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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

• to know the legislation concerning Italian high schools.
• to know and apply textual analysis;
• to know and evaluate different approaches to the text with reference to literary genres;
• to know and evaluate several teaching methods, in an intercultural and multidisciplinary perspective;
• to acquire knowledge to create teaching materials based on different learning styles;
• to acquire knowledge to compare schoolbooks;
• learning how to evaluate, also referring to the legislation on special educational needs.


level B2 / C1 or higher of the CEFR. Attendance at the course is highly recommended.

Course programme

The course will have both a theoretical and an applicative part. We will reflect together on the purpose and significance of teaching literature today, in relation to different kind of schools and students. We will analyze different approaches in teaching French literature. Possible classroom activities will be presented, mostly concerning literary production of 20th and 21st centuries in Francophone Countries. We will also refer to strategies to involve students in their own learning, pointing out the different learning styles and students with special educational needs.

Didactic methods

The course is divided into lessons and workshop. The lessons will have a practical approach aimed to develop skills and good practices for teaching. Students will be invited to plan, simulate and share teaching practices.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam will consist in a written educational project, in Italian or in French, on a topic agreed upon with the teacher. The whole educational project (the creation of a "module" or a learning unit), must be sent to the teacher at least one week before the date set for the oral examination. The oral exam will be divided into two parts: discussion of the project sent, and simulation of a lesson in French, issues from the educational project. .
Non-attending students will perform the same exam.

Reference texts


• Stagi Scarpa Mariella, Insegnare letteratura in lingua straniera, Carocci, Roma, 2005 (pagine 1-34 e 107-147).
• Malvestio Luigina, Un curricolo modulare: la letteratura francese, Carocci, Roma, 2007.
• De Gennaro Enrico, Didattica della letteratura francese e TFA, “RiCognizioni. Rivista di lingue, letterature e culture moderne, 1-2014, pp. 117-123. Disponibile qui:
• Articoli tratti da L’Enseignement de la littérature, s.l.d. de Doubrovsky, Todorov, Paris, Plon, 1971, messi a disposizione dalla docente :
- Doubrovsky Serge, Le point de vue du professeur, pp. 11-23.
- Barthes Roland, Réflexions sur un manuel, pp. 170-177.
- Mace Gérard, Enseigner la poésie pour réapprendre à lire, pp. 463-470.
• Daunay Bertrand, Etat des recherches en didactique de la littérature, « Revue française de pédagogie », 159, avril-juin 2007, pp. 139-189. Scaricabile in pdf qui :
• Antonello Daniela, "Intelligenze, stili cognitivi, stili attributivi"; disponibile in pdf qui: (su questo argomento si veda anche il power point "Imparare con stile" nel sito della docente).
- Nella home page della docente saranno inoltre disponibili i documenti relativi alla normativa scolastica mostrata e commentata durante le lezioni e materiale relativo ai metodi di insegnamento.

Suggestions :

• Recalcati Massimo, L’ora di lezione. Per un’erotica dell’insegnamento, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.

Please look in the teacher's home page for further bibliography.