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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims at providing knowledge on prejudice, its forms, and the strategies to reduce it, and at teaching how to plan, conduct, and evaluate the efficacy of prejudice reduction programs. Attention will be paid to prejudice among children and to prejudice reduction strategies to be implemented in educational and school contexts.
At the end of the course the student will:
1. have deep knowledge on stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, their forms and antecedents;
2. master psychosocial prejudice reduction interventions;
3. be able to plan and conduct prejudice reduction interventions and test their efficacy;
4. know the specific vocabulary of the discipline and use it appropriately.


Laboratory activities are based also on critical analysis of scientific literature in English. For this, English reading skills are useful. In any case, during the laboratory hours the teacher will be available to provide clarifications and explanations regarding the scientific literature in English.

Course programme

The theoretical part of the course will focus on stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, their causes, and the psychosocial prejudice reduction strategies. Attention will be paid to prejudice among children and to prejudice reduction strategies to be implemented in educational and school contexts. The theoretical part of the course will consist in lectures and debates.
During the laboratories, students will read and analyze scientific literature (in English) and plan psychosocial interventions aimed at reducing prejudice in educational and school contexts.

Didactic methods

During the first part of the course, lectures.
During the second part of the course, individual and, mainly, group activities to identify prejudice reduction strategies, adapt them to educational and school contexts, test their efficacy.

Learning assessment procedures

All students will be required to:
- write an essay (individual or group essay) based on analysis of scientific literautre (in English) and on the proposal of a project aimed at reducing prejudice. Attending the course and the laboratories is strongly advised in order to write the essay under the supervision of the teacher-
- have a final written exam consisting in questions with open answers. The evaluation of each question will be based on the following criteria: knowledge, precision, and completeness of the answer; understanding and re-elaboration of the contents; correct use of the specific language of the discipline.
Evaluation of the essay will constitute 50% of the final grade, and evaluation of the exam will constitute the remaining 50% of the final grade.

Reference texts

Voci, A. & Pagotto, L. (2010). Il pregiudizio. Che cosa è, come si riduce. Bari: Editori Laterza.
Brown, R. (2013). Psicologia del pregiudizio. Bologna: Il Mulino. Chapter 5.