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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

a) Knowledge on discipline:
- to acquire a general knowledge of the history of the discipline;
- to explore themes and issues related to the history of aesthetics and the contemporary debate;
- to acquire a solid cultural background;
- Develop a useful method approach of philosophical texts.

b) Application Capacity
- to develop skills and ability to manage the topics and in the history of the discipline;
- to develop accuracy and precision in philosophical language;
- to develop skills of analysis and interpretation of philosophical texts;
- to develop the ability to distinguish the contexts and the various points of view in a text or a philosophical issue;
- to develop logical skills of analysis and solution of theoretical problems and apply them to practice;

c) Soft skills
- to develop analytical skills of exposure;
- to develop a personal and critical point of view on issues of history and theory of the discipline;
- to develop ability to use philosophical knowledge to review and assess problems related to the contemporary world;
- to develop ability to draft texts and reports on relevant topics


Basic knowledges of the history of philosophy may favor the approach to the discipline, although they are not compulsory or mandatory. Moreover, skills and competences of intermediate level of logical-theoretical and linguistic-expressive type are required.

Course programme

- General outline of the history of aesthetics;
- Reflection on the processes involved in the aesthetic evaluation;
- Illustration of the causes, character, values and dynamics of aesthetic judgment;
- analysis of the function of taste in the context of the contemporary so-called "widespread aesthetics";
- Relationship between "widespread aesthetics" and contemporary visual culture
- Reflections on the so-called "aesthetic education";
- Analysis of the theories of aesthetic judgment in modern and contemporary thought.

Didactic methods

Frontal lesson, with the projection of images and comments related to the modern and contemporary visual culture.The teacher makes available on its website educational materials and presentations used during the course.

Learning assessment procedures

12/6/2017: Written test
All other dates: Oral test.

The written exam will consist of a test divided into two parts.
1) The first part (mandatory for students of 6 and 12 credits) will consist of:
A) 6 univocal questions (eg: in what year was xy's work published) without multiple alternatives;
B) 3 open questions: the student will have to answer only 2 of the 3 questions he chooses, writing the answers in block letters (max 20 lines).

The second part of the exam is mandatory only for students of 12 credits, and will have the same structure as the first one.

The oral exam consists of about 4-5 questions. The subject of the initial application can be proposed by the student. The exam will last for approx. 20 minutes per student. Evaluation can in some cases take into account not only the knowledge acquired by the student, but also the fairness and the properties of the exhibition. No partial exams are scheduledOral exam, consisting of about 4-5 questions. The subject of the initial question may be suggested by the student. The examination will last approx. 30 minutes.The evaluation may in some cases take into account not only the knowledge acquired by the student but also the correctness and appropriateness of his speech.

Reference texts

Analysis of the greatest modern and contemporary authors (Kant , Hegel , Schopenhauer , Nietzsche , Freud, Heidegger , Benjamin , Adorno and the Frankfurt School , Gadamer ) on the following texts :

- F. RESTAINO, Estetica moderna, Torino, Utet, 1991


- F. Desideri e C. Cantelli, Storia dell'estetica occidentale. Da Omero alle neuroscienze, Roma, Carocci ed., 2008.

It is also required - ONLY for 12 credits students - the reading of ONE of the following authors ( the students are required to study only the parts indicated) :

- S. Freud, Saggi sull'arte, la letteratura e il linguaggio, trad. it di S. Daniele et al., Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2002, Il poeta e la fantasia (pp. 47-59), Edipo e Amleto (pp. 23-31) Personaggi psicopatici sulla scena ( pp. 33-41); Il perturbante (pp. 267-309); L'umorismo (pp. 311-319).
- W. Benjamin, L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica. Arte e società di massa (1955), trad. it. di E. Filippini, Torino, Einaudi, 2000, i seguenti saggi: L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della riproducibilità tecnica (pp. 19-56), Piccola storia della fotografia (pp. 59-78), Eduard Fuchs, il collezionista e lo storico (pp. 81-123).
- M. Horkheimer e Th. Adorno, Dialettica dell'Illuminismo (1944), trad. it. di R. Solmi, Torino, Einaudi, 1997, «Concetto di illuminismo» (pp. 21-50) e «L'industria culturale» (pp. 126-181)
- H. Marcuse, Eros e civilità (1955), trad. it. di L. Bassi, Torino, Einaudi, 2001, i capp. VII. «Fantasia e utopia»; VIII. «Le immagini di Orfeo e Narciso»; e IX. «La dimensione estetica».
- H. Marcuse, L'uomo a una dimensione (1964), trad. it di L. Gallino e T. Giani Gallino, Torino, Einaudi, i capp: 1. «Le nuove forme di controllo» ( pp. 15-32) e 3. «La conquista della coscienza infelice. La desublimazione repressiva» (pp. 69-95).
- Th. Adorno, Teoria estetica (1970), trad. it. di E. De Angelis, Torino, Einaudi, 1977, i capitoli «Arte, società, estetica» e «Situazione» (pp. 3-78).

The examination program runs for one year, equal to four exam sessions.