A.A 2012/2013 LM Lingua inglese II 47870
Description and objectives, LM I and II: along with general development of linguistic skills, especially speaking and writing, it is hoped to enhance students’ cultural awareness and knowledge of English-speaking areas of the world, and to broaden students’ general linguistic awareness. Along with specific cultural information, the course hopes to impart general ideas and concepts related to sociolinguistics, cultural anthropology and critical assessments of issues raised by globalisation. Lessons: autumn, 3 lessons per week (Tues. 8:30, Thurs.10:15, and Fri 14:00) (Tuesday lesson with Magistrale I) spring 2013, 3 lessons per week Course content: language development (all four skills) cultural knowledge and understanding translation skills and theoretical awareness confidence with internet/computer resources Course structure: coursebook, ‘Proficiency Masterclass’ (Student’s Book and Exam Practice workbook) OUP vocabulary, speaking and listening exercises/activities essays as coursework mock exam in March 2013 final exam TBA (in June) student obligations: 1 essay in fair copy three-hour written examination listening test final oral examination LM II Brief content outline: language work: (see textbook: Proficiency Masterclass and vocabulary textbooks). Final exam: 1 text for comprehension, 2 essays (1 on GB culture) and 2 – 3 grammar/vocabulary instruments, plus listening test Oral examination: questions on language and culture, general stimuli for production C Writing and presenting throughout the year Course materials: textbooks; additional readings in culture, language and translation, DVDs and videos etc. Assessment Methods and Criteria: results as for any other University of Ferrara exam. Methods: written exam and listening, plus oral at end of year. 1 essay during the year. Course aims: to develop student language in all four skill areas; to increase awareness of the main issues in translation; to develop significant cultural knowledge and understanding of English-speaking areas; to consolidate student confidence with digital media and resources. Lessons: autumn/spring 2012/13: 1 culture lesson a week (with LM I), Tuesday 08:30-10:00 2 language lessons a week, Thursday 10:15-11:45 and Friday 14:00-15:30
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