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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims at providing an introduction to social psychology.
At the end of the course, students will:
1. Master the main constructs, theories, and research methodologies of social psychology
2. Know and understand how social psychology methods can be applied in educational and care contexts (for example, integration strategies in schools, effective communication strategies between people belonging to different age groups)
3. Have developed critical sense towards theories and research in social psychology
4. Know the specific language of social psychology and use it appropriately



Course programme

The course will focus on the basic tenets of social psychology (social psychology research methodology; social perception; attitudes); the self; social influence; intergroup relations; prejudices toward different ethnic and age groups; prejudice reduction strategies; aggressive behavior; prosocial behavior.

Didactic methods

Mainly lectures, plus discussions, debates.
Students will be invited to participate to a social psychology research activity. Participation to this activity will be held into consideration for the final grade.

Learning assessment procedures

Written exam consisting of questions with open answers. Students must provide an answer of about a page for each question. The evaluation of each question will be based on the following criteria: knowledge, precision and completeness of the answer; understanding and re-elaboration of the contents; correct use of the specific language of the discipline.

Reference texts

Boca, S., Bocchiaro, P., & Scaffidi Abbate, C. (2017). Introduzione alla Psicologia Sociale. Terza edizione. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Slides provided by the teacher.

One book to be chosen between the following two books:
Mucchi Faina, A. (2013). Troppo giovani, troppo vecchi. Il pregiudizio sull’età. Bari: Leterza.
Vezzali, L., Di Bernardo, G. A., & Giovannini, D. (2017). Ridurre il pregiudizio in classe. Come promuovere la coesione nella scuola multiculturale. Torino: Utet.

This program is valid until January-February 2022.