Academic year and teacher
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- Versione italiana
- Academic year
- 2018/2019
- Teacher
- Credits
- 11
- Didactic period
- Primo Semestre
Training objectives
Basic knowledge: principles of the IT, hardware components, Operating System, Data Base and Networking.
Applications in the medical field.
Acquisition of the mathematical formalism suitable to a proper application of general medical sciences relevant physics concepts
Acquisition concepts and physical magnitudes useful to the understanding of events physiopathological phenomena's own the human body.
Application of scientific methodology to the description and interpretation of simple, natural phenomena. Prerequisites
Knowledge of mathematics includes basic arithmetic, algebra, Euclidean geometry, trigonometry and calculating differential and integral elements.
None Course programme
Information Technology: knowledge of «informatics» and data, Von Neumann machine, algorithm and program, Turing machine, measurement units in IT. Elements of Boole's Algebra and logic gate, code and representation, conversion between numeral systems, knowledge of analogical and digital signal, ASCII code.
Computer hardware: knowledge of the various components and their functions, also related to the Von Neumann function. How to elaborate an image.
Knowledge of Operating System and generic software, service functions of an OS. Knowledge of program, context, process, status of a process. Virtual memory usage: SWAP and pagination, File. Introduction to the spreadsheet.
Database: what's a meta-data and what are the related logical structures: linear, relational, reticular, hierarchical, object oriented. Insight of the usage of relational databases.
Distributed systems and networking: network classification, architecture and protocols. The 5 levels of the internet.
Basic mathematics: trigonometry, notion and estimate of limits; continuous functions; notion and estimate of derivatives and derivatives of some functions of interest in medicine; notion of integral and integrals of some functions of interest in medicine.
Point motions: rectilinear motion, uniform circular motion, simple harmonic motion, analysis of a plane motion.
Dynamics laws and kinetic energy: dynamics laws, inertial reference frame and inertial forces, work and kinetic energy, power.
Forces and potential energy: conservative and non conservative forces, potential energy, gravitational force, electrostatic force, elastic force, contact force, friction force.
Material point systems and conservation principles: centre of mass, moment of a couple of forces, angular momentum, rigid body, action of the forces applied to a rigid body, centre of gravity, rigid body equilibrium, internal energy of matter, work of non conservative forces, conservation of the energy, momentum and the angular momentum. Precessing motion, harmonic oscillator, simple pendulum.
Kinetic theory of matter: kinetic theory of gases, diffusion.
liquids and solids, continuity equation, flows of ideal and viscous fluids in a rigid pipe, turbulent flow, fluids at rest, Archimede’s law.
Some properties of matter: traction and compression stresses, effects of the cohesion forces, surface ten-sion, Laplace's law, effect of a bubble in a pipe, function of elastic pipes in pulsed conditions.
Thermodynamics principles: macrostate and microstate, first principle of thermodynamics, Carnot's cycle, entropy, second principle of thermodynamics, Gibbs free energy.
Electric charges: electric field and electric potential, electric field and potential gradient, electric dipole, potential difference through a semipermeable membrane.
Electric currents and circuits: electric power, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, analogies between electric and hydrodynamics circuits, RC circuits.
Magnetic effects of electric currents: expressions of the magnetic field, magnetic force, magnetic dipole in a magnetic field, magnetic flux, alternating currents, Larmor frequency.
Wave-like phenomena: Fourier analysis, equation of a propagating one-dimensional sinusoidal wave, power carried by a sinusoidal wave on a string, equation of a pressure wave in a rigid pipe, intensity of a wave on a string and in an ideal compressible fluid, diffraction, interference, reflection, refraction, total reflection, geometrical and physical attenuation of the wave intensity.
Sound waves and sound level.
Light waves: diopter spherical and thin lenses.
Atomic and nuclear physics: quantum and photon, particles in a box, X-rays, radioactive decay, absorbed dose. Didactic methods
- The course provides integrated 150 teaching hours divided into 112 hours of lectures and 38 hours of online assisted teaching.
The hours of on-line teaching of moodle platform certification service consisting in the deepening of some topics covered in class and indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the course. Learning assessment procedures
Written test. It is composed by multiple-choice questions (each with four possible answers), tables to be filled-in, correspondence between two groups of words. Each correct answer (either a multple choice or an entry in a table) is worth 1 point. The student scores a maximum of 31 points, with all the correct answers. Each wrong answer gives a 0.2 penality, each missing answer gives zero points. Duration: one hour.
Oral test with three questions on various topics. Duration: 20- 30 minuts. It evaluates the properties of language the clarity of presentation, the consequentiality and the ability to link.
To pass the exam of the integrated course you must pass before the written test of informatics and then take and pass the oral examination of medical physics and mathematics.
The rating of the integrated course results from the weighted average of the votes of the two tests, Informatics and Medical Physics and Mathematics. Reference texts
L.Mari, G. Buonanno, D. Sciuto: Informatica e cultura dell’informazione. Mc- Graw_Hill 2012
Teacher notes
E. Casnati, Elementi di fisica generale per scienze mediche, CEA
Teacher notes