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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course presents figures and theories related to the history of education between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The role of educational processes through the mass media in the context of the twentieth century is also investigated. The reference to the history of education is proposed as an element to enhance the skills of professional reflection, in the face of the educational challenges of the present.


Knowledge of the main events in Italian, European and international contemporary history

Course programme

The course analyzes the historical-educational elements to elaborate reflection related to professional competence in the present. The general part of the course concerns the discussion of educational models (scholastic and extracurricular) and pedagogical (educational theories and currents) from antiquity to today: we will focus, for specific insights, on some issues, situations , works and paradigmatic authors . Part of the course will deepen educational communication through the mass media starting from the twentieth century.

Didactic methods

lessons will be integrated with slides; from the presentation of documents (normative texts, essays, articles, videos, etc.); from seminars of thematic study and discussion.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam consists of two phases:
1- drafting of written papers (one for each text) which must be uploaded to the classroom platform;
2- Oral exam on the written papers previously uploaded in the classroom and on the topics of the course, to be held exclusively on the days of the official exams, upon regular online registration. There will normally be no extra exam sessions, nor oral interviews to supplement or replace the written test. Alternative procedures for carrying out the exam are provided only in cases reported by the University Disability and SLD Service, in agreement between the Service itself, the student and the teacher. The exam will take place remotely (via Google Meet platforms) or in person depending on the regulations in force at the time of the exams.

Reference texts

- S. Santamaita, Storia dell’educazione e delle pedagogie. Seconda edizione, Milano-Torino, Pearson Italia, 2019, pp. 1-238 [solo il volume in cartaceo, senza i materiali online di MyLab]
- L. Bravi,La televisione educativa in Italia. Un percorso di storia sociale dell'educazione, Anicia, Roma, 2021.
- E. Macinai, The Century of the Rights of Children Ellen Key's Legacy towards a New Childhood Culture, in “Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica”, n. 2/2016, pp. 67-81 [rivista scientifica online in open access; l’articolo, in lingua inglese, è scaricabile in pdf al sito:]
- Slides relating to the topics of the lessons; materials used during the course