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Programma, bibliografia, calendario lezioni, modalità d'esame e materiale didattico anno accademico 2015-2016

Calendario lezioni Letteratura Inglese I Magistrale 2015-2016.pdf
Modalità d'esame Letteratura Inglese I Magistrale 2015-2016.pdf
Bibliography English Literature I - LM.pdf
Franco Moretti, Conjectures on World Literature, 2000.pdf
W. C. Dimock, Literature for the Planet, 2001.pdf
David Damrosch, World Literature, National Contexts, 2003.pdf
David Damrosch, Toward a History of World Literature, 2008.pdf
Aphra Behn, Oroonoko, 1688.pdf
Moira Ferguson, Oroonoko. Birth of a Paradigm, 1992.pdf
Oddvar Holmesland, Aphra Behn's Oroonoko. Cultural Dialectics and the Novel, 2001.pdf
V. G. Dickson, Truth, Wonder, and Exemplarity in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko, 2007.pdf
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, 1726.pdf
Eugene R. Hammond, Nature-Reason-Justice in Utopia and Gulliver's Travels, 1982.pdf
Clement Hawes, Three Times Round the Globe, 1991.pdf
Richard Rodino, Splendide Mendax, 1991.pdf
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights, 1850.pdf
Arnold Krupat, The Strangeness of Wuthering Heights, 1970.pdf
Anne Williams, Natural Supernaturalism, 1985.pdf
Michael S. Macovski, Wuthering Heights and the Rhetoric of Interpretation, 1987.pdf
A. S. Byatt. Possession. A Romance, 1990.pdf
Adrienne Shiffman, Burn What They Should Not See, 2001.pdf
Ann Marie Adams, Dead Authors, Born Readers, and Defunct Critics, 2003.pdf
Mark M. Hennelly, Repeating Patterns and Textual Pleasures, 2003.pdf
David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas, 2004.pdf
James Berger, Falling Towers, 2005.pdf
Rita Barnard, Fictions of the Global, 2009.pdf
J. H. Mezey, A Multitude of Drops, 2011.pdf
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