Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 6
- Curriculum
- Didactic period
- Secondo Semestre
- L-LIN/07
Training objectives
- Students will achieve a high level of competence in the Spanish language (CEFR C1/C2 level), increasing the quantity and quality of the expressive resources in both written and oral fields.
By the end of the course students will know:
1) the theoretical fundamentals of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, and the historical background of the field and the most significant methodological approaches to L2 teaching;
2) national education laws, European linguistic policies and the main documents to be consulted by Spanish L2 teachers: MIUR’s guidelines for Middle and High School, the European Council’s CEFR (2001), the Instituto Cervantes’ PCIC (2006):
3) principles of teaching planning and learning unit design in Spanish L2 Teaching;
4) class management strategies, teaching techniques and activities;
5) fundamentals and instruments of evaluation and strategies of correction.
Moreover, they will be able to:
1) reason about the concept of evaluation for learning and on different types and criteria of evaluation, and choose the most adequate strategies of correction;
2) design a learning unit for Spanish L2. Prerequisites
- B2/C1 level of Spanish. Students must have passed the B2/C1 Spanish level test at the beginning of the course of Lingua Spagnola (1st module, 1st semester) or the exam of Lingua Spagnola (1st module, 1st semester) of Professor Giulia Giorgi.
Course programme
- The course, held in Spanish, is divided into two parts.
In the first part of the course students will deal the key concepts of SLA, starting from the idea of linguistic acquisition, linguistic learning, native language, foreign language, second language, etc. They will analyse the theoretical bases and the historical background of the subject, its approaches and tendencies, and different methodologies. They will also examine the fundamental notions of SLA (interlanguage, language input, communicative competence, language skills, pragmatic meaning, etc.), in the light of the most recent knowledge in language sciences, in psychology of learning, and in the context of the elaboration of teaching methodologies.
In the second part, students will take into consideration the main features which need to be considered when organizing a language course: needs analysis, definition of teaching aims, lesson planning, choice of resources and instruments, design of language communicative tasks, management of interaction in the language classroom, language assessments. Didactic methods
- Lectures and seminars/workshops.
Students will be asked to do home activities semi-autonomously.
The course might include workshops held by experts.
Additional material will be uploaded in the Classroom (code: a5mo53d) for non-attending students. Learning assessment procedures
- The acquisition of the course’s theoretical contents and competences will be assessed through the following mandatory exams:
1) written exam on the contents of the course (27 points). During this exam the use of dictionary is not allowed. To pass the final exam (grade system out of 30) students are required to achieve the sufficiency in the written exam (60%).
2) learning unit (to be agreed with the professor).
Please note: Non-attending students must contact the professor and will take the following exams:
1) written exam on the contents of the course (27 points). During this exam the use of dictionary is not allowed. To pass the final exam (grade system out of 30) students are required to achieve the sufficiency in the written exam (60%).
2) short research on the topics of the course (to be agreed with the professor).
Evaluation criteria:
Written exam: accuracy in referring to theories, models and instruments; conceptual connections; ability to re-elaborate contents; pertinence and argumentative correctness.
Unit: structure and coherence; adequacy; viability; completeness.
Research: accuracy in referring to theories, models and instruments; conceptual connections; ability to re-elaborate contents; pertinence and argumentative correctness.
To pass the final exam, the sum of all its parts (online activity and written exam) must be at least 18/30.
33 points = cum Laud
The exam is also aimed at the linguistic assessment of students. Grammar and precision of language are two of the criteria taken into consideration. Reference texts
- All students are required to study the following bibliography*:
1) Martín Martín, José Miguel (2016), «La adquisición de la lengua materna (L1) y el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) / lengua extranjera (LE): procesos cognitivos y factores condicionantes», en Jesús Sánchez Lobato e Isabel Santos Gargallo (eds.), Vademécum para la formación de profesores. Enseñar español como segunda lengua (L2) / lengua extranjera (LE), vol. 1, Madrid: SGEL, pp. 261-282.
2) Alexopoulou, Angélica (2017): Fundamentos de lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera, Atene: Simmetria, pp. 131-155, 207-222.
3) Martín Sánchez, Miguel A. (2009): «Historia de la metodología de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras», Tejuelo, 5, pp. 54-69.
4) Melero Abadía, Pilar (2000): Métodos y enfoques en la enseñanza/aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera, Madrid: Edelsa, pp. 80-108.
5) Zanón Javier - Estaire, Sheila (2010): «El diseño de unidades didácticas mediante tareas en la clase de español», MarcoELE, 11, pp. 410-418.
6) Figueras Casanovas, Neus - Puig Soler, Fuensanta (2013): Pautas para la evaluación del español como lengua extranjera, Madrid: Edinumen, pp. 13-57.
7) Ribas, Rosa - D’Aquino Alessandra (2004): «La corrección de errores como instrumento didáctico», Actas del programa de formación para el profesorado de español como lengua extranjera, Instituto Cervantes de Múnich, pp. 78-84.
Mandatory readings for non-attending students (recommended for attending students):
8) Domínguez Pelegrín, Javier - Peragón López, Clara Eugenia (2019): «Currículo, programa y unidad didáctica», en Francisco Jiménez Calderón y Anna Rufat Sánchez (eds.), Manual de formación para profesores de ELE, Madrid: SGEL, pp. 53-77.
9) Eguiluz Pacheco, Juan - Vega Santos, Clara M. (2009): «Criterios para la evaluación de la producción escrita», MarcoELE, 9, pp. 75-94.
* Non-attending students will have to replace readings 1), 2) and 3) with the following:
Alexopoulou, Angélica (2017): Fundamentos de lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera, Atene: Simmetria, pp. 60-222.