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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to develop the student’s knowledge of grammar and improve fluency. Activities are designed to provide the student with specialist knowledge related to their branch of study as well as confidence in communication. Time will also be devoted to translation skills through use of commonly used questionnaires in the field of nutrition.
The main knowledge acquired will be divided into:
-grammar exercises pertaining to complex constructions generally required for a B2 level
-authentic material such as articles on current issues involved in the field of nutrition
- recently published questionnaires
-class discussions in L2 based on the subjects treated during the course
The ability to apply knowledge acquired will result in:
-improved linguistic skills resulting in increased confidence in communication skills, leading to better professional/patient relationship
-improved grammar and reading skills and the ability to identify key information leading to a better comprehension of articles and, consequently, a deeper insight into current issues in the field of nutrition
-improved skills in how to translate questionnaires coming from English-speaking countries for application in an Italian context.


Knowledge of the basic grammar structures and ability to handle basic communication.

Course programme

General review of tenses and their use
Conditional sentences. Passive constructions
Complex structures: to have something done, reported speech, time and reason clauses
Verb patterns. Modal verbs. Phrasal verbs
Nutrition. Diet. Food Pyramids. Food and Religion. Food Education . Vocabulary on food
Questionnaires used in the profession.
During the course, each student will be given articles to translate
Each student will be required to present a Power Point . The student presents the topic , as if he/she were in a conference. Students ask questions and the presenter should give appropriate answers about the topic.

Didactic methods

The course is organised as frontal lessons on the topics connected with nutrition.
Students read and translate articles given. The students interact and discuss the topic presented.
Each lesson, one or two students discuss topics which are given in the material presented by the teacher.
Students are encouraged to talk about general issues of everyday life with the their companions. Oral interaction.
During the course:
Each student will be required to produce a power point presentation, to be discussed in class, on a subject connected with nutrition .Students are encouraged to choose a topic of their liking to present to their mates.

Learning assessment procedures

Written Exam
The exam is divided into different sections :
a) Grammar section with multiple choice questions.
b) Questions on Vocabulary - translation of words seen during the lessons.
c) Questions on Articles seen in class.
d )Reading comprehension

Duration of the exam 1 hour 30 minutes

Reference texts

Material supplied by the teacher.
Healthy life
Add more vegetables to your day
Northern European diet
Religion and food
Eating disorders
Food, the bastion of faith
Cut down on sodium
The Mediterranean diet
Japanese diet
French diet
Why French People are thin
Kidney disease diet
Digestion and biochemistry of the body
How to eat mindfully in 8 simple steps
Healthy plate
4 types of food to boost your memory
Facts on Cholesterol
Which countries have the healthiest diets
The blue zones
Anorexia affects your whole body
The typical American diet
Obesity is killing the world
Food groups
7 tips to help your bones strong
Overweight people and happiness
The basic of the nutrition facts label
Say goodbye to picky eating
Picky eaters
Food safety