Academic year and teacher
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Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

In depth analysis of Latin language structures, focusing on morphology, syntax, lexicon, style mainly through reading texts in Latin and applying advanced translation techniques. In depth analysis of Latin language knowledge in diachronic perspective, mainly through reading selected texts.


Knowledge of the main linguistic and historical-literary features of ancient Roman world

Course programme

Reading, translating Latin texts, with literary and linguistic analysis (selection from different literary genres and stylistic levels:Cato, Terentius, Turpilius, Catullus, Cicero, Sallustius, Horatius,Vergilius, Seneca, Martialis, Svetonius, Apuleius, Claudianus) ; aspects of poetical and colloquial language
More detailed information will be available at the end of the course.
- Read the following texts in Latin:
Cato, De agricultura: praefatio and chapters 1-4 (1- 3,1) and 150 (141) (pages 22-35 and 224-231 of ed. by Cugusi, see below)
Terentius, Heautontimorumenos: lines 53-158
Turpilius: the fragments of Leucadia (pages 38-44 of ed. by A.Traina, see below)
Catullus, Carmina: poems 65; 101
Cicero, Cato maior de senectute: paragraphs 1-3; 85
Sallustius, De coniuratione Catilinae: chapters 1-4
Horatius, Epistulae: book.1, epist. 1 (lines 1-32; 106-108) and 20
Vergilius, Aeneis: book 11, lines 133-181
Seneca, De ira: book. 1, chapter 1, paragraphs 1-7
Martialis, Epigrammata: book 2, epigrams 6, 7, 8, 10, 11
Svetonius, De vita Caesarum lib. II: divus Augustus, chapters 84-88
Apuleius, Metamorphoses: book 1, chapters1-2; book 6, chapters 7-10
Claudianus, De raptu Proserpinae: book 1, praefatio and lines1-31; book 2, lines 55-87

- A. Lunelli (cur.), La lingua poetica latina....: one of three essays, by choice

- J.B. Hofmann, La lingua d’uso latina...: pages 103-160; 277-291; 297-300; 304-314

Didactic methods

Lectures; practice exercises
N.B.: Propaedeutic ‘Elementary Latin’ lectures are given in 1st semester (prof. C. Cazzola)

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam (questions about Latin poetical and colloquial language; reading and translation of some passages from the Latin texts included in the programme); for the students whose study plan foresees more than 12 credits in L-FIL-LET/04, an additional written exam (translation from Latin) is due.

Reference texts

Latin texts will be copied and handed out.
- recommended text books, for instance :
Marco Porcio Catone, Opere, a c. di P. Cugusi e M.T. Sblendorio Cugusi, Torino 2001 (UTET), vol. II
Publio Terenzio Afro, Commedie, a c. di O. Bianco, Torino 1993 (or new ed.); very useful commentary in A. Traina, Comoedia. Antologia della palliata, 5° ed., Padova 2000
Sesto Turpilio, I frammenti delle commedie, trad. e ann. da A. Traina, Pàtron, Bologna 2013
Catullo, I canti, intr. e note di A.Traina, tr. di E. Mandruzzato, Milano 19821 (or new ed.)(BUR)
Cicerone, La vecchiezza, intr. e note di E. Narducci, trad. di C. Saggio, Milano 1983 (or new ed.) (BUR)
Sallustio, La congiura di Catilina, pref. trad. n. di L. Storoni Mazzolani, Milano 19761 (or new ed.) (BUR)
Orazio, Le lettere, intr. note trad. di E. Mandruzzato, Milano 19851 (or new ed.) (BUR)
Virgilio, Le opere, testo a c. di M. Geymonat, trad. di F. della Corte, in Enciclopedia Virgiliana, vol. V**, Roma 1991 or Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, tr. e c. di A. Fo, note di F. Giannotti; very useful commentary in Virgilio, L’utopia e la storia. Il libro XII dell’Eneide e antologia delle opere, a c. di A.Traina, 3a ed., Loescher, Torino 2004
Seneca, L'ira, intr. trad. e n. di C. Ricci, Milano 1998 (or new ed.) (BUR)
Marziale, Epigrammi, a c. di S. Beta, Milano 1995 (or new ed.) (Oscar classici)
Svetonio, Vite dei Cesari, intr. S. Lanciotti, tr. F. Dessì, Milano 1982 (or new ed.) (BUR)
Apuleio, Le metamorfosi o L’asino d’oro, a c. di A. Fo, Torino 2010 (ET)
Claudiano, Il rapimento di Proserpina. La guerra dei Goti, intr. tr. n. di F. Serpa, Milano 1981 (or new ed.) (BUR) or Claudio Caudiano, De raptu Proserpinae, a c. di M. Onorato, Napoli 2008 (with commentary)

A. Lunelli (ed.), La lingua poetica latina, essays by W. Kroll, H.H. Janssen, M. Leumann, 4th revised ed. by C. Facchini Tosi and M. Bonvicini, Pàtron, Bologna 2011 (selection)

J.B. Hofmann, La lingua d’uso latina, intr. transl. notes by L. Ricottilli, 3rd revised ed., Pàtron, Bologna 2003 (selection)
Recommended handbooks (morphology, syntax, lexicon, style):
A.Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, 6th ed. by C. Marangoni, revised repr. by A.Traina and Bruna Pieri, Pàtron, Bologna 2007
A. Traina - L. Pasqualini, Morfologia latina, Cappelli, Bologna 19853(or repr.)
A. Traina - T. Bertotti, Sintassi normativa della lingua latina.Teoria, Pòtron, Bologna 2015 (or repr.)
E. Riganti, Lessico latino fondamentale, Pàtron, Bologna 1989 (or repr.)
G.B. Conte - E. Pianezzola – G. Ranucci, Il dizionario della lingua latina, Le Monnier, Firenze 2000 (or new edition)
J.B. Hofmann – A. Szantyr, Stilistica latina, by A. Traina, C. Neri, R. Oniga, B. Pieri, Pàtron, Bologna 2002
n.b.: Lectures notes (with more bibliographic information) are recommended.
More detailed information will be available at the end of the course.
N.B.: Propaedeutic ‘Elementary Latin’ lectures are given in 1st semester (prof. C. Cazzola)