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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding about the following topics: epistemological and methodological aspects of educational historiography; main historical steps evolution of pedagogical theories and educational institutions; classical authors and paradigmatic works in educational field; school history and school policies; educational policies and cultural projects dedicated to the social history of education
2) Applying knowledge and understanding about the following skills:
strengthening of the historical-theoretical framework of the history of pedagogy and education and their research objects; tools for interpretation sub species educationis of documentary sources; critical conceptualization of the identity of educator as a complex identity in historical becoming; identification of formal and informal learning contexts and their peculiarities in different historical epochs;
3) Making judgments about the following activities: analysis of various sources (literature, laws, periodicals, literature etc.) where critically recognizing concepts, trends, social representations of educational processes;
4) Communication skills about the following skills: using specialist lexicon of history of education; using logic argumentation of contents; precise and comprehensive reference to information sources; explication of the historical-cultural context of authors and subjects;
5) Learning skills about the following fields: disciplinary interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach to subjects of knowledge; methodological rigour in using and making information; autonomous research of documentary sources; orientation and identification of reference points in the subject field; recognition of educational processes in different historical context.


The basic prerequisites consist of general knowledge of history and theory of education; if they are lacking or incomplete, they will be acquired and/or consolidated partially during the class.

Course programme

The class addresses the historical-educational field from some epistemological and methodological backgrounds (peculiarities of historical-educational research, research objects, sources, methodologies, interpretation), highlighting how historical knowledge/competence is a fundamental requirement of culture and educational professionalism (in formal, informal and non-formal context; and from early childohood to late adulthood). The first part of the class concerns the evolution of educational models (practices and theories), from antiquity to today: it will address, for specific insights, on some subjects, situations, works and authors considered paradigmatic (from Socrates to Comenius, from Rousseau to Pestalozzi, from Dewey to Montessori to Bruner, for example, highlighting the concept of childhood, learner, school, education, teacher etc.). Specific attention will also be paid to innovative educational experiences (such as, for example, the so-called outdoor education). Finally, it is expected that students will face the study of a short paper in English, concerning an important contribution to the affirmation of the rights of children in the early twentieth century.

Didactic methods

The contents will be exposed by lectures, integrated with: a) supporting slides that summarize, exemplify and organize the discussed topics; b) presentation and critical analysis of documents (laws, essays and articles, video etc.); c) seminar, conferences, debates.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam consists in a written test; it can be taken only and exclusively on the occasion of the official period of examination, after regular online registration. Additional exam sessions and oral examinations will not be set for supplementing or replacing the written test. During the exam, the consultation of notes and texts, also web sites, and communication between students are forbidden. The evaluation is made known to students through specific online procedures. Alternative ways of examination will only be provided in the cases reported by the "Disability and DSA Service" of the University, on the basis of an agreement between the Service, the student and the professor.

Reference texts

The syllabus consists of this list of books:

a) attending students:

– S. Santamaita, Storia dell’educazione e delle pedagogie. Seconda edizione, Milano-Torino, Pearson Italia, 2019, pp. 1-238 [only the paper book, without online text of MyLab]
– M. D’Ascenzo, Maestri, maestre e didattica nelle scuole all’aperto, quale professionalità?, in M. Ferrari, M. Morandi (a cura di), Maestri e pratiche educative dall’Ottocento a oggi. Contributi per una storia della didattica, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2020, pp. 189-210
– E. Macinai, The Century of the Rights of Children. Ellen Key’s Legacy towards a New Childhood Culture, in “Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica”, n. 2/2016, pp. 67-81 [online and open access scientific journal; download the pdf article, in English, in:]
– Slides related to the topics of the lessons; learning materials used during the lessons.

b) non-attending students:

– S. Santamaita, Storia dell’educazione e delle pedagogie. Seconda edizione, Milano-Torino, Pearson Italia, 2019, pp. 1-238 [only the paper book, without online text of MyLab]
– M. D’Ascenzo, Maestri, maestre e didattica nelle scuole all’aperto, quale professionalità?, in M. Ferrari, M. Morandi (a cura di), Maestri e pratiche educative dall’Ottocento a oggi. Contributi per una storia della didattica, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2020, pp. 189-210
– E. Macinai, The Century of the Rights of Children. Ellen Key’s Legacy towards a New Childhood Culture, in “Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica”, n. 2/2016, pp. 67-81 [online and open access scientific journal; download the pdf article, in English, in:]
– G. Genovesi (Ed.), Scritti di pace [scritti di W. James, P. Bovet, A. Ferrière], Parma, Ricerche Pedagogiche, 1996, pp. 7-70 [book out of print; in pdf on website “materiale didattico 2020/2021”]

By resolution of the Academic Board of the university course of "Philosophical and Educational Sciences" in 01.26.2016, the syllabus of the academic year 2021/2022 is valid from the examination session in June/July 2022 until the examination session in June/July 2023