Petrology of mantle rocks and basic vulcano-plutonic complex - Environmental geochemistry

Short description of the research team

Thematic fields of interest/research areas:

- Petrology of mantle rocks and basic vulcano-plutonic complex.

- Environmental geochemistry

Manager/head of the team: Prof. Massimo Coltorti

Team members: Prof. Costanza Bonadiman, Barbara Faccini, Dr. Pier Paolo Giacomoni, Beatrice Pelorosso, Valentina Brombin, Dr. Federico Casetta, Dr. Giacomo Ferretti


Prerequisites of the trainee researcher:

Level of education: “Marie Curie Individual Fellowship” Action requirements.
Research experience: N/A
Required working language: English


Contact:  see at



- Environment and society

- Earth system science

- Food Science, Agriculture, Forestry and Non-Medical Biotechnology