Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Teacher
- Credits
- 5
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
Training objectives
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Modulo: 009448 - PEDIATRIA
The course aims to reach students with the ability to perform with competence and autonomy professional activities aimed at prevention, care and protection of individual and collective health in children and women nursing care through preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative identifying the main diseases gynecological and obstetrical needs of female physical and mental health of infants and children .
The course also aims to:
- educational methodology applied for the prevention of gynecological diseases and the use of contraceptive methods
- Use the principles of childcare assistance for healthy newborn care and nursing process in the solution of priority health problems of the child in the various pediatric age
- provide the appropriate knowledge for a correct clinical approach to the main pathological gynecological and obstetrical services. In particular, acquire the ability to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies .
- Provide knowledge on the dynamics of physiological childbirth and postnatal care standards ; know the main clinical and instrumental used in obstetrics and gynecology
- Plan assistance to the woman from menopausal transition to post menopause
Provide adequate theoretical and practical knowledge for nursing care gynecological outpatient activities and in hospitalization.
In particular, provide adequate knowledge for nursing care for the most common obstetrical pathology and for the recognition of the phases of physiological labor to be adopted in a care context without a childbirth unit.
Pathophysiological notions about gynaecological cancers prevention, postmenopausal health and birth control will also be provided
At the end of the course, the student:
- must be able to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies and initiate appropriate interventions for the nursing management of them by communicating effectively within the care team
- recognize the stages of labor and delivery and know how to adopt the rules of assistance in the post-partum and puerperium
- be able to know the meaning of the main clinical and instrumental investigations used in obstetrics and gynecology
- will have acquired the basics to provide nursing counseling on issues relating to cancer prevention, prenatal diagnosis, menopause and birth control.
The course aims to reach students with the ability to perform with competence and autonomy professional activities aimed at prevention, care and protection of individual and collective health in children and women nursing care through preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative identifying the main diseases gynecological and obstetrical needs of female physical and mental health of infants and children .
The course also aims to:
- educational methodology applied for the prevention of gynecological diseases and the use of contraceptive methods
- Use the principles of childcare assistance for healthy newborn care and nursing process in the solution of priority health problems of the child in the various pediatric age
- provide the appropriate knowledge for a correct clinical approach to the main pathological gynecological and obstetrical services. In particular, acquire the ability to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies .
- Provide knowledge on the dynamics of physiological childbirth and postnatal care standards ; know the main clinical and instrumental used in obstetrics and gynecology
- Plan assistance to the woman from menopausal transition to post menopause
Provide adequate theoretical and practical knowledge for nursing care gynecological outpatient activities and in hospitalization.
In particular, provide adequate knowledge for nursing care for the most common obstetrical pathology and for the recognition of the phases of physiological labor to be adopted in a care context without a childbirth unit.
Pathophysiological notions about gynaecological cancers prevention, postmenopausal health and birth control will also be provided
At the end of the course, the student:
- must be able to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies and initiate appropriate interventions for the nursing management of them by communicating effectively within the care team
- recognize the stages of labor and delivery and know how to adopt the rules of assistance in the post-partum and puerperium
- be able to know the meaning of the main clinical and instrumental investigations used in obstetrics and gynecology
- will have acquired the basics to provide nursing counseling on issues relating to cancer prevention, prenatal diagnosis, menopause and birth control.
The course aims to reach students with the ability to perform with competence and autonomy professional activities aimed at prevention, care and protection of individual and collective health in children and women nursing care through preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative identifying the main diseases gynecological and obstetrical needs of female physical and mental health of infants and children .
The course also aims to:
- educational methodology applied for the prevention of gynecological diseases and the use of contraceptive methods
- Use the principles of childcare assistance for healthy newborn care and nursing process in the solution of priority health problems of the child in the various pediatric age
- provide the appropriate knowledge for a correct clinical approach to the main pathological gynecological and obstetrical services. In particular, acquire the ability to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies .
- Provide knowledge on the dynamics of physiological childbirth and postnatal care standards ; know the main clinical and instrumental used in obstetrics and gynecology
- Plan assistance to the woman from menopausal transition to post menopause
Provide adequate theoretical and practical knowledge for nursing care gynecological outpatient activities and in hospitalization.
In particular, provide adequate knowledge for nursing care for the most common obstetrical pathology and for the recognition of the phases of physiological labor to be adopted in a care context without a childbirth unit.
Pathophysiological notions about gynaecological cancers prevention, postmenopausal health and birth control will also be provided
At the end of the course, the student:
- must be able to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies and initiate appropriate interventions for the nursing management of them by communicating effectively within the care team
- recognize the stages of labor and delivery and know how to adopt the rules of assistance in the post-partum and puerperium
- be able to know the meaning of the main clinical and instrumental investigations used in obstetrics and gynecology
- will have acquired the basics to provide nursing counseling on issues relating to cancer prevention, prenatal diagnosis, menopause and birth control.
The course aims to reach students with the ability to perform with competence and autonomy professional activities aimed at prevention, care and protection of individual and collective health in children and women nursing care through preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative identifying the main diseases gynecological and obstetrical needs of female physical and mental health of infants and children .
The course also aims to:
- educational methodology applied for the prevention of gynecological diseases and the use of contraceptive methods
- Use the principles of childcare assistance for healthy newborn care and nursing process in the solution of priority health problems of the child in the various pediatric age
- provide the appropriate knowledge for a correct clinical approach to the main pathological gynecological and obstetrical services. In particular, acquire the ability to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies .
- Provide knowledge on the dynamics of physiological childbirth and postnatal care standards ; know the main clinical and instrumental used in obstetrics and gynecology
- Plan assistance to the woman from menopausal transition to post menopause
Provide adequate theoretical and practical knowledge for nursing care gynecological outpatient activities and in hospitalization.
In particular, provide adequate knowledge for nursing care for the most common obstetrical pathology and for the recognition of the phases of physiological labor to be adopted in a care context without a childbirth unit.
Pathophysiological notions about gynaecological cancers prevention, postmenopausal health and birth control will also be provided
At the end of the course, the student:
- must be able to recognize obstetric and gynecological emergencies and initiate appropriate interventions for the nursing management of them by communicating effectively within the care team
- recognize the stages of labor and delivery and know how to adopt the rules of assistance in the post-partum and puerperium
- be able to know the meaning of the main clinical and instrumental investigations used in obstetrics and gynecology
- will have acquired the basics to provide nursing counseling on issues relating to cancer prevention, prenatal diagnosis, menopause and birth control. Prerequisites
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Modulo: 009448 - PEDIATRIA
Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, in particular of the menstrual cycle. Basic knowledge of clinical pharmacology and general surgery.
Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.
Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, in particular of the menstrual cycle. Basic knowledge of clinical pharmacology and general surgery.
Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. Course programme
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Modulo: 009448 - PEDIATRIA
Pediatric epidemiology (infant mortality and morbidity)
Acute diarrhea and dehydration. Celiac disease.
The evaluation of a general character of a child aged < 5 years with fever, severity scores (traffic light system)
Specific febrile diseases: respiratory infections, urinary tract infection, meningitis, Kawasaki disease.
Febrile seizures.
Rash diseases of childhood.
The healthy and critical newborn infant. Nutritional requirements and nutrition. Pediatric critical care.
Nursing assistance to the child in Pediatric Triage, treatment of pain, inconsolable crying, trauma from accidental fall;
drug dilution and correct drug administration;
Parent-child relationship;
Main pediatric emergency situations: burns, allergies, febrile convulsions, gastro-intestinal disorders, sepsis;
Intensive monitoring: vital signs, elimination (meconium and diuresis)
EGA evaluation, complete blood count, biochemicals, blood cultures, blood group
The pediatric history and physical examination
Vital parameters in pediatric age, locations and methods of detection with related ranges
Nursing assistance in the preparation and execution of laboratory tests in the pediatric age
Health education for parents (recognizing the signs of a seizure, detecting the temperature, suitable microclimate, suitable clothing, correct use of medicines)
Preparation and assistance for the gynecological and obstetric examination. Hints of obstetric-gynecological semeiotics, meaning of the main clinical and instrumental investigations.
Diagnosis of pregnancy. Antenatal diagnosis.
Uterine bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy: threat of miscarriage, extrauterine pregnancy
Clinical presentation of obstetric emergencies of the II-III trimester of pregnancy: placenta previa, abruption of normally inserted placenta.
Hypertension in pregnancy. Preeclampsia.
Definition of the times of labor and physiological delivery and afterbirth. Postpartum and puerperium.
Clinical presentation of abnormal uterine bleeding.
Pelvic inflammatory disease: prevention and clinical presentation.
The pelvic masses (fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian masses): clinical presentation and standards of care.
Women's health after menopause.
The contraceptive methods.
Cancer prevention in gynecology.
Apgar index, neonatal resuscitation indications, PV control, intubation indication, thermal maintenance, aspiration and airway control.
Heating cradle and incubator management and transport.
Newborn in intensive care: maintaining a patent airway (intubation or NCPAP)
Finding the umbilical vein. Metabolic Screening (Guthrie)
Control of bilirubinemia, neonatal jaundice, phototherapy
Intensive monitoring: vital signs, elimination (meconium and diuresis)
EGA evaluation, complete blood count, biochemicals, blood cultures, blood group
Nutrition: types, breast milk and bank milk, infant formula
Gavage: continuously by the hour, by gravity or by minutes with a pump
Nidcap: child well-being, nest building, containment techniques, wrapping, holding, handling
Pain assessment: specific forms and specific interventions
Welcoming and educating parents: diaper change, bathing, baby carrier therapy and recognition of your child
The pediatric history and physical examination
Vital parameters in pediatric age, locations and methods of detection with related ranges
Nursing assistance in the preparation and execution of laboratory tests in the pediatric age
Health education for parents (recognizing the signs of a seizure, detecting the temperature, suitable microclimate, suitable clothing, correct use of medicines) Didactic methods
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Modulo: 009448 - PEDIATRIA
For all modules are planned Problem based learning, laboratory gestures, seminars, lectures.
lectures, case method
For all modules are planned Problem based learning, laboratory gestures, seminars, lectures.
For all modules are planned case method, seminars, lectures. Learning assessment procedures
Quiz with multiple choice. Possible to carry out the written test 1 only once in the academic year.
Oral examination: 2/3 questions on various subjects for the duration of about 20 min; are valued: knowledge of the subject, the ability of interdisciplinary links, references to nursing practice, the properties of language and the exposure quality
Verification of learning will be carried out through a written test.
The written test lasting between 15 and 30 minutes depending on the total number and the different complexity and type of questions, without the use of notes or books or personal electronic devices, in the presence of teachers or using telematic methods.
The questions will be formulated with multiple choice questions (4 options for each question) relating to all the training objectives as defined above. The questions will be prepared in order to verify the knowledge and skills acquired by the student both with reference to the basic notions and with reference to their clinical application, also through the interpretation of clinical data, the resolution of simple clinical problems . The score is awarded out of thirty. The maximum score, equal to 30 cum laude, is provided for those who correctly answer all the questions; the minimum score, equal to 18, is provided for those who reach 60% of the maximum score, taking into account the different weight attributed to the questions themselves. Questions may have different weight based on the complexity of the question and the particular knowledge that occurs. There will be no penalty for wrong or missing answers . The test result will be published together with the most frequently incorrect questions.
"N.B. To facilitate the proper preparation for the exam, the student can only attend one session per month."
Other ways of verifying learning can be programmed if required by particularly critical general situations or states of emergency, as indicated by the University.
Oral exam on the main topics in the classroom and affect nursing care to the healthy newborn and critic (evaluation at birth, diagnostic tests), the child with fever, celiac disease, seizures. The evaluation criteria relate to the correctness and completeness of the contents, the mastery of scientific language, the integration between disciplines and problem solving skills. The evaluation is thirty, the duration is about 20 minutes.
Written exam with 15 multiple-choice questions (4 answers each one of which is correct). Each correct answer is worth 2 points for a total of 30. The time available is 30 minutes.
The issues assessed concern the health of the woman, the contraception, pregnant women (diagnosis, health education), assistance during childbirth, breast-feeding; screening for the prevention of cervical cancer and mammography; menopause (clinical aspects and health education on healthy lifestyles and prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease).
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Modulo: 009448 - PEDIATRIA
Elementi essenziali di Pediatria per corsi di laurea triennali di Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti, Esculapio, Bologna 2017
Perluigi Badon, Simone Cesaro,Manuale di nursing pediatrico, CEA, Milano, 2002
Huband, Nursing Pediatrico, Ed. McGraw-Hill
¿ Per le Diagnosi infermieristiche fare riferimento al testo NANDA International, Diagnosi infermieristiche 2021-2023, XII edizione, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
¿ Per i NOC e relativi indicatori fare riferimento al testo Morhead S., Swanson E., Johnson M., Maas M., Classificazione NOC dei risultati infermieristici, edizione 3° italiana, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana;
¿ Per i NIC e relativi interventi fare riferimento al testo Butcher H., Bulechek G., Dochterman J., Wagner C., Classificazione NIC degli interventi infermieristici, edizione 3° italiana, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Ferrari, Frigerio, Ostetricia e ginecologia. Core curriculum - ISBN: 978883863970- 8.2013
AAVV., Infermieristica in area materno infantile, McGrawHill 2014
Teaching material provided by the teacher and uploaded on the didactic platform
- Raccomandazioni Linee Guida SIN
- Buone pratiche European standards of care for newborn health
- NANDA International, “Diagnosi infermieristiche – definizione e classificazione 2021-2023”, CEA, Milano
- Howard Butcher, Gloria Bulechek, Joanne Mccloskey Dochterman, Cheryl Wagner, CLASSIFICAZIONE NIC DEGLI INTERVENTI INFERMIERISTICI, terza edizioneitaliana sulla settima edizione originale, CEA, Milano, 2020
- Sue Moorhead, Elizabeth Swanson, Marion Johnson, Meridean Maas, CLASSIFICAZIONE NOC DEI RISULTATI INFERMIERISTICI, Misurazione dei risultati di salute terza edizione italiana sulla sesta edizione originale, CEA, Milano, 2020
- Perluigi Badon, Simone Cesaro,Manuale di nursing pediatrico, CEA, Milano, 2002
- Patrizia di Giacomo, Luisa Anna Rigon, Assistenza Infermieristica e ostetrica in area materno-infantile-percorsi assistenziale con la donna, il neonato e la famiglia, CEA, Milano, 2002
- Huband, Nursing Pediatrico, Ed. McGraw-Hill