Academic year and teacher
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Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

To introduce general principles of archaeology of the Greek and Roman world, with history and development of the matter, also in technical and scientific applications, and with reference to the range of art, architecture and types of ancient settlements.


Basic knowledge of ancient history and culture.

Course programme

The course will give an overview of art and archaeology of mediterranean antiquity, with particular regarding to Greek and Roman world.
At first there is an introduction of the evolution of method and theory in archaeological knowledge and research, from humanistic and traditional classic culture to the newer approaches and techniques, relating to stratigraphic excavation and field archaeology.
We will examine classical cultures, human settlements and ancient art in their development and from different perspectives, with particular reference to well-preserved remains, like urban ruins, monuments, sculpture, paintings, minor arts etc., from greek orientalizing period to late antiquity.

Didactic methods

Lectures and seminars.

Learning assessment procedures

Oral examination with discussion, about thirty minutes, on the history of the subject and procedures of topographical survey and archaeological excavation. Questions on the major artists, on the main styles and the chronology of the works of classical art in their social and historical context.

Reference texts

Lecture handouts
Propaedeutics and history of the subject:
-- J. Ortalli, L'archeologia, in "Le fonti per la storia antica" (a cura di G. Poma), Bologna, Il Mulino 2008, pp. 41-95.
For the art- history part, a text of your choice among the following manuals:
-- G. Becatti, L'arte dell'età classica, Sansoni, Firenze 1971 .
-- J. Boardman (a cura di), Storia Oxford L'arte classica, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1995 (study to p. 344).
-- T. Hölscher (a cura di), L'archeologia classica. Un'introduzione, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Roma 2010.

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Possible alternative or supplementary texts, to be agreed in advance with the teacher: For the introductory and history of the discipline:
-- C. Renfrew, P. Bahn, Archeologia, Teorie, metodi, pratica, Zanichelli, Bologna 1995.
-- R. Bianchi Bandinelli, Introduzione all'archeologia classica come storia dell'arte antica, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1976.
-- A. Carandini, Storie dalla terra. Manuale di scavo archeologico, Einaudi, Torino 1991.
For artistic-historic part:
-- L'arte dell'antichità classica, 2 voll. (R. Bianchi Bandinelli, E. Paribeni, La Grecia; R. Bianchi Bandinelli, M. Torelli, Etruria e Roma), Utet, Torino 1976.