Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Annualità Singola

Training objectives

Acquisition of the four language skills (comprehension and written and oral production) on an advanced level.
The main objective of the course is the improvement of linguistic knowledge and communication skills aiming at the future professional life of the student.
Final objective: Level B2/C1 of the European Framework. (Preparation for the B2+/C1 certificate of the Goethe Institute).


Level B1/B2 of the European Framework
German II

Course programme

- Sociolinguistics "Diffusion and recent tendencies of the German language": language variation, linguistic geography of German-speaking countries, substandard, spoken language.
- Rhetoric and communication: public speaking in German, communication models, nonverbal communication, criteria of clarity, speech delivery. Analysis of public speeches: structure, argumentation, nonverbal language and rhetorical figures.
Language study ("lettorato"):
Literature of various periods (short stories, extracts from longer works, poetry) with relative linguistic analysis and interpretation; newspaper articles with reference to contemporary German culture; semantic research and lexical development; exercises in written composition and oral discussion; further study of main grammar structures, introduction to the most complex areas of German grammar.

Those who cannot attend the language study class will receive a special program in order to be able to work at home. It will be verified at the end of the year (oral exam).

Didactic methods

Interactive and frontal lessons, student presentations, practical exercises individually and in groups.

Learning assessment procedures

Language study "lettorato":
Written (grammar and writing) and oral

Lecture (professor):
Non-attending students will hand in and discuss a "Portfolio" containing a set of tasks agreed upon with the professor. The “Portfolio” has to be delivered in both paper and electronic formats.

Reference texts

Dispensa del corso con fotocopie di articoli ed estratti dei seguenti libri tratto da: (via e-mail)
o Allhoff, Dieter-W./Allhoff, Waltraud: Rhetorik und Kommunikation. München: Reinhardt, 2006 (14. Aufl.) (pdf via e-mail)
o Di Meola, Claudio: La linguistica tedesca. Un’introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma, Bulzoni: 2014 (3. Aufl.)
o Gross, Harro: Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. München, iudicium: 1998 (3. überarb. Aufl.)
o Kessel, Katja/Reimann, Sandra: Basiswissen Deutsche Gegenwartssprache. Tübingen und Basel: A. Francke, 2016 (5. Aufl.).
o Thüne, Eva-Maria et al.: Le lingue tedesche: per una descrizione sociolinguistica. Bari, Graphis, 2005.
o Wagner, Roland: Grundlagen der mündlichen Kommunikation. Regensburg, bvs, 2004 (pdf 2012)
• Buscha, Anna / Raven, Susanne / Linthout, Gisela: Erkundungen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache C1 (editore - Schubert-Verlag)
• Luscher, Renate: Landeskunde Deutschland. Von der Wende bis heute – (Verlag für Deutsch), 2012
• Hering, A. / Matussek, M. / Perlmann-Balme, M.: em Übungsgrammatik - (Editore Max Hueber)
• Dreyer, H. / Schmitt, R.: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik - (Editore Max Hueber)