Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

(Prof. Marco Dallari)
Highlight reasons and tools of the priority of the processes of structuring identity in educational practices. (prof. Alessandro Failo)
The course will be a journey through a path that that will lead students to have basic theoretical skills about: a) understanding of age-related psychological changes throughout the lifespan; b) understanding the differences between typical and atypical development; c) basic’s types of observational methods



Course programme

(Prof. Marco Dallari)
Definition of personal identity, this relationship with the natural and social environments, knowledge, language and symbolic apparatus, tools and opportunities for interpersonal relationships.
(prof. Alessandro Failo)
Major Theoretical Frameworks in Developmental Psychology
The different approaches (not necessarily in this order and with different levels of detail):
• Piaget's theory of "genetic epistemology.
• Vygotsky's social constructivist theory
• Bruner’s cognitive revolution in educational theory
• Winnicott's Theory of Emotional Development
• Greenspan's Social Emotional Growth Theory (Six Developmental Milestones/Capacities)
• Bowlby's evolutionary theory of attachment (also from other autor’s like Harlow, Ainswoth, Main)
• Bandura's theory of self-efficacy
Integrationg amog theories to relationship between cognition, emotion, relational development
The life stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood: the role of attachment in personality development and psychopathology
Basic neurodevelopmental and cognitive atypicalities characteristics (risk and protection factors)
Observation as a method

Didactic methods

Provide to student a good theoretical framework to give their a strong theoretical base using also real-life examples, case studies and activities (also with video). By assigning tasks to small groups during lessons to involving students in their own learning, making course topics come to life, deepening students' knowledge, and developing particular skills.

Learning assessment procedures

The examination consists of:
• Assigning tasks to small groups during class
• Written examination 90 minutes: 10/15 closed questions, open questions 2/3. The exam will take place in an integrated manner with the teaching module of prof. Dallari in a single assessment test.

Reference texts

Material supplied by the teacher
(prof. Noemi Mazzoni)
Lecture notes and materials provided by the lecturer.
Venuti P., 2007 “Percorsi evolutivi. Forme tipiche e atipiche”, Carocci Editore
Venuti P., 2001 “L’osservazione del comportamento. Ricerca psicologica e pratica clinica”, Carocci Editore
Schaffer H., 2008 “I concetti fondamentali della psocologia dello sviluppo”, Raffaello Cortina Editore (only a few chapters)