industries through bio- and organocatalytic strategies
- Corrosion and corrosion protection of metals
- Drug delibera, nanotechnology, microfluidico, microencapsulation, biomaterials
- Advanced classical and ab initio atomistic and molecular simulations to study processes in condensed matter chemistry and physics with applications to renewable energies and beyond
- Photoelectrochemistry. Solar Energy Conversion. Electrode materials
- Adsorption processes on micro and mesoporous materials; interfacial phenomena; environmental analysis; analysis and purification of biomolecules; food chemistry; nanoparticles; solution complex-formation equilibria between biomolecules and metal ions
- Energy efficiency of existing building stock; energy and environmental retrofit of historic buildings; strategies for the smart environment in the existing assets with the use of Key Enable Technologies
- Corrosion and corrosion protection of metals
- Deep Learning for Industry 4.0
- Embedded computing architectures, interconnection networks, test and reliability of neural network accelerators, system-level simulation of accelerators based on emerging technologies, silicon nanophotonic networks
- Localization & tracking, wireless networks, quantum communications
- Declarative Programming
- Machine design, structural integrity and durability
- Renewable energy, energy efficiency in buildings, building physics, heat and mass transfer, porous media, CFD
- Microwave Transistor Characterization and Modeling
- Computational mechanics for engineering applications.
- Mineral Sciences: Minerals and Sustainable Mineral-Inspired Materials for Industry, Environment, and Cultural Heritage
- General and applied ecology
- Applied Geophysics, Hydrogeophysics, Archaeogeophysics, Urban geophysics, Environmental Geophysics
- Human evolution, prehistory, methods in archaeology, quaternary geology
- Nuclear geophysics; geoneutrinos; antineutrinos from reactors; nuclear technologies applied to the environment; gamma-ray spectroscopy in situ, in laboratory and airborne; remote sensing; Monte Carlo simulations applied to antineutrino and gamma-ray spectroscopy; field geology; mining explorations; oil and gas exploration via nuclear technologies; GIS software; geostatistics
- Animal Cognition and Behaviour
- Coastal Dynamics, Coastal Geomorphology, Marine Sediment Transport, Coastal Hazards
- 1. Petrology of mantle rocks and basic vulcano-plutonic complex 2. Environmental geochemistry
- Stratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy of carbonate and mixed basins, Permo-Triassic Chemiostratigraphy and Paleoclimatology, Triassic geochronology
- Earthquake Geology, Structural Geology, Quaternary Geology, Geothermal fields
- Vaccines, immunometabolism and infectious diseases in the ageing population
- Molecular and cellular approaches for bone and cartilage regeneration. Regulation of gene expression
- Plant-Pathogen interactions, Phytopathogenic insects
- Drug delibera, nanotechnology, microfluidico, microencapsulation, biomaterials
- Ancient genomes: Inferring phenotypes and population histories
- Animal Cognition and Behaviour
- Evolution of circadian rhythms in animals
- Neurorehabilitation, Movement Analysis, Exercise therapy
- Medical Physics (diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, biophysics of blood circulation)
- Gene therapy for neurological diseases
- Experimental oncology, regenerative medicine and male and couple infertility
- Translational research in endocrine oncology
- Genetics, Pharmacogenetics and Epigenetics of complex diseases
- Partial Differential Equations; Harmonic Analysis; Calculus of Variations
- Numerical integration of kinetic equations and hyperbolic balance laws
- Astrophysics; extragalactic astrophyics and cosmology, high-energy astrophysics (including experimental activities in space mission developments)
- Advanced classical and ab initio atomistic and molecular simulations to study processes in condensed matter chemistry and physics with applications to renewable energies and beyond
- Realization of focusing optics for High energy telescopes
- Medical Physics (diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, biophysics of blood circulation)
- Nuclear geophysics; geoneutrinos; antineutrinos from reactors; nuclear technologies applied to the environment; gamma-ray spectroscopy in situ, in laboratory and airborne; remote sensing; Monte Carlo simulations applied to antineutrino and gamma-ray spectroscopy; field geology; mining explorations; oil and gas exploration via nuclear technologies; GIS software; geostatistics
- Italian Literature, Latin Literature, Humanism and Renaissance, Paleography, History of the book, History of printing, Medieval literature, Renaissance literature
- History and communication of science, public engagement, science and society, risk communication
- Epistemology of education, science-society-ethics relationship in the social emergencies of the present (interculture and marginality)
- Classical Archaeology
- Human evolution, prehistory, methods in archaeology, quaternary geology
- Textual criticism and editing; History of the Italian Language (13th-16th century); Dante Alighieri
- Taxation, European Taxation, International taxation
- Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology; technology, settlement patterns, social organisation and ritual behaviour of Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic groups; mountain archaeology especially referred to hunter-gatherer societies