Materiale didattico anno accademico 2012-2013
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- Programma e bibliografia Letteratura Inglese II Laurea Magistrale anno accademico 2012-2013
- Calendario lezioni Letteratura Inglese II Laurea Magistrale anno accademico 2012-2013.doc
- Modalità d'esame Letteratura Inglese II Laurea magistrale anno accademico 2012-2013.doc
- Alastair Fowler, Genre and the Literary Canon, 1979.pdf
- Italo Calvino, Perché leggere i classici, 1981.pdf
- Lillian S. Robinson, Treason Our Text. Feminist Challenges to the Literary Canon, 1983.pdf
- Charles Altieri, An Idea and Ideal of a Literary Canon, 1983.pdf
- Joe Weixlmann, Dealing with the Demands of an Expanding Literary Canon, 1988.pdf
- Trevor Ross, The Emergence of Literature. Making and Reading the English Canon, 1996.pdf
- Jonathan Brody Kramnick, The Making of the English Canon, 1997.pdf
- Thomas More, Utopia, 1516, translated into English by Gilbert Burnet in 1684 (1965).pdf
- Brendan Bradshaw, More on Utopia, 1981.pdf
- T. S. Engeman, Hythloday's Utopia and More's England an Interpretation of Thomas More's Utopia, 1982.pdf
- Vita Fortunati, Utopia as a Literary Genre, 2000.pdf
- Vita Fortunati, Utopia by Thomas More, 2000.pdf
- Aphra Behn, Works, 1915 ed., vol. I.pdf
- Anita Pacheco, Rape and the Female Subject in Aphra Behn's The Rover, 1988.pdf
- Elin Diamond, Gestus and Signature in Aphra Behn's The Rover, 1989.pdf
- Susan Carlson, Cannibalizing and Carnivalizing. Reviving Aphra Behn's The Rover, 1995.pdf
- Stephen Szilagyi, The Sexual Politics of Behn's Rover. After Patriarchy, 1998.pdf
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh, 1856.pdf
- Dolores Rosenblum, Casa Guidi Windows and Aurora Leigh. The Genesis of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Visionary Aesthetic, 1985.pdf
- Joyce Zonana, The Embodied Muse. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh and Feminist Poetics, 1989.pdf
- Anne D. Wallace, 'Nor in Fading Silks Compose'. Sewing, Walking, and Poetic Labor in Aurora Leigh, 1997.pdf
- Sarah Annes Brown, Paradise Lost and Aurora Leigh, 1997.pdf
- Ford Madox Ford, The Good Soldier, 1915.pdf
- Thomas Moser, Towards The Good Soldier. Discovery of a Sexual Theme, 1963.pdf
- Barry D. Bort, The Good Soldier. Comedy or Tragedy, 1967.pdf
- H. Robert Huntley, The Good Soldier and Die Wahlverwandtschaften, 1967.pdf
- Michael Levenson, Character in The Good Soldier, 1984.pdf
- Bruce Bassoff, Oedipal Fantasy and Arrested Development in The Good Soldier, 1988.pdf
- Farida Elizabeth A. Dahab, The Time-Shift in The Good Soldier, 1989.pdf
- Risultati prova scritta Letteratura inglese II 19 dicembre 2012.doc