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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to deepen the chosen themes of active / effective communication and in particular gain more flexibility, learn to observe in their own ways of communication, train themselves to listen to others, and to provide an effective response not only in terms of content but also of the relationship.
It also seeks to promote the self-and hetero evaluation understood as ability to reflect on the skills acquired to promote the further development and overcome the concept of evaluation intended as judgment.


Partecipation in the Form of discipline Nursing Seminar

Course programme

Active listening in a protected environment: the laboratory of relational. Interview the person. The reception of the person. The self-assessment. The evaluation. The training diary

Didactic methods

Laboratory of relatiobnal skills, shooting video and feedback, group work, storytelling in clinical training

Learning assessment procedures

Drafting of a report on the perception of the student compared to the experiences and a summary of the theoretical content faced. Evaluation criteria: correctness of the listed theoretical contents, the explicit reference to the hear the experience, the ability to link content and lived with the professional profile of the Nurse.

Reference texts

Liliana Paola, La comunicazione non verbale, Pacifico Xenia Edizioni
Desmond Morris, L’uomo e i suoi gesti, Mondadori ed.
Marletta, Pacifico, La comunicazione situazionale, Franco Angeli ed.