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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of the theoretical and methodological aspects of special education; understanding of the professional educator’s role in supporting people with disabilities, from the perspective of inclusion.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of the most effective educational methodologies for the inclusion of people with disabilities. Ability to analyze and evaluate educational projects and interventions aimed at people with disabilities in an inclusive perspective, referring to strategies validated by scientific evidence.
Making judgements
Ability to reflect on the concepts of inclusion, participation, self-determination, quality of life of people with disabilities. Development of critical thinking on inclusive educational and didactic planning, based on scientific information.
Communication skills
Promotion of the culture of inclusion: ability to affirm and disseminate the principles for the inclusion of people with disabilities, starting from the guidelines set out by international organizations and the laws in force in our country.
Learning skills
Ability to orient in the epistemological aspects of inclusion to design training and teaching programs. Ability to identify and develop the skills at the foundation of the profession of educator in an inclusive perspective. Ability to maintain a reflective attitude in educational practice.


Basic psycho-pedagogical and didactic knowledge.

Course programme

The course aims to provide a theoretical-epistemological framework for special education, with references to the inclusion of people with
disabilities in all contexts, in a lifelong lifewide lifedeep learning perspective.
Specifically, the following topics will be addressed:
• the historical evolution from the individual/medical model to the social and bio-psycho-social models of disability;
• the quality of life and self-determination in people with disabilities;
• the acquisition of autonomy for adult life, active citizenship and the leisure skills;
• school inclusion: history and current events;
• special educational needs;
• job inclusion: history and current events;
• types of disabilities: intellectual disabilities; motor disabilities; autism spectrum disorders; visual and hearing impairments

Didactic methods

Dialogic lessons; case studies and analysis of educational projects; testimonials (people with disabilities and/or professionals in the field; video projection.
Each meeting includes a lesson and a space for discussion.
Lessons will be delivered in person. Theoretical lessons will be recorded for non-attending students.
All teaching materials and slides will be made available in the Google Classroom of the course (access code: wvzbdoo).

Learning assessment procedures

The assessment is based on three components:
1. participation in discussion forums (from 0 to 5 points)
During the semester, in the classroom of the course the teacher will propose some ideas for discussion starting from the topics covered in
class. Each student is required to to participate sharing his/her reflections and experience in at least two discussion forums.
2. written exam: test with 20 multiple choice questions (from 0 to 10 points)
The final written test concerns the contents of the lessons, of the books and of the handout.
Multiple choice questions: each correct question is worth 0.5 points; wrong answers are worth 0 points.
To pass the written exam and take the oral exam it is necessary to obtain a score equal to or higher than 6/10. Those who do not pass the written
test must take it again.
3.Oral exam (from 0 to 15 points)
The final assessment consists of an oral exam aimed at verifying the acquisition of the knowledge defined in the objectives of the course, as
well as the ability to analyze, reflect on and re-elaborate the topics covered. Each exam includes two open questions on the contents of the lectures and/or on the materials (books and/or slides).
The evaluation criteria are the following: correctness and completeness of the answers; ability to use the knowledge acquired and establish
connections; ability to argue in a critical and personal way, re-elaborating the content; lexical and semantic mastery; ability to analyze and
understand reality starting from reflection on the topics covered during the course and/or on one's personal experiences.

Reference texts

Materials to prepare for the exam:
•Cottini, L. (2021). Didattica speciale per l’educatore socio-pedagogico. Roma: Carocci – Chapters from da 1 to 7 included.
•Cottini, L. (2016). L’autodeterminazione nelle persone con disabilità. Percorsi educativi per svilupparla. Roma: Carocci – Third part (pgg. 73-
•Slides for the course, available in Classroom.