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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course is aimed at providing scientific knowledge on the physiology of human reproduction as well as the stages and phenomena of implantation and conception. Particular attention will be laid on the menstrual and ovarian cycle, along with the notion of ovarian reserve. The lectures will dwell on possible factors impairing fertility, including environmental factors and medical diseases. The etiology of infertility will be extensively dealt with, especially focusing on the most frequent and interesting causes. Furthermore, the students will be taught the diagnostic investigation needed and the therapeutic options available when addressing a couple with fertility problems. Thus, the students will acquire the theorical-practical background needed to identify and critically analyze infertile patients. Specialist preparation will be tested through the discussion of cases dealing with major gynecologic issues. Major medical conditions, such as recurrent pregnancy loss and endometriosis will be the subject of specific lessons. Further topical subjects include: sexology, psycho-emotional analysis of the infertile couple, cultural-specific perspective, neonatal outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies, the effect of endocrine disruptors on human fertility and fertility preservation options in cancer patients.


Knowledge of pre-clinic disciplines and passed Physiology II and General Pathology II tests and pathophysiology

Course programme

1. PHYSIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION: Menstrual cycle / Ovarian cycle
Epidemiology, Classification: Male, Female, Unexplained
Male infertility causes, special focus on varicocele
Female infertility causes, special focus on polycystic ovary syndrome
Female infertility causes, special focus on tubal and uterine factor. Female infertility causes, special focus on premature ovarian failure. Female infertility causes, special focus on autoimmune infertility
Diagnostic procedures:
Hormonal exams. Imaging techniques . Ultrasound monitoring. Semen analysis
Fertility treatment:
Ovarian stimulation protocols. Intrauterine insemination. In vitro techniques. Egg donation and surrogacy. Possible complications: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Etiology. Diagnosis. Treatment
Etiology. Clinical presentation. Treatment
Sex and Internet
The cultural impact of infertility and its treatment
The effect of chemical endocrine disruptors on human fertility
Psychological Burden associated with infertility and its treatment
Fertility preservation options in cancer patients
Neonatal outcomes in assisted reproductive technologies

Didactic methods

Lectures and discussion of case reports (evidence based learning)

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the exam is to verify at which level the learning objectives previously described have been acquired.
The exam consists of an oral examination of about 30 minutes ; 3 questions will be made on the program topics to evaluate the acquired knowledge and the ability to apply them in the clinical management of the patient.

Reference texts

Zanoio L., Barcellona E.,Zacchè G., Ginecologia e Ostetricia, Elsevier Masson, 2007
Grella P.V., Massobrio M., Pecorelli S., Zicchella L., Compendio di Ginecologia e Ostetricia, 3° Ed., 2006
Pescetto, De Cecco, Pecorari, Ragni : Ginecologia e Ostetricia, 2 vol., Soc.Editrice Universo
T. Wierdis, C. Romanini, Ginecologia e Ostetricia, Minerva Medica