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Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

Knowledge of the chronological layout of Latin literature, the features and developments of the literary genres targeted, including direct reading of a selection of texts in Latin; in depth analysis of cultural movements and personalities of Latin literature. Language-wise, in depth analysis of pronunciation and accent, also from a historical perspective.
Developing skills necessary to perform exegesis and criticism through reading of a literary work in Latin along with models of critical essays. In depth analysis of Latin language structures, focusing on phonetics, morphology, syntax, mainly through reading texts in Latin and applying advanced translation techniques. Acquisition of fundamentals of metrics and philology.


Knowledge of the fundamentals of Latin language and the main historical-chronological features of the ancient world.

Course programme

Latin literature: periods and literary genres
Propaedeutics to proficiency in Latin at university level: pronunciation and accent
Reading texts in Latin and analyzing the language:
- Catullus, Carmina (selection)
- Seneca, De brevitate vitae (selection)
Latin literature: overview of the history of literature from the origin to the late-ancient (history of cultural and literary movements, with references to the main personalities in Latin literature)
Lyric Seneca: choruses and monodies from tragedies (selection from Oedipus)
Propaedeutics to proficiency in Latin at university level: phonetics, morphology and syntax issues
Reading texts in Latin (learning of advanced translation techniques):
- Livius, ‘Ab urbe condita’ (book I: selection)
- Vergilius, Opera (selection)
Fundamentals of prosody and metrics; philological approach to a literary text:
Essential notions of prosody and metrics (especially dactylic hexameter and elegiac couplet) and textual criticism.
Main reference text: Vergilius, Opera
More detailed information will be available at the end of the course.


Catullus, Carmina: poems 1, 9, 11, 13, 36, 49, 50, 51, 65, 66 (lines 69-94 only), 84, 94, 95, 96, 101.
Seneca, De brevitate vitae: chapters 1-11; 20.
Seneca, Oedipus: lines110-201; 403-509; 709-763; 882-904; 980-997 (read the whole tragedy in the Italian translation). In addition A.Traina, La lyra e la libra, Bologna 2003, pages137-140 and 149-151 (i. e. Seneca lirico, paragraphs 1 and 6)
Traina – Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica …: IV (pages117-139), V (pages147-161;166-193),VI (pages 201-208; 210-222; 228)
Livius, Ab urbe condita, book I: praefatio and chapters 1-10.
Virgilius, Aeneis, book 12: lines1-112; 134-160; 430-440; 869-952 (read the whole book 12 in the Italian translation; recommended translations, for example: Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, a c. di A. Fo e F. Giannotti, Torino 2012; or Enciclopedia Virgiliana vol. V**, Roma 1991 [F. della Corte])

The other sections of the schedule remain unchanged.

Didactic methods

N.B.: Propaedeutic ‘Elementary Latin’ lectures are given in 1st semester (prof. C. Cazzola)

Learning assessment procedures

Oral exam (questions about Latin language and the history of Latin literature; reading and translation of some passages from the Latin texts included in the programme).

Reference texts

Recommended handbooks:
G.B. Conte, Letteratura latina (I. Dall’alta repubblica all’età di Augusto; II. L’età imperiale), Le Monnier, Firenze 2012 or previous editions; or G. Garbarino, Letteratura latina, Paravia, Torino 19982 (1 vol.) or new edition.
A.Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, 6th ed. by C. Marangoni, rev. reprint by A.Traina and Bruna Pieri, Pàtron, Bologna 2007, chapters II-III
Catullo, I canti, intr. comm. by A. Traina, transl. by E. Mandruzzato, Rizzoli, Milano 19821 (or reprint) (BUR)
Lucio Anneo Seneca, La brevità della vita, by A. Traina, Rizzoli, Milano 19931 (or new edd.) (BUR); very useful commentary: Seneca, La brevità della vita, comm. by A.Traina, Loescher, Torino 19823 (or new edd.)

Recommended handbooks (morphology, syntax, lexicon):
A. Traina - L. Pasqualini, Morfologia latina, Cappelli, Bologna 19853(or reprint); A. Traina - T. Bertotti, Sintassi normativa della lingua latina.Teoria, Cappelli, Bologna 19932 (or reprint); E. Riganti, Lessico latino fondamentale, Pàtron, Bologna 1989 (or reprint)
Recommended handbooks: see A) above
A. Traina, Introduzione a Catullo: la poesia degli affetti, in A. Traina, Poeti latini (e neolatini) V, Pàtron, Bologna 1998, pp. 19-50 (repr. of Intr. to Catullo, I canti, see B) above)
Text: L. Annaei Senecae Tragoediae..., recogn. brevique adn. crit. instr. O. Zwierlein, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1986 (or new edd.); translations: Lucio Anneo Seneca, Edipo, intr. transl. n. G. Paduano, Rizzoli, Milano 19931 or new edd. (BUR) and Seneca lirico, intr. and transl. A. Traina, Ed. Le Onde, Chianciano Terme (SI) 2011; on the whole tragedy P. Mantovanelli, L’Edipo di Seneca, una tragedia ‘moderna’, in P. Mantovanelli., Patologia del potere. Studi sulle tragedie di Seneca, Pàtron, Bologna 2014, pp. 271- 292
A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica... (see B) above), chapters IV,V,VI (selection)
Virgilio, L’utopia e la storia. Il libro XII dell’Eneide e antologia delle opere, by A.Traina, 3rd ed., Loescher, Torino 2004
Livio, Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione, with an essay by R. Syme, intr. e notes by C. Moreschini …, vol. I, Rizzoli, Milano 1982 (or new edition.) (BUR)
A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica…(see B) above), chapters VII-VIII
Critical editions:
P. Vergili Maronis Opera, rec. … R.A.B. Mynors, Oxford UP, Oxford 19691 (19722)
P. Vergili Maronis Opera, … rec. M. Geymonat, Paravia, Torino 1973

n.b.: Lectures notes (with more bibliographic information) are recommended.
More detailed information will be available at the end of the course.
N.B.: Propaedeutic ‘Elementary Latin’ lectures are given in 1st semester (prof. C. Cazzola)


Catullus, Carmina: poems 1, 9, 11, 13, 36, 49, 50, 51, 65, 66 (lines 69-94 only), 84, 94, 95, 96, 101.
Seneca, De brevitate vitae: chapters 1-11; 20.
Seneca, Oedipus: lines110-201; 403-509; 709-763; 882-904; 980-997 (read the whole tragedy in the Italian translation). In addition A.Traina, La lyra e la libra, Bologna 2003, pages137-140 and 149-151 (i. e. Seneca lirico, paragraphs 1 and 6)
Traina – Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica …: IV (pages117-139), V (pages147-161;166-193),VI (pages 201-208; 210-222; 228)
Livius, Ab urbe condita, book I: praefatio and chapters 1-10.
Virgilius, Aeneis, book 12: lines1-112; 134-160; 430-440; 869-952 (read the whole book 12 in the Italian translation; recommended translations, for example: Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, a c. di A. Fo e F. Giannotti, Torino 2012; or Enciclopedia Virgiliana vol. V**, Roma 1991 [F. della Corte])

The other sections of the schedule remain unchanged.